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Everything posted by roo860

  1. Where's it say he stacks shelves in Tesco, or is that just your imagination?
  2. Won't stop the over size big mouthed Yanks either
  3. Surprised it took this long 😅😅
  4. Happens alot with Harley owners🙂
  5. Met him at the 1980 Macau GP, had quite a long chat with him, lovely fella RIP.
  6. Amateurs, 4 yrs is nothing compared to the Chiang Mai guy's 25yrs.
  7. Well done to the bike lads, excellent gesture. The monks accepted the ride, so their choice.
  8. Here's one from Thai news Ch32 this morning, ferrying school kids, the minibus had bench seats! The rear door could not be closed, had no lock, was only it's weight holding it shut, this was discovered at the police station (I stopped recording before this), that kid was very lucky not to be hit by another vehicle, fortunately for him it happened at slow speed, 20250226_070648.mp4 that's how much care they take transporting children, disgusting.
  9. Immigration in Chiang Mai should post the time he leaves Chiang Mai so all foreigners can form a guard of honour on the runway, raising their passports as a sign of respect, a true living legend.
  10. I don't think you got the joke...Urdo...hairdo 😁
  11. How does that turn out, gummy,🦷🦷?
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