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Everything posted by roo860

  1. If its less than 5 tabs doesn't warrant jail time only attend rehab?
  2. It's actually a change in the weather that brings out the best, put it down to the monsoon. And that your honour is the case for the defence.🫡🫡
  3. That's good info to know when getting attacked by a homicidal maniac with a wakizashi sword, I'll definitely be better prepared. 🫡
  4. He has been caught, he'll apologise, bit of grovelling, money will exchange hands. Everyone happy, Thai style.
  5. The recent incident involving a 25 year old gas station attendant, who was the victim of a drunken assault by a foreign man, has now reached a resolution with justice prevailing. The foreign man, identified as British passport holder Anthony Davis, has been approached by the Udon Thani Provincial Police and has subsequently come forward, acknowledging his wrongdoing and expressing remorse for his actions. money talks of course. Bloody idiot,
  6. Watch Ch32 or Ch34 news, I watch it every morning, starts at 6am, its mayhem, road fatalities, knife and gun fatalities every day.
  7. The news reporter says he is, but the police are tracing the number plate to identify the guy?
  8. Same in Chiang Mai around the moat area, laying under ground cables, the holes they dug covered with raised metal plates, bad enough when dry, when raining, lethal.
  9. Well done Gobfred you managed to get the British bash in, personally I couldn't give a monkeys what passport he's got, he's just a 🛎 end.
  10. Absolutely, thanks for that, that's what the video shows, travelling in opposite directions.
  11. How do you know he smoked? Or is that another generalisation of yours? Best you go and get some help to stop your bigoted views, mind you at your age you're probably beyond help.
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