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Everything posted by IslandLover

  1. There is an Instagram account in the name of "Eliran Alias" which is set to "private". It could be him judging by the profile picture (i.e. right age group). If 100,000 Euros has been offered to make the case go away, he's likely some rich kid with rich parents, like those who raped that girl in Cyprus a while back. EDIT - Looking at his picture on the Reddit thread posted earlier, the Instagram account I found is his. It also says he tried to set fire to his girlfriend in Israel 15 years ago. Nice guy - not! It also says he has been fined THB 2500 by the Samui Court after confessing to the crime.
  2. The British press is all over it now. British backpacker almost bleeds to death after being stabbed in neck in Thailand bar - World News - Mirror Online
  3. Sambum, I was replying to another poster who commented on my anecdote of witnessing a similar incident in a bar in Phuket in the early 1980s. It involved a drunken German tourist in a fight over a girl, and nobody got harmed fortunately. I'm well aware this latest incident involved a Briton and an Israeli and that the Israeli was the aggressor. Germans wielding broken beer bottles can be just as dangerous as Israelis, or any other nationality for that matter.
  4. The Daily Mail UK article gives a bit more detail and in less juvenile language. Horrifying moment British backpacker almost bleeds to death after he's attacked and stabbed in the neck in Thai bar 'after telling another tourist to leave his female friend alone' | Daily Mail Online It reminds me of the time, many years ago (early 1980s on my first visit to Phuket), when I was sitting at a beach bar and a drunk German next to me smashed a beer bottle on the bar and started threatening someone with it - again over a girl. Fortunately nobody was injured but it was a scary incident. The police were called and my husband and I beat a hasty retreat, having been warned not to get involved with the local cops.
  5. Well, I wouldn't know about that. :-)
  6. They must all be in Europe then because I didn't come across any when I was in Marrakech not too long ago. On the other hand, many of the Moroccan troublemakers in Belgium and the Netherlands were not born in Morocco, and instead are the children of immigrants.
  7. Absolutely! The whole point of this story is that the man in the German documentary was having sex with children.
  8. A rather good impression of the Pleiades (Seven Sisters) constellation. ????
  9. I don't think the banks are doing that here in NL but as you say, it is a government decision not an EU one. I know that France, which is also in the EU, has a much tighter control over its citizens' finances.
  10. Not true! At least not where I live. I have never once submitted my tax information to my bank in an EU country. From time to time they will send you a compliance letter, to check that you are who you say you are and not some criminal involved in money laundering. American Express does the same.
  11. Why is my "ex-pat network" (I used that term loosely, it is just a group of British people who live in the same EU country as me) wrong? Numerous people where I live had their British bank accounts closed post Brexit. The Halifax was among the banks to do so. HSBC and Santander (headquartered in Spain) were the only ones to still offer banking services to those with UK citizenship who did not actually reside in the UK. This has caused a lot of problems for those affected - those with private pensions, mortgages, rental income etc. which had formerly been paid into their UK bank accounts. Barclays, whom I used to bank with, have now decided to extend this idiocy worldwide. No doubt other banks will follow suit.
  12. It was due to Brexit initially when several UK banks (including Barclays) closed the accounts of Brits resident in the EU a couple of years ago. This was because the banks concerned never bothered to get the required banking licences to do business in the EU. Only HSBC and Santander did. Banking compliance regarding money laundering etc. is a separate issue entirely.
  13. HSBC and Santander are the only two UK High Street banks which continue to allow non-UK residents to bank with them, according to my "expat network".
  14. You should be OK. HSBC and Santander are the only two High Street banks in the UK which have continued to allow Brits not living in the UK to bank with them.
  15. Barclays and some other banks (Lloyds, NatWest etc.) closed accounts of Brits residing in the EU a couple of years back. The reason was Brexit. The banks never bothered to take out the required banking licences to continue to do business in the EU. Now Barclays is extending this worldwide, unless you have a "global" (usually offshore) account with them, but you have to maintain a balance of £100,000 at all times to avoid the monthly charge of £40. I'm told by fellow expats that HSBC and Santander are the only high street banks in the UK which continue to allow Brits resident abroad to maintain accounts.
  16. If you read the article properly, you will see he's still working for the Russian IT company. He's become a digital nomad.
  17. In various European holiday spots they usually beat the s**** out of them, according to the tabloid press.
  18. If you are talking about Mizzy, it doesn't seem to stop him. ????
  19. I thought he looked quite tall for the average Chinese, and yes, there was something about his physique that made him different. Having said that, China is a huge country with many different ethnic groups.
  20. I suspect it was filmed on Tik Tok for a reason. You should see what's happening in the UK at the moment with these so-called social media pranksters.
  21. It was filmed on Tik Tok for a reason. ????
  22. Yes, I saw that, thanks. Also an explanation of what really happened, i.e. he was denied boarding due to his disruptive behaviour.
  23. Notice the two little boys watching on in the video? The skateboard may have been theirs and the man attacking the cops may be their father. Likely scenario - the kids were causing mayhem with the skateboard and the cops intervened, which in turn set the father off.
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