This report does not mention the Netherlands. The breeding of pitbull terriers was banned in the Netherlands in 1993 and all remaining dogs were required to be sterilized. It was hoped that the breed would die out naturally but this ban was repealed in 2008 due to the vocal minority of pitbull fanciers and lobbyists. However, as a result maulings and deaths of the general public increased to such an extent that the ban was reinstated in 2018. These dogs are bred for fighting and their preferred method of attack is to go for the throat which usually proves fatal. To get round the bans, particularly in the UK, the latest designer dog derived from a pitbull is the American XL Bully which has killed more people than any other breed in the UK in last few years. The owners are often inadequate men who want to look hard, or criminals. These types of dogs have no place in civilised society.