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Everything posted by IslandLover

  1. Not Chinese. More like Japanese, or as other posters have suggested, Korean.
  2. They go for the throat and won't let go. This is why they are so lethal. There was a recent attack on a police horse in the UK. Fortunately it survived. I'm not sure about the dog (an American Bully) though. Horrifying moment out-of-control dog attacks police horse as brave onlookers try to help - Mirror Online
  3. Some certainly don't.
  4. Any dog that mains or kills a human needs putting down. I don't care what 'breed' it is.
  5. Probably why Gisele Bündchen divorced Tom Brady.
  6. This report does not mention the Netherlands. The breeding of pitbull terriers was banned in the Netherlands in 1993 and all remaining dogs were required to be sterilized. It was hoped that the breed would die out naturally but this ban was repealed in 2008 due to the vocal minority of pitbull fanciers and lobbyists. However, as a result maulings and deaths of the general public increased to such an extent that the ban was reinstated in 2018. These dogs are bred for fighting and their preferred method of attack is to go for the throat which usually proves fatal. To get round the bans, particularly in the UK, the latest designer dog derived from a pitbull is the American XL Bully which has killed more people than any other breed in the UK in last few years. The owners are often inadequate men who want to look hard, or criminals. These types of dogs have no place in civilised society.
  7. It was reported previously that he had tried to get a new passport from the Norwegian consulate/embassy in Hanoi. Presumably this didn't work and he resorted to getting one through illicit means. I find it odd that he would travel back home through Thailand though. Surely there are enough direct flights from Vietnam to Paris, which was his first European destination before he travelled on to Oslo?
  8. He held British nationality, was of Indian (Sikh) heritage and was living in Singapore, according to reports at the time of the murder.
  9. The article says he left Thailand on a false passport. So much for Thai immigration and the Interpol Red Notice! And just how did he get a false passport and from whom? Some questions need answering here.
  10. Perhaps the original post should be re-phrased to say "men" because let's face it, it's always the male of the species who causes these violent altercations.
  11. I never said it was only available in Amsterdam and Rotterdam. A lot of towns in NL have "coffee shops". Sure, it is not illegal to grow a small amount in your back yard for personal use, but try growing it in larger quantities in your garage or spare room and see what happens. One establishment near to where I live got raided recently. Police with helicopters were involved and it made the local news. The "crop" was destroyed. Shame really.
  12. Partaking of weed is tolerated in the Netherlands and you can buy it freely from "coffee shops" in major cities like Amsterdam and Rotterdam, but try growing it yourself and you can expect a visit from the cops. ????
  13. Or mistreating elephants for the amusement of tourists. ????
  14. There's gentle interaction and then there's harassment. Two entirely different things. I've witnessed harassment of wildlife first hand and those that do it deserve to be prosecuted. ????
  15. I had a similar-looking fish attach itself to me when I was snorkeling in Malaysia many years ago. I thought at the time is was a baby sea snake (yikes!) but it could well have been a pipefish. I didn't touch it, it touched me. All I know is, it wouldn't leave me alone!
  16. What happens if a fish touches you? (serious question, some fish are naturally curious) ????
  17. Thank you so much! ???? EDIT: Thank you again ????
  18. OK, please could you explain how I do this then? Preferably post a screenshot. The "edit" function is no longer there on my screen (I use a PC running MS Windows, not a mobile phone, to view the forum). Yes, I know there is a 30 minute window.
  19. Of course I have! I know how it used to work.
  20. Yep, some humans revert to being Neanderthals, or worse! ????
  21. I've had one today. It arrived a few hours ago.
  22. I'm wondering if it has something to do with the new labels we have been given? I am now a "Rookie Member" even though I have been a member of the forum since 2014. Perhaps lower ranking persons are not allowed to edit their posts. ????
  23. Surely we are allowed to use the 'ha-ha' emoji if we find a post actually funny/amusing? ???? ???? Now I'm trolling ????
  24. I'm getting my newsletters again now but they seem to be erratic. On some days I will get two newsletters, and on others, only one.
  25. A question for blackcab: Has the ability to edit one's posts been removed? If so, why? There used to be an edit function after a post was made which stayed active for a short time. This seems to have disappeared.
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