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Chairman Of The Board

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Posts posted by Chairman Of The Board

  1. Oh because I refuse to exploit my daughter and you did exploit your daughter, you think that I am the odd one out.

    So your whole defence about exploiting children is to excuse your actions and to try to take away the guilt that you feel.

    I would encourage you to come to planet Earth and see reality.

    If you have any evidence that I exploited my daughter please post it if not remove your post.

    Ok, have it your way:

    Oh because I refuse to exploit my daughter and in my view you did exploit your daughter, you think that I am the odd one out.

    So your whole defence about exploiting children is to excuse your actions and to try to take away the guilt that you feel.

    I would encourage you to come to planet Earth and see reality.

    Where does it say I exploited my daughter. That is a nasty slanderous thing to say. Prove it or remove your posts accusing me of exploiting my daughter.

    Eat my shorts Chiang Mai Kelly.

  2. A lot of the "modelling" competitions are more about the pushy parents, than the children. The people that run them, and are involved in the "modelling" industry on the whole are bottom feeders. It was quite apparent after my youngest did several shoots, what sort of people were around, and we quickly decided it was not something we wished her to be exposed to.

    Dance Moms is a very popular show that embodies most of the elements that you are talking about.

    It may even be child abuse as the above video suggests.

    I think most normal people in Thailand can see the difference between abuse and the kids having fun.

    Not something that I would be searching the web for but each to his own, eh? thumbsup.gif

  3. Oh because I refuse to exploit my daughter and you did exploit your daughter, you think that I am the odd one out.

    So your whole defence about exploiting children is to excuse your actions and to try to take away the guilt that you feel.

    I would encourage you to come to planet Earth and see reality.

    If you have any evidence that I exploited my daughter please post it if not remove your post.

    Ok, have it your way:

    Oh because I refuse to exploit my daughter and in my view you did exploit your daughter, you think that I am the odd one out.

    So your whole defence about exploiting children is in my view to excuse your actions and to try to take away the guilt that you feel.

    I would encourage you to come to planet Earth and see reality.

  4. Oh because I refuse to exploit my daughter and in my view you did exploit your daughter, you think that I am the odd one out.

    So your whole defence about exploiting children is in my view to excuse your actions and to try to take away the guilt that you feel.

    I would encourage you to come to planet Earth and see reality.

  5. Don't know why he wants me to talk about Jimmy Saville and Rotherham.

    I think that this man has some very deep seated problems.

    You wrote, "Or better still let her enjoy her childhood instead of being pressured to show off her body to perverts who prey on girls of this age."

    Those are not normal thoughts or feelings of an adult in the West. Girls and or women are allowed to wear bathing suits or model costumes in the West. It is not to show off their body to perverts. If you want to find out what a pervert is google Jimmy Saville and Rotherham and not a model contests in Thailand.

    Normal feelings in the West, how many Westerners on this board are agreeing with your 'unique' way of thinking and how many are disagreeing with you.

    Why do you have a fixation with Jimmy Saville and Rotherham?

    Considering the postings of other posters, I would say that it is you that is displaying views that are not normal.

    Remember CMK, if you fail to spot the fool in the room, then it's you.

  6. Chairman Of The Board, on 15 Nov 2014 - 07:41, said:snapback.png

    Why come on a Thai forum to push your perv ideas and cast aspersions on something every parent knows is normal. What perverted delight to you take in mocking normal people?

    You wrote, "Or better still let her enjoy her childhood instead of being pressured to show off her body to perverts who prey on girls of this age." Because the kids want to do it. For the average parent it is just another expense for a costume and snapshots that will be forgotten in five minutes. Some children have the talent and beauty to make it but you come on here to mock their success. Why? You have never been to Thailand or had any children. You are not in even the smallest detail qualified to comment.

    Firstly I do live in Thailand, secondly I do have children, My oldest is a 16 year old girl.

    You call me a perv but you are the one who enjoys this kind of thing.

    If a child is beautiful then by all means take a picture of the natural beauty (their face).

    There is no need to dress a child in full make up and a leotard just to show off their beauty.

    If you feel that you really need to look at little girls in questionable outfits then there are websites that will cater to your needs, but don't come on here and try to make excuses up for the things that rock your boat and at the same time accuse someone with a moral code of being a perv.

    You wrote, "If a child is beautiful then by all means take a picture of the natural beauty (their face).There is no need to dress a child in full make up and a leotard just to show off their beauty.

    That's that stuff in places where women have to wear burkas. You do know that is it legal in most countries for girls of any age to wear a bikini and go to the beach. Not only is it legal it is commonplace. There is no enjoying this kind of thing about it is normal.

    If you want to push your beliefs that women should not wear two piece bathing suits there are countries where they would accept that idea but this is Thailand.

    Oh dear lord, you really do have a tiny mind don't you.

    Because I disagree with parents dressing their children like whores and the pervs who encourage this sort of behaviour, you think that I am wrong.

    This has to be a classic case of 'The Rotherham Defence'. biggrin.png

    • Like 1
  7. I'm sure all of you guys trashing this girl's looks are a great bunch of handsome specimens.

    She is a pretty enough 15 year old girl, but she isn't a super model

    Well shes better looking than Kate Moss, but who isn't.



    MR Dave ... I think we are getting confused who we are talking about here.

    Mr Toad's daughter is not up for discussion.


    Dave, I think that you need to re-read the post.

    Mr.Dave is talking about the girl who won the super model comp and not Toady's daughter.

    • Like 2
  8. Chairman Of The Board, on 15 Nov 2014 - 07:41, said:snapback.png

    thailiketoo, on 15 Nov 2014 - 07:26, said:snapback.png

    No I don't think so. This poor soul is another wanabee digital pikey posting from his home country dreaming of the good life in Thailand from what he sees on the web. Had he ever been to Thailand he would know these events are attended by families and not single men in raincoats as in his home country.

    Like I say, if this is your thing you can keep enjoying it.

    Why come on a Thai forum to push your perv ideas and cast aspersions on something every parent knows is normal. What perverted delight to you take in mocking normal people?

    You wrote, "Or better still let her enjoy her childhood instead of being pressured to show off her body to perverts who prey on girls of this age." Because the kids want to do it. For the average parent it is just another expense for a costume and snapshots that will be forgotten in five minutes. Some children have the talent and beauty to make it but you come on here to mock their success. Why? You have never been to Thailand or had any children. You are not in even the smallest detail qualified to comment.

    Firstly I do live in Thailand, secondly I do have children, My oldest is a 16 year old girl.

    You call me a perv but you are the one who enjoys this kind of thing.

    If a child is beautiful then by all means take a picture of the natural beauty (their face).

    There is no need to dress a child in full make up and a leotard just to show off their beauty.

    If you feel that you really need to look at little girls in questionable outfits then there are websites that will cater to your needs, but don't come on here and try to make excuses up for the things that rock your boat and at the same time accuse someone with a moral code of being a perv.

    • Like 1
  9. Or better still let her enjoy her childhood instead of being pressured to show off her body to perverts who prey on girls of this age.

    I shore am glad my country wouldn't do stuff like that. Brooke Shields at 15 years of age below.biggrin.png

    Yeap. So easy to come to Thailand and try to pass judgement on everything. Hypocracy at its best.

    No I don't think so. This poor soul is another wanabee digital pikey posting from his home country dreaming of the good life in Thailand from what he sees on the web. Had he ever been to Thailand he would know these events are attended by families and not single men in raincoats as in his home country.

    Like I say, if this is your thing you can keep enjoying it.

  10. What a bunch of kill joys. Let the girl enjoy her 15 minutes of fame.

    Or better still let her enjoy her childhood instead of being pressured to show off her body to perverts who prey on girls of this age.

    I shore am glad my country wouldn't do stuff like that. Brooke Shields at 15 years of age below.biggrin.png

    My post is not about Thailand it is about children.

    Brooke Shields mother should have been hung for the way she forced her daughter into show business.

  11. What a bunch of kill joys. Let the girl enjoy her 15 minutes of fame.

    Or better still let her enjoy her childhood instead of being pressured to show off her body to perverts who prey on girls of this age.

    I shore am glad my country wouldn't do stuff like that. Brooke Shields at 15 years of age below.biggrin.png

    Yeap. So easy to come to Thailand and try to pass judgement on everything. Hypocracy at its best.

    If I'm ruining your fun I apologize.

    Please continue to ogle this 15 year old at your own leisure. biggrin.png

  12. What a bunch of kill joys. Let the girl enjoy her 15 minutes of fame.

    Or better still let her enjoy her childhood instead of being pressured to show off her body to perverts who prey on girls of this age.

    Get real. This type of competition, for all ages is common. These competitions aren't aimed at the dirty pervert brigade. Children all over the world take part in activities like this. I doubt they were wearing skimpy clothes as you seem to imagine.

    These competitions vary in content. Some are modelling, some have to sing, dance, answer questions or whatever. I've been to a number of these shows. The contestants are nice, thoroughly enjoy it and have good fun together. One or two parents take it too seriously and get too competitive, as you might expect. This being Thailand, there are often competitions where the results are "a little surprising"; and I've seen audiences boo and argue at schools/temples competitions. But never the kids.

    How do you know she was pressured? Does it occur to you she may actually enjoy this?

    The PC brigade only want children to do activities they personally approve of, as with all things.

    Well you have your level of what you find acceptable and I have mine.

    In my view 90% of the children in these types of competition are pushed into taking part by over zealous parents who want their little baby to be ‘special’ without having to learn a talent.

    It still never fails to shock me when I walk into a shopping mall and there is another child beauty/cheerleader contest where the children (yes children) are dressed up like sluts and have a make up makeover that would not look out of place in Nana plaza.

    Which parent would allow

    Have you seen the amount of old men who attend these events?

    Children should be allowed to be children and not forced/allowed to flaunt their bodies for all and the world to ogle over.

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