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Chairman Of The Board

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Posts posted by Chairman Of The Board

  1. Its at a point where proof is needed. Saying its all true just isnt enough at this point.

    How convenient this car business is all working out. A guy just happens to know people @ Swampy who are willing to watch the car. How convenient is that.

    This whole thing is running smoother than a 500 baht ROLEX.

    I've known Weegee personally for quite some time. I met Allan a few days ago. It's all above board.

    But talking about skepticism....you just joined and come on here with your oh so confident naysaying, What's your agenda and from where did you come?

    I reckon the techie mods should look into members that have 2 TVF personas.....

    Agreed, for someone who has registered just to find out more information and proof about this case looks mighty suspicious.

    By also making a few (throwaway) posts on other threads it looks like this poster is trying to cover his/her tracks.

    Mods, can this account be investigated, It may only be a poster using a second account but it could be someone helping the victim's ex wife.

  2. Gweiloman, I have received a PM from a mutual friend who has informed me of the pedigree of your bike riding.

    I do apologize that I questioned your riding abilities. wai.gif

    However, I still maintain that the tollways are not safe for bikers.

    I do understand that you can ride a bike and would probably be very safe on the tollways but the average Thai biker on the average Thai bike (step through chicken chaser) would not be able to handle the tollways safely.

    When you factor in the speed of the other drivers, the crosswinds on the elevated roads and the ‘back draft’ from lorries, the average Thai biker would find this too daunting and would become an even greater danger.

    Just one small correction from your post, I have ridden motor bikes for over 30 years but not always in Thailand (I haven’t lived here that long).

    Oh, and as for the 160kph on the Bangna Trad highway, That is not an unusual speed on that road, if I went any slower nearly every vehicle would be whizzing past me.

    Also given your track experience, I would guess that you may have pushed the speed limits in Thailand once or twice. thumbsup.gif

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  3. A tollway is a road where you pay a toll to go on.

    So you state that you don't find riding a motorbike on a tollway any more dangerous than normal roads, this must mean that you have driven a bike on a tollway.

    I do not believe this for one second, no one would come onto a forum and openly admit to being a total brainless idiot.

    If you are riding a motorbike in Thailand you should have a driving license and with your level of knowledge about riding a motorbike you could not possibly have passed a driving test (of any kind).

    It is fools like you that cause accidents and problems on the Thai roadways.

    Apart from paying a toll to get onto a tollway, what differences are there between a tollway and a highway? Same speeds, same surface conditions, same cars, same drivers. In fact, the surface conditions on a tollway are much better and thus safer for motorcycles. In many other countries, bikes are allowed on tollways - what is your comment on this?

    Yes, I have mistakenly gone on the tollway Northbound Pattaya - Bangkok. So has many other riders. Reason is that unless you have travelled this route often, you do not realise that in the space of 5 seconds, you are already on the tollway and there is no turn off. There are no toll booths at the entrance to the tollway. There are no signs prohibiting bikes from entering. There is nothing to indicate that there will be a toll plaza a few kms down the road. The signs in fact would make a biker think that it is allowed as it indicates clearly a "Blue" tollway as well as normal "Green" A and B roads. Do you know this road well? If you don't, you should not be making sweeping comments.

    I do ride a motorbike in Thailand and I do have a driving license (one for a bike and one for a car). My level of knowledge has been sufficient to allow me to pass driving tests in Australia, Asia and the UK and I have driven safely without incident for over 30 years from Australia to America and Europe in between.

    On what do you base your judgement that people like me cause accidents and problems on the roads? Because we think that tollways and some overpasses should be opened to certain bikes? And that you think tollways and overpasses are dangerous for bikes? Not sure if you live in Bangkok but there is an overpass / bridge that runs on top of Rama 9 / Kamphaeng Phet. Bikes are allowed on it Eastbound from town towards Suvarnabhumi but not Westbound into Bkk. Can you think of a reason for this? (Hint : there is no such thing as logic in Thailand).

    I take it from your posts that you don't ride a bike and therefore have no inkling of the focus and attentions of bikers when on the roads. You will most likely therefore disagree with my comment that bikers are probably better motorists than car drivers as we scan the roads more often and we are more aware of potential hazards, simply because the downside is greater.

    If a road does not have toll booths and is free to travel on then it is not a tollway.

    No I don't ride a bike in Thailand.

    I used to until i realized how dangerous it can be, thanks to drivers such as yourself.

    How do people like you cause accidents, because you drive and then think later.

    You have no logic nor road sense.

    To be honest, from what you have posted on here, I cannot believe that you have ridden bikes for over 30 years and I can guarantee that you have not ridden SAFELY for over 30 years.

    Motorcyclists or their passengers account for between 70 to 80% of fatalities on the roads of Thailand.


    If you think that bikers are better motorists than car drivers in Thailand then you are quite obviously riding your bike in a state of ignorance, so does that really make you a safe rider?








  4. No, no trouble with my comprehension, thank you.

    It's obvious you don't ride a bike. Many over and under passes in Bkk are banned for motorcycles - despite that, many motorcycles still go on them. If you ride, you will understand why.

    Nevertheless, banned or not, he slipped and fell. That's an accident, regardless of how you want to view it.

    If you do not know the difference between the dangers of taking a small motorbike on a tollway or an overpass then you really do have problems with your comprehension.

    We have all seen thousands of motorbikes illegally zipping over an overpass but I have never seen one motorbike (apart from Police bikes) on the tollways.

    In fact police like motorcyclists to go over the overpasses because this helps push up their salaries, which is why they wait at the exit areas of the overpasses rather than at the entrances stopping the motorcyclists from entering.

    However, the police would never allow a motorcycle to enter the tollways , and for very good reason.

    So do you ride a ride a bike in Thailand?

    How safe and knowledgeable do you think that you are?

    Yes, I do ride a bike in Thailand. And I don't find it any more dangerous on tollways or overpasses than on many other highways or normal roads.

    The reason you don't usually see any motorbikes on the tollways is because it's very difficult to get onto it (toll booths serve as a barrier). However, it's very easy to mistakenly enter the tollway on HIghway 7 from Pattaya to Bangkok as there are no barriers or even signs.

    A bike can slide as easily on a normal (allowed) road as on a tollway. Most motorcycle fatalities in Thailand happens on allowed roads, not on tollways or overpasses.

    A tollway is a road where you pay a toll to go on.

    So you state that you don't find riding a motorbike on a tollway any more dangerous than normal roads, this must mean that you have driven a bike on a tollway.

    I do not believe this for one second, no one would come onto a forum and openly admit to being a total brainless idiot.

    If you are riding a motorbike in Thailand you should have a driving license and with your level of knowledge about riding a motorbike you could not possibly have passed a driving test (of any kind).

    It is fools like you that cause accidents and problems on the Thai roadways.

  5. It was an accident. He did not chose to slip and fall.

    Let's say that your wife and child are standing on the side of the road, waiting to cross the street at a zebra crossing. An out of control truck slams into them and crushes their skulls. Can I say that it was no accident and that they chose to be standing there?

    "...after inspecting the CCTV cameras on the tollway, police found he secretly slipped onto the tollway." wai2.gifwai.gif

    "...despite that motorcycle is banned on tollway."

    Have a bit of trouble with reading comprehension do you?


    No, no trouble with my comprehension, thank you.

    It's obvious you don't ride a bike. Many over and under passes in Bkk are banned for motorcycles - despite that, many motorcycles still go on them. If you ride, you will understand why.

    Nevertheless, banned or not, he slipped and fell. That's an accident, regardless of how you want to view it.

    If you do not know the difference between the dangers of taking a small motorbike on a tollway or an overpass then you really do have problems with your comprehension.

    We have all seen thousands of motorbikes illegally zipping over an overpass but I have never seen one motorbike (apart from Police bikes) on the tollways.

    In fact police like motorcyclists to go over the overpasses because this helps push up their salaries, which is why they wait at the exit areas of the overpasses rather than at the entrances stopping the motorcyclists from entering.

    However, the police would never allow a motorcycle to enter the tollways , and for very good reason.

    So do you ride a ride a bike in Thailand?

    How safe and knowledgeable do you think that you are?

  6. Ryan, at the end of this month the International Motor Expo will take place at the Impact Arena.

    It runs from 29th November through 10th December and is a great place to pick up these kind of accessories.

    If you go to this event, don't buy from the first stall, shop around.

    Also do not go on the first/last day, weekends or public holidays, as the place gets crowded and the traffic jams up.

    Their website is http://www.motorexpo.co.th/2014/

  7. One can but only presume that Munger is in a failed relationship with Mrs.Palm and her five daughters and there no longer satisfaction in his self pleasuring romantic excursions into his romantic fantasy world.

    Indeed one can but only presume that Munger is indeed the epitome of the lovelorn foreign chappy who fell for the stripper in the bar who then stripped him of that little which he had amassed from the local charity and thrift shops.

    Any chance that Munger is short for Mongrel ?

    Just wondering.

    Any chance that Munger is short for 'jealous troll who has been stitched up by a bar girl at sometime during his past'?

    Seriously, who comes onto a board to slag off another board members wife and life partner.

    This could only be someone who feels very safe hiding behind a keyboard because if he did that in front of her husband, his lights would be punched out.

    Munger, until your ban comes along you are still free to post on here, so please post with a little bit of respect and a lot more common sense.

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