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Chairman Of The Board

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Posts posted by Chairman Of The Board

  1. It depends on the brand and style of the wind deflectors.

    If for instance the brand was RBS or TFP then you will pay more because of the better quality.

    If you are buying a cheaper brand (or a no brand version) then you will pay a lot less.

    If you do have the cheaper brand be aware that one of the item they will save money on is the double sided foam tape.

    This could result in the wind deflectors coming of when you are traveling at speed.

    I had this happen to me on the Bangna Trad expressway traveling at 160 KPH and I was very lucky that there was not another car directly behind me.

  2. Was thinking whisky, or rum

    If you want to follow traditions, 'Gunfire' (tea and rum) is served at reveille by some British Army regiments (but not all) on Remembrance Day.


    I suppose that in Scottish regiments, whisky would be the tipple of choice.

    To be honest, Gunfire is bogging (never liked tea), so the Scottish regiments get the better end of the deal. smile.png

    'Gunfire' was only ever served at dawn on xmas day or on operations where temperatures fell below freezing for several days (the exact criteria was in QR 75 but i suspect it's long been withdrawn, H&S an' all that!). Officers served it @ xmas.


    In my regiment it was served 4 times a year, X-mas, Regimental Day, Remembrance Day and Minden Day.

    It was served to our bedside by the officers (from a Norwegian Container), who were accompanied by the drums platoon banging out a drum roll to wake you up.

    As mentioned in my last post about Gunfire, not all regiments have Gunfire on Remembrance Day, each individual regiment carries out its own traditions.

    • Like 1
  3. Its about remembrance day and it reminds me of mans stupidity thats what remembrance day means to me ........what dont you understand? I do not have to show any respect.

    OK Kannot, I am big enough to admit when I have read the situation wrongly.

    I now understand the context of you post and offer you my apologies, I am sorry.

    • Like 1
  4. The modern day soldier sign on for the job and inherent risks.

    If said person happens to die in the workplace,so be it.

    Many others do dangerous jobs and suffer the consequences.

    Should one mourn for those people every year also.

    Maybe with a different coloured flower.

    So you claim to be ex-military but you only come on this thread to show disrespect to those who gave their lives to secure your freedom.

    Shame on you.

    • Like 1
  5. Raking over old coals.

    Maybe its time to let it lay.

    Spoken from 4th generation military.

    I am also 4th generation military and my son who is 5th generation is still serving.

    Remembrance day is to honour those who have fallen in the line of duty for their country and not just about 2 world wars.

    Whether it was in one of the Great Wars, on the streets of Northern Ireland, Vietnam, The Falkland's, Korea, Afghanistan, Iraq or elsewhere, they should not be forgotten.

    I had friends and colleagues who have died in recent conflicts, who I would prefer not to forget.

    These men and indeed all of the brave men and women who have paid the ultimate sacrifice to secure our freedom, deserve to be remembered.

    If you were military you would realize what this day was about.

    I am indeed ex military.

    It is my decision to forget.

    I'm sorry but I really cannot believe that you are 4th Generation military.

    By military I mean the regular forces and not the T.A./Home Guard, Cadets or The Salvation Army.

    If you had served in the military you would not show the level of disrespect that you are showing towards your own fallen comrades or the fallen that fought alongside of your forefathers.

    So according to your story, were did you serve and for how long.

    What service where you in where tradition and respect were neither taught nor upheld?

    • Like 1

    Surely when talking about Baht buses, there is only one person to consult with on such delicate matters.

    JT, what about it, do you ride up front, are you a larger passenger, do you get a discount for acting as ballast, which hand do you pick your nose with, why do birds suddenly appear every time you are near?

    The public have spoken, we demand to know.

    My imaginary legal firm ... Amsterdam, Noyes and Seinfeld (incorporated in the Duchy of Cloudcuckooland and established "whenever/whatever") has advised me to decline to comment. coffee1.gif

    What, not even a comment about the bird situation?xhuh.png.pagespeed.ic.6VcCaNwNXg.png

    • Like 2
  7. I think the OP is overlooking an important place of extra capacity.

    What about the front seat ... next to the driver?

    There, I know that some Drivers like the 'larger' Farang passenger because, being forward of the centre of gravity, it helps balance out those in the back ... thus extra carrying capacity.

    Anyone usually ride up front with the Driver?

    Usually a larger passenger?



    Surely when talking about Baht buses, there is only one person to consult with on such delicate matters.

    JT, what about it, do you ride up front, are you a larger passenger, do you get a discount for acting as ballast, which hand do you pick your nose with, why do birds suddenly appear every time you are near?

    The public have spoken, we demand to know.

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