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Posts posted by pegman

  1. 7 hours ago, Mick501 said:

    Yeah, sounds like the law in Texas requires premeditation as an element of a murder charge.  On what we're told, there's loads of stupidity, but hard to see how premeditation has been established. Probably get found to be an unsafe verdict and reduced to manslaughter.

    She stated under questioning that her  determination was to shoot to kill him. That does not sound like an accident to me. Cops are trained to not hesitate and shoot to kill. That's what she did and that is murder. 

  2. 12 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

    Can't even come up with your own put downs. We know who the snowflakes are, they aren't in my crowd.

    The outrage is that he gets a pass. Any conservative would have been finished in public life. Hypocrisy is a defining characteristic of the left.

    Nearly every daily newspaper in Canada, including all 4 major papers in your State of Alberta, are owned by PostMedia. It is controlled by Bay St and demands as policy each and every of their papers endorce the Conservative Party every election. All those papers have tried to pull Trudeau down on this and many other phoney issues. Their failure is not from lack of trying.




  3. 20 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

    The use of the term brownface is ridiculous. It is only an attempt to water down the hypocrisy of Trudeau.

    Sure once he tried out a less dark ethnicity to parody. But he clearly has done blackface so much he can't recall how often he has done it. Nobody does blackface as much as Trudeau. It is clear that he gets off on emulating minorities as some sort of hilarious caricature. He didn't know it wasn't funny to everybody because he grew up in the bubble of Canadian royalty completely out of touch with real Canadians. Brought up to admire Castro and has been quoted as admiring the communist dictatorship of China, because they don't have to follow rules to get things done. China who is currently interning people for their religion and harvesting organs from prisoners. The same philosophy admired by many these days (Pegman). 

    When foreigners think of Canada now they think of this foppish twit parading about in some ethnic garb making grand speeches against white supremacy, But at they same time they know he loves to dress up like the colored people because they are just so funny. 

    Conservatives get burned at the stake (figuratively) because of some imagined connection to white supremacy in days gone by by other generations. But Trudeau gets a pass despite displaying the most offensive behavior possible for this day and age. It is the hypocrisy and the cognitive dissonance that is so nauseating. Trudeau is the full embodiment of White privilege in living color. The left has clearly become the useful idiots that are essential for a Marxist revolution. The only solace is that after the revolution, they will be the first to face the firing squad, As activism has no place after Marxism is established.

    I know this is a tough time for you and your fellow Snowflakes. The outrage you, as a State of Albertan, must be feeling because a French  Quebecois is PM and dressed as Alladin for a costume party. Oh, the humanity of it all, 555!

  4. 44 minutes ago, sillyfool said:

    ontario is the most populated province by a large margin and the liberals were in power from 2003 to 2018....during that time the debt rose from 138b to 308b.

    under harris it went from 95b to 132b

    under bob rae it went from 38b to 90b


    but lets not facts get in the way shall we. 

    Here is a fact for you, this thread is about the Canadian Federal election. Please stay on topic.

  5. How can Young Justin get re-elected when so many Canadians in Thailand and those on ThaiVisa oppose him? That would be because they do not reflect the sentiments of Canadians as a whole. Conservative knuckle draggers may be a high proportion of Canadian expats in Thailand but not in Canada.


    By the sound of these posts the cons are throwing in the towel even as their party of choice leads in the polls. Obviously these guys are not as dumb as they come across. The Conservative Party vote is concentrated in a few mid-size prairie provinces and they have no chance at winning. 


    Rational Canadians, those not fed <deleted> in the State of Alberta by the Calgary Sun, know the problems in the crude industry stem from over production by the USA and the State of Alberta. The State of Alberta produces and exports more crude now than at any other time. Which along with shale fracking has flooded the market and cut prices to less than half. That predates Young Justin, and Notley for that matter. Neither closet boy Kenny nor bible thumper Scheer can fix that. 


    To  to set the record straight the biggest deficits in Canadian history we're by the conservative governments of Harper and Mulrony. Most of the  government debt in Canada is not federal but provincial.  The debt by the federal government in Canada is very manageable because of the surplus budgets brought in by Liberal Party finance minister Paul Martin. The Conservative Party government of Harper had record-setting high deficits but the Liberals now have those under control.


    I'm not a liberal and I won't vote for them but I'm happy to see them get in because it means the conservative party lose. The best governments in my lifetime were minority Liberal Party forced to implement NDP policies. Those include Petro Can (our Stat Oil), Canada Pension Plan and Medicare for all.  The worst were conservative governments that were so bad they ended up having to change their name and reinvent themselves.  Different  name but same bad policies. I'll take my chances on the guy who put on black face as a teenager in high school against the party whose Prime Minister was caught taking brown paper bags full of cash from a lobbyist. Let's hear it for four more years for Young Justin. 



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  6. 12 hours ago, Isaanbiker said:

    A few years ago, I brought a  friend to the local police station late in the evening. Some guys on duty sat there, had some chicken and drank whiskey.


    All were drunk and we left again. Nobody was in the mood to stand up. 


       Even "our city" is quite dangerous at night, my wife was followed by a guy who wore a mask when her motorbike broke down.


       The guy then disappeared when I showed up. No country for single women? I find it hard to believe that police officers are mainly there to collect some Bakschisch, but never there when you need them. 


       These young guys were victims of a government that doesn't do anything that would be important for its people. In the end, you've got to start at the top. 


    A fish rots from the head down. 



    That may be so, but the person who caused this  horrific accident was the driver. Had he been sober and not speeding it likely does not happen.

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  7. 9 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

    Half a brain, that's not nice. I think he's great despite his confusion on issues.

    I know your from the State of Alberta so I'll explain it slow like. It reads everyone with even half a brain, like the folks in the State of Alberta and their friends the Green People to their east, would, like him, know not to go to KSA. Although I could be giving you'll too much credit.

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