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  1. I am from the Canadian prairies and lived in Jomtien Beach for a few years after I retired. Used to be a couple bars on Soi7 owned by a BC guy, Penticton and his Thai wife. Lotta guys from BC and other Canadians hung out there. Not many from Vancouver as it is very ethnic Asian now. Each for their own reasons everybody seemed to love it there. If you were looking for a quiet place there are hundreds of miles of coastline in Thailand that are sparsely populated and provide what you're looking for. Na Jomtien for example. Once the grandkids get a bit older I plan on moving back there as I really enjoyed it.
  2. One way or the other in all regions of Thailand will have their economies benefit from this program. Of course to the cynical farang it's all a scam. Back in their home countries every advantage goes to the super rich so something like this is alien to them. Thailand needs this after nearly a decade of rule under a repressive military Junta. It has foreign currency reserves much higher than countries with larger economies like the UK. Just get on with it
  3. Before you go onto those others any luck in finding those WMD in Iraq yet????
  4. Well that was about time. A year or two ago I thought if he had any real concern for his country he would pull out by last March which was the timeline when LBJ got out of the race in 1968. Guess he was more greedy than I figured and will now always be known for having to be forced out rather than doing the right thing. Hopefully there is an open nomination contest to be determined at an open convention. Prior to the start of nomination fight in 2020 I thought Harris would be best to go against the Republicans who would later dominate Trump. The media has shredded her so we'll have to see if she can get her reputation back.
  5. What a joke! Yanks have their noses stuck in other peoples business around the globe. Pot calls kettle black
  6. So you really think that blacks do not apply to high paying jobs like that? Sounds like nonsense to me. You really think those short white women that were at the scene of the Trump shooting out performed in testing compared to black males with military backgrounds? If you don't think race is still a factor in that country I know a bridge in London I would like to sell you
  7. Oh you mean the white Secret Service chick? I have watched the scene a number of times and do not see a single black Secret Service or other law enforcement personnel. What's with that???????? I know blacks make up a disproportionate number of military members from which all types of law enforcement agencies recruit from. Where did this racism come from? Trump? The Secret Service? The Biden administration? American society in general as I have yet to hear mention of this in any media. Like it's not an issue in that racist country.
  8. Trump based his party loyalty on where he thought he could win which was not as Republican coming out of New York. Over the years he switched back-and-forth depending which party would serve his business interests or political ambitions best.
  9. Just saw a report interviewing a former schoolmate of the shooter. Guy stated Crooks was relentlessly bullied every day at school. It's well documented that silver spoon fed Trump has been a enormous's bully his entire life. Seems that bullied nearly took out the bully yesterday. More irony.
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