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Posts posted by WorldTravellerMUC

  1. In Bangkok you can find taxis using meters specifically if you are not in an Tourist-Area, but there is still the issue with the attitude, driving-styles cleanliness, maintenance, just to name a few. Also if there is any issue it is hard to report the driver since frequently the person on the license is not the one driving.


    Now with Bolt / Grab you have the drivers name and all the details if there ever is an issue which never was except one not so friendly driver in maybe 100+ rides. But then you can report this individual with details to Bolt and give one star. Good luck reporting any Taxi driver!


    Bolt also shows the cost when you book, so there is no incentive for the driver to take you for a large detour. Now specifically in  Pattaya I have NEVER seen any local Pattaya Taxi to use the meter, some did not even have one. So for some of the comments above where is the law applied here?


    Bolt would be less popular if the taxis specifically in Pattaya would not rip-off the customers, just food for thoughts. Funny enough I get quite frequently a normal taxi when I book Bolt there and the fare is suddenly 100 THB instead of 300 THB.

  2. My Driving license did expire and I did apply for the appointment last year. Since I realy did not believe that there was no appointment avaialable for months I did visit in Person in Bangkok DLT at Sukhumvit. It was true my appintment was then 5 months later April when I did visit in December.


    I got an appointment-card and did tell them that my license has expired. The feedback was that I should just show this appointment card if I am stopped. 


    I was stopped in February and the police noticed my license was expired. While providing the explanation and showing a picture of the appointment-card I did not pay any fine.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 4 hours ago, IvorBiggun2 said:

    No. I have 3 children. The girl on the left isn't mine. But over the years they've had their friends around and never have I or my wife had concerns for their safety. Just cuz it's a Pit Bull doesn't mean it's aggressive. 



    I fully agree, the issue is that the owners often really do not know what they are doing. These dogs can be very good to kids since they have a very high tolerance for pain. So if a kid steps on them or pulls the ear this would be tolerated by the dog. I have friends with Pit-Bulls which are absolutely great with kids. Another issue is if they bite due to the power they have it poses an issue. Whereas a small dog bites there my be only a little bruise.

    And do not forget this is Thailand. All houses are normally fenced-in at least if you have a alone standing house. No postman just "enters" no kid kust "enters". At least my gate is closed and you need to ring the bell. Sirely if you have dogs this is a MUST to prevent what happened in this case!

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  4. The issue with many of these regulations and rules is that they do not really make sense. As some other replies did suggest the Virus can read the clock and only comes out after 9 PM if you drinking. Then it also can distinguish, if you walk to the table or sit and would not attack you sitting.


    Since this really is not logic, people do start disobeying the rules put into place.


    Please do me a favor and do not call this laws this would be diminishing the laws which are in place where really many of them make sense. 


    Then furthermore as suggested also earlier there are areas which are packed, nothing is enforced and this is happening not even hidden but some establishments are singled-out and punished - we could speculate about the reasons.


    So either these new regulations apply everywhere or they should not apply at all.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

    If you are jabbed and boosted, do all the things you desire mate but don't patronized knowingly club that broke the law and endangered yourself surrounded by intoxicated people who are not following covid rules. Really a small and smart sacrifice to make. I am jabbed waiting for booster end month and there have been no change in my day's routine. I end my day with a drink at home. Sure not pounding sand as you hyperbole. 

    Be careful it seems that this does not prevent you getting Omikron. I know quite a few people here fully vaccianated and with a booster shot who got Omikrin and did test positive. The good news is that Omikron seems to be mild.

    • Thanks 1
  6. This is fully in line with the earlier statement that Thai Prisons are a good holiday venue.


    Make it a complete experience!


    Lock all arriving tourists up in a Hotel room without the chance to leave this room (at least the first days). No external food delivered, no glass of Wine. After that track them like criminals with a GPS tracker.


    Seriously you can not make this up!

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