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Posts posted by WorldTravellerMUC

  1. What I would like to see clarified is if you have a 1 year non immgrant B Visa and a valid work permit. Depending on what was chosen it is EITHER 90 days reporting OR you must leave the county.

    If you you fail to leave (did happen to a colleague of mine once) and you would have been cought then there would be a ban?

    Now I call this nonsense. If you have a 1 year Visa, Work Permit and pay taxes every month, there really should be no need to leave the county or do reporting since they see from the SSF and the tax that you are there.

  2. I'd be interested to know how this works here if anyone knows.

    1. Thai police ID IP address overseas - Common knowledge to be able to Id the country or even the city of the IP address but not the name of the person or their address.

    2. To my knowledge only the IP service provider can divulge the actual name and address of the person IF they have broken the law in the country of the IP service provider or international law (Where extradition treaty exists).

    Criticising Thai police is not a breach of international law or law in most countries so therefore they have no way of finding out who the hackers are.

    Does that sound correct or have I missed something?

    You do understand masking IP addresses via proxy right?

    Rest assured, whatever IP addresses the Thai Police think they have, are just some random IP addresses generated by Proxy servers to hide where the real source IP address is. But let the Thai police go on a wild goose chase.

    Thai police thinking then can catch and prosecute Anonymous is laughable.

    Ummm.... you're not showing much of an understanding of proxy severs yourself. It's impossible to generate random IP addresses.

    Just use TOR. Even in China where beasically many web pages are blocked it works and the IP is not real....

  3. This should not happen and if you are trained to be working with the police surely there should be a more professional approach to handle ammunition.

    There is however a similar story: Years back one of our colleagues did travel from the US to Germany with his back-pack where he had been hunting before. His backpack was scanned twice on this trip and he did still arrive with 2 shot-gun shells. When he discovered that he was shocked and we too, since it did show how safe security at the airport really is.....

  4. Worldwide any suspect is innocent until his guilt has been prooved. This should be also applied to any case in Thailand. Now it may be very possible that the suspects did commit this horrible crime and then should be procecuted to the fully extend.

    But with the reputation of the authorities is not the best. Surely it is possible to get the DNS results within 2 days if there is a lab which will process the sample immediately and there is no back-up.

    If we look what steps are necessary (Google is your friend) to do the DNA test we arrive at the following:


    Without reprocessing, the above steps add up to 24 hours not including the time it takes to complete the review process since the outcome needs to be reviewed by the experts.

    I recall from the KT case that there is only ONE lab in Thailand that follows international standards and there is ONE expert. Was this lab used? Did the expert review it and approve the findings? If so, then I would believe the murders have been found.

    If not, then this may be another set-up.

    When I did see last night the news about the murder weapon and it being found remotely (possibly covered) with a metal detector my intital reaction was "no way".

    Really? One detector one guy and immediately found in the middle of nowhere?


  5. If they would have bothered to look in the in the Internet, there are many choices at a much lower price. I found Chinese Suppliers with prices as low as 3 USD (not including shipping). Double the price for a possible better Quality and shipping we are at around 6 USD for quantities purchases.

    With quantities needed, i am also sure Thai Plastic Injection Companies would have been happy to make a mould and produce locally too. PU would be available worldwide.

    I have to say that the trend of bringing these things to light through Social Media is great and should reduce these things hopefully!

  6. I believe the start should be to bring all the teachers upt to the same level so they can teach the kids properly. This would be step one and step two would be a comparison to the educational systems in the rest of Asia and try to compare to the best one. Then figure out what are the differences and what should be improved.

    I bet the outcome is NOT to reduce hours!

  7. Maybe we are lost in translation here and they do not mean "harddrive" but "raid system" since I am not sure 4TB harddrives were commonly available in 2010. Hitachi in 2008 was announcing 5TB for 2010, but I could not verify that they has quantities then available. Also as others mentioned before additional hardware could have been bundled-in.

    So if it is a Raid system and when I was in the army in Germany years back I did see the prices the Army did pay for commodity items such as batteries and flashlightbulbs being in general 200% - 400% over the market price, we are getting actually close with the extra money they need to make. So let's say the price was 3,000 Euros for the Raid System and it is increased for the Government 300% - 400% we are getting closer adding the normal kick-back which I estimate being 100% for the various people involved. So we are "only" talking about a discrepancy of 400,000.00 THB per piece for the kick-back ot tea money or whatever we want to call it (probably in this case Champagne and Caviar -money).

    The "discrepancy" aside It still is a shame what prices are paid compared to what would be necessary to be spent, but this is unfortunately how governments worldwide operate, not only here in Thailand. When it comes to spend tax money, they are very generous....

  8. I actually feel sorry for the poor creatures. There should be a program put in place to sterilize the females and yes if there are too many then there is unfortunately only the solution of putting some down.

    In our street there are a few ones and there are actually some local people who did catch the females and had them sterilized (unfortunately not all can be caught).

    The positive effect of the dogs is, that surely no stranger would go to the soi at night and it is also a little bit depending how you treat them so they treat you back friendly.

  9. This all reminds me a little of "Oktoberfest" at my home town Munich taking place every year. Generally also there you find a gathering of many nationalities getting totally drunk and behaving inadequately due to the level of Alcohol consumed (sounds familiar in Pattaya?).

    I believe also there many are not used to the amount of alcohol and then forget totally about any appropriate manners, seems the same with this guy.

    Actually during Oktoberfest we would laugh about this. If the press would start publishing pictures of guys in girls peeing / shagging / puking / … / in public, we would need extra news editions!

    Basically NO EXCUSE for such a behavior, but this unfortunately happens… So have a laugh and move on….


  10. There is a word missing:

    BANGKOK, 10 June 2015 (NNT) – The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) says more closed-circuit cameras will be installed across the capital city to hunt for farang litterbugs blamed for floods earlier this week.

    Thais do not litter, never.... or am I a little confused? If they would do would this not negatively impact the image of Thailand what seems the main concern? cheesy.gif

    I guess we need all the Bla Bla from all the different departments to fill the news, but at the End nothing will be done. There will be a little picture-taking and finger pointing happening and that's it. DONE, created evidence action was taken. So go back to sleep and collecting tea money!


  11. Are they again, going to place home video camera on a tripod aiming at incoming travelers,

    while sitting bored behind a picnic table like they did before with all the other health alerts?

    May look like a Video Ca, but was (and actually at Suvarnabhumi still is) a Infrared Camera having set a certain Threshold Temperature to give an alarm.

    The equipment is correct, the question remains then if there are adequate procedures in place once the alarm is triggred.....


  12. I agree that there could be a lot of pollution from the Pig Farm and probably waste treatment would be substandard. So from this point of view a large farm surely is a concern.

    But IMHO this is 99,99% not the reason why the muslim community protests. Well I guess once they stop polluting the air with their "noise" (I will not even call this singing) around the mosques in non muslim countries there should be no complaining!!

    I believe in freedom of religion but PLEASE muslims do not force your religion on anyone else, specifically if you are in a non-muslim country and pray without disturbing others while calling for prayers noisily!

  13. I actually would be fine with a REGULATED surcharge for larger vans in the following cases:

    • More than 4 passengers (because you would need to get otherwise 2 taxis)
    • Extra baggage starting after the 2nd suitcase (would not fit in a normal taxi)

    BUT now here is the catch:

    • Then they MUST use their meters
    • Can not refuse any request regardless of the distination

    How come I have the feeling, they demand 1 and refuse 2? So unless 2 happens forget 1!


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  14. "Seven electricity chargers will be made available for testing. Chargers will be set up in Bangkok, Chon Buri, Rayong and Ayutthaya. PTT and the Metropolitan Electricity Authority have been working on developing chargers for four years to prepare for a future EV launch."

    Really serious approach to push the electric cars acceptance. 7 Chargers? Are there some digits missing?

    70? 700? 7,000?

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