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Everything posted by micmichd

  1. Attitudes determine behaviour. Fortunately the Nazis are out in GerMoney. But there's still (or again) all kinds of Neonazis in GerMoney that propagate their tribal white supremacy. Up to the point where they say "Human rights for Germans only" (AfD) Better put them down before they get into power.
  2. Then I guess the intent of the German in question was to dehumanize someone he considered a competitor (maybe even sexually). Which doesn't make it any better.
  3. You know how stereotyping works? Nazi yellow press "Der Stuermer" was perfect in this. The guy from the other country might have a long nose (even "Farang" means "long nose"), he might be from a middle east country, and so he falls into the stereotype of an "unwanted foreigner". I am German by passport. You have any idea how often in Thailand I heard Germans yell "Auslaender raus!" ("foreigners out!")? And it's very easy for them to point at someone's nose like the Nazis did in their aforementioned propaganda leaflet. That IS racism, nothing less.
  4. What has Thailand (a country in South East Asia) got to do with Ukraine?
  5. USE? You mean the Eurozone? Lol ????
  6. Then please define what you mean by "ex-hooker"
  7. If I die, my wife will get my pensions that I worked for. And I certainly don't care what will happen after I die. I got my will to get cremated in a Buddhist ceremony, and my ashes will be thrown into the gulf of Siam. Period.
  8. And that's exactly what annoys Western women so much. Because they want the money.
  9. I'm German, and I don't have anything in GerMoney anymore except my pensions that I worked for. I actually disgust GeeMoney, and I have no kids to feed nor a scrounging wife over there. Fortunately.
  10. If I would "relocate" to GerMoney, there would be nothing for free to me in this nanny state that I never wanted. And I doubt there's anything really for free in the UK.
  11. He's using an international database for comparison. So it's not his private opinion.
  12. Maybe tourism will not be the same, but it will still be there. If no Westerners come then tourists will come from Asian countries (eg India)
  13. Be sure Thailand is very well informed about the worldwide economic crisis.
  14. I really doubt that this would be a case for an insurance.
  15. Scapegoating is common behaviour in times of crisis and uncertainty...
  16. They can get an invitation from someone who guarantees they will not be a burden to Europe. Especially if they have a family here in Thailand they have a reason to return. That should be enough to grant them a Schengen tourist visa. It's a shame for European countries that they check this while I was never checked when I came as a tourist to Thailand - without a visa.
  17. They don't have to. Thailand is already on top of tourist destinations worldwide.
  18. Yes, sounds British. Like the chief of UK Home Office.
  19. It will affect even drunk Farang drivers if they take their cars or motorbikes away.
  20. If you are not able to compare conversion rate history, you don't know what you're talking about.
  21. 2 week holiday may be normal for you. In Germany you can legally claim 6 weeks holiday a year, and if you're smart you can extend it beyond that.
  22. Maybe because you get repatriated with this kind of insurance, and long stay people wouldn't like that. I'm long stay, and I certainly wouldn't like to get repatriated to Germany.
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