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Posts posted by Islandlife

  1. I think Islandlife is a load of bull-sh1t, as you say involved language with idioms and obscure sayings only used by English or near native speakers, and them introduced garbage to make it seem like a non - native speaker, however after many years of correcting and guiding non - native speakers written language I can pick the nonsense / copied work very easily. Best to just ignore and not encourage this nonsense.

    He spells like I imagine someone from Portsmouth or London talking...

    Broken... Unclear... Child like... Moronic...

    Yet not not from eny of those places.

    But like said earlier didnt know this forum is about spelling. I went to school to learn Speak and write English long time ago. I can also write Swedish can you?

    Hej, do you manipulate Swedish in the same way as English, how about giving the nonsense a break.

    Not shure what you mean with that?

    Please explain?

  2. My only problem with a boycott of KT is that other business owners will suffer. I know that we say they should come forward with evidence to bring down the criminals but it's not that easy when you don't know who to trust.

    If I had a daughter or wife etc I'd be worried the police would take my report and simply pass it on to the criminals in exchange for payment.

    We all have suspicions about how far up this cover up goes.

    I suspect many leaks have indeed come from the good people there who probably live in fear.

    I won't be going there ever again but let's not forget the honest people there who will suffer even more because of those vile families and police/gangster squads.

    Understand where your coming from, but a complete boycott of murder island is required, there are potentially brutal killers on the loose, never lose sight of that. Its not just the killers either its the accomplices also. Its a danger to go there while this is the case

    Where about in Thailand u live Chilli?

    Just a interested compare to your place of stay and Koh tao?

    Just to get perspective. I bet you have no guts to answear?

    oooh no guts to answer..........who's would I be afraid of and why???? The Koh Tao mafia!! cheesy.gif

    Ha ha. Really,u serious?

    Was just asking to get a idea what kind of heavenly place u live ,when u so boldly u call my home murder island.and advice people boycot koh tao . Even when in decade 2 tourists are murdered here and otherwise u will just have to go assumptions and rumours spiced with gossip from people never even been here.

    When yet last year western tourist voted us best island in Asia.

    Just saying...get a life!!

  3. My only problem with a boycott of KT is that other business owners will suffer. I know that we say they should come forward with evidence to bring down the criminals but it's not that easy when you don't know who to trust.

    If I had a daughter or wife etc I'd be worried the police would take my report and simply pass it on to the criminals in exchange for payment.

    We all have suspicions about how far up this cover up goes.

    I suspect many leaks have indeed come from the good people there who probably live in fear.

    I won't be going there ever again but let's not forget the honest people there who will suffer even more because of those vile families and police/gangster squads.

    Understand where your coming from, but a complete boycott of murder island is required, there are potentially brutal killers on the loose, never lose sight of that. Its not just the killers either its the accomplices also. Its a danger to go there while this is the case

    Can we assume a few things?

    There are no unsolved murders where you live.

    That you now admit that the 2 Burmese men accused of being the killers may in fact be the killers?

    Yes you can assume the following:

    1. There are no unsolved murders where I live that involved a double murder.

    2. There are no unsolved murders where I live that involved the UK & Burmese governments expressing their serious concerns at the investigation

    3. There are no unsolved murders where I live that numerous international human rights agencies have also expressed serious concerns at the investigation

    4. The are no unsolved murders where I live where the UK police have come over to try and observe/review the RTP investigation

    5. There are no unsolved murders where I live that over 100,000 people signed an online petition for that was also promoted by the victims family

    4. I have never stated the B2 were innocent, of that I really do not know. What I do know is that even if they were involved in same way then they were not alone and there are others out there. Regardless because of the appalling investigation process then no court in the world could as a result hold a fair hearing, let alone a Thai one. The RTP have fuxked it up big time and a new investigation is the only thing that will satisfy people. The crime scene fiasco from the start disqualified any DNA from being credible. Other evidence is now needed.

    My own theory on this has already been posted by the local Burmese community in Koh Tao

    So you not living in Thailand then?

    Please share again the theory ,must of missed it and way 2 meny post's to scroll down.

    Thanks in advance.

  4. I think Islandlife is a load of bull-sh1t, as you say involved language with idioms and obscure sayings only used by English or near native speakers, and them introduced garbage to make it seem like a non - native speaker, however after many years of correcting and guiding non - native speakers written language I can pick the nonsense / copied work very easily. Best to just ignore and not encourage this nonsense.

    He spells like I imagine someone from Portsmouth or London talking...

    Broken... Unclear... Child like... Moronic...

    Yet not not from eny of those places.

    But like said earlier didnt know this forum is about spelling. I went to school to learn Speak and write English long time ago. I can also write Swedish can you?

  5. My only problem with a boycott of KT is that other business owners will suffer. I know that we say they should come forward with evidence to bring down the criminals but it's not that easy when you don't know who to trust.

    If I had a daughter or wife etc I'd be worried the police would take my report and simply pass it on to the criminals in exchange for payment.

    We all have suspicions about how far up this cover up goes.

    I suspect many leaks have indeed come from the good people there who probably live in fear.

    I won't be going there ever again but let's not forget the honest people there who will suffer even more because of those vile families and police/gangster squads.

    Understand where your coming from, but a complete boycott of murder island is required, there are potentially brutal killers on the loose, never lose sight of that. Its not just the killers either its the accomplices also. Its a danger to go there while this is the case

    Where about in Thailand u live Chilli?

    Just a interested compare to your place of stay and Koh tao?

    Just to get perspective. I bet you have no guts to answear?

  6. Anyone taking a few minutes to think will realize that tourists will never stop going to Koh Tao.

    The demographics of the tourists may change though, but probably not.

    This is true. From december till end of January its nearly fully booked so not much change on previous years.

    Not according to a resort owner there.. but you obviously know better

    Sort of live here..

  7. mean while in AC bar ? blink.png

    Judging by these pics posted on fb by Aon from the AC bar Koh Tao, Hannah Witheridge's murder is a joke to them.

    Disrespectful and very poor taste , how would they feel if there only family members were murdered.

    makes me all the more justified in my decision to never visit that island, ever.

    yeah , better u go spain. Or Greek.
  8. mean while in AC bar ? blink.png

    Judging by these pics posted on fb by Aon from the AC bar Koh Tao, Hannah Witheridge's murder is a joke to them.

    I don't think the Burmese committed the murders and I strongly feel that nomsod etc are involved.

    If I was playing devils advocate though it's possible that Thais just don't take anything as seriously as westerners do and maybe it's a kind of gallows humour?

    For the record though I do find it very disrespectful and I hope they find themselves penniless and wondering where the foreigners who feed them have all gone.

    I remember coming to Phuket after the tsunami and some locals showing me a photo album full of pictures of locals joking around the corpses of dead expats on the beach who had been killed in the disaster, people taking smiley selfies with the bodies to doing poses like shown in the AC bar, Thai's are emotionally and mentally very immature and their lack of respect shows it.

    I see it everyday on my Facebook wall with my Thai friends and their friends; there was a post about a young lad dying and marrying his girlfriend on his deathbed and pics of him after he had passed and her taking the usual selfies with his corpse and all the comments were just people joking around, posting "LOLs" and humourous memes.

    Thais have no sense of tragedy or empathy unless it directly happens to them.

    weird but so true.
  9. Terrible photos of AC bar emplyees using a fake hoe inside the bar to mock the killing with each other.

    Aon KohTao Thailand is the guy and his gf on public Facebook page. Just scroll down.

    No brain, no heart, lo-so.

    I have not seen that, but it sure is a sign of how much respect these "people" ( in the loosest sense of the word) have for the hand that feeds them.

    Imagine the same happening in a civilized country? The instigators of such disrespect would be stamped out straight away........oh and the rest of the community would do everything to help the investigation.

    I understand the sentiment but disagree with calling the country uncivilised.

    There are disgustingly corrupt inept and downright stupid mafia types calling the shots and controlling the populace to

    a large degree but the majority of Thai people are indeed civilised and great people to live amongst.

    Let us not tar the whole country as uncivilised because of a patronage system that favours the elite. Let us just call those animals uncivilised.

    Fully agree. Start from Bangkok,Phuket,Pattaya.

    Ill say!! after ya all accuse this island of been worst place and tell boycot Koh tao. Maby all yer shud think 2 more time.

    Im not shure what happened but stand behind my comments about my info about it.

    Who cares. I do!

  10. Againt u took it out from content u took my comment and made it scandalicious.

    If In open sea shoot gun in air after few beers no people at sight,hardly has nothing to with Koh tao , just fishing and shooting guns in the air. .

    Well i will fallow your instruction. You go back groving chillies and please stay away from here.

    Perhaps you could cut down on personal insults towards people you dont know and become more consistent with your comments.

    You have gone from Most Thai men have guns to Ive been here more than a decade and not seen many guns.

    You are either being economical with the truth or you have no Thai friends.

    I said moust Thai men have guns , i didnt say they are pointed on tourists at daily basicks at murder island!

    I never said you did.



    That is a gross contradiction.

    Either 1 statement or the other is false.

    Some things u know with out seeing.

  11. Againt u took it out from content u took my comment and made it scandalicious.

    If In open sea shoot gun in air after few beers no people at sight,hardly has nothing to with Koh tao , just fishing and shooting guns in the air. .

    Well i will fallow your instruction. You go back groving chillies and please stay away from here.

    Perhaps you could cut down on personal insults towards people you dont know and become more consistent with your comments.

    You have gone from Most Thai men have guns to Ive been here more than a decade and not seen many guns.

    You are either being economical with the truth or you have no Thai friends.

    I said moust Thai men have guns , i didnt say they are pointed on tourists at daily basicks at murder island!

  12. this is an island where business owners regularly pull guns on tourists to extort money from them, the Thai police and Thai government seem to think this is acceptable so I dont think they are too concerned about the occasional tourist getting murdered

    Ha ha, and your comment based on what . Ive lived here more then decade. Not seen guns meny time's and even when have seen no tourists have been ever close by!!

    More like at fishing to shoot air at sea for Budha and drunken fun but never to pull money from tourists!!

    What a Joker. Ill go back boycotting reading this thread again.

    Winner of comment far est from truth goes you mate.

  13. Strange.

    Very strange to find somebody vigorously defending Thai Police.

    Especially in this case when the island Headmans brother and son were caught on CCTV.

    The brother was even arrested & the son escaped the island & ran off to Bangkok. (The Headman and Police Commissioner even confirmed this)

    Later the Headman and the Police Commissioner and said the son was in Bangkok the entire time.

    Mysteriously, they were let go.

    Then the Police fingered 2 foreigners, Burmese, poured gasoline on them and threatened to burn them alive unless they confessed.

    There is a very good reason the United Nations have called the Thai Police organized criminals.

    or were they JoeBlowfrom Usa os was it just bad police work by non exesting police spoke person . Wich they later realiced . And then one person did talking after catastrophous first weeks when each copper wanted fame by them self.

    Brother was never arrested for example. Questioned yes. Never in cell . Just saying again. And yes he gave Dna also!allready that would of in my mind even im not a expert clear hes nephew as would hes dna match with uncles. Im certainly not defending police but i believe son or the uncle had nothing to do with this.

    Uncle involment was bcase hes resort was 100 m away from place and hes cleaner wake him and he was the one who called police.

    To save all comments . Yeah i know no one believes what just said . Something the truth aint juicy enought. I understand!!

  14. thailandchilli, on 17 Nov 2014 - 16:40, said:thailandchilli, on 17 Nov 2014 - 16:40, said:

    I agree with a boycott but not for the whole of Thailand. Apart from just being impossible, its also very unfair for the masses of Thailand who form the majority of the population and are genuinely caring and respectful albeit a little naive but that's due to the poor education system of course. A huge number are also disgusted with the investigation

    But I do agree with a complete boycott of Murder Island Koh Tao. Have you seen the morbid images some of the locals from the AC bar have been putting on Facebook? Disgusting, mocking the murders in the most cruel way possible. No sign of any thought for the families or international community, a complete 'we are untouchable attitude'

    Problem being it looks like they are untouchable so the only way to hurt them is a boycott. Quite aside from the fact that there are potentially sadistic killers and accomplices still there, danger to all! KEEP AWAY

    Excellent post. It seems to me those morons on Koh Tao are deliberately taunting all those who want justice for David and Hannah. In fact, it's been that way since the investigation started. Remember hoe man and the sex on the beach bar sign? The mindset of these people really disturbs me. I have stayed on many of the Thai islands over the past 30 years and I have to say that I found the people on KT the least friendly of all of them. I would return to Koh Phi Phi in a heartbeat, but I will never return to Koh Tao. I wish the whole island could be cleared of people and left to return to nature.

    Quess we just have to cope with out your precence...yawn,i pretty shure we manage. Enjoy Phi phi.

    Its not well polite or show manners to people morans by the way my mun teached me!

  15. Far as i know from not gossiping source he wasnt here.

    But hey im not 100 % shure and maby its just me trying to protect this horrible island or am i blue eyed with vested intrest and believing lies or even worse am i fearing for my life.

    Or is it my double personality or profile who is speaking now..

    Who knows your motivation? What's abundantly clear is that you're full of shit.
    And I think the pidgin English is a put-on lot of crap.
    I agree. Islandlife gets some phrases and some spellings of longer words correct, yet he/she screws up on simpler phrasing and mis-spells simpler words. It's got 'coy' written all over it, and it doesn't add to the discussion. It's like peeing on a busy sidewalk for the reactions it elicits.

    Ive learned how to speak by listening English and been away from my home country for long time. But really does it makes me coy bcase cant get my spelling 100 % correct.

    For whats it worth there u are right reactions are been very interesting to fallow.

    And to post under, u must be kidding ??if motorbike scams makes this place a dangerous place i quess all Thailand shud be boycotted.

    I was meaning safe as in not dangerous . With daily murders and rest of the crap wich u guys seem to be its everyday life here.

    Quess is no point to bring eny local view in this thread as its gunned down instantly . Quess you guys know better. Please carry on and enjoy gossiping.

  16. Artisi, on 14 Nov 2014 - 14:36, said:

    JonnyF, on 14 Nov 2014 - 09:41, said:

    Islandlife, on 14 Nov 2014 - 09:33, said:

    Far as i know from not gossiping source he wasnt here.

    But hey im not 100 % shure and maby its just me trying to protect this horrible island or am i blue eyed with vested intrest and believing lies or even worse am i fearing for my life.

    Or is it my double personality or profile who is speaking now..

    Who knows your motivation? What's abundantly clear is that you're full of shit.
    And I think the pidgin English is a put-on lot of crap.

    Not necessarily. He's admitted that English is his second language. BTW, please don't confuse him with me. I am a Brit and female. I'm also quite PO'd that he's almost stolen my nym.

    What is pidgin English?

    Sorry @islandlover didnt know about you until decided join this when read enough of this rubbish and decided started commenting as seemed there is no one from here speaking and once not from here commenting ,declaring them selfs of experts of koh tao. Just because thei girl friends cousin who heard from someone in buss that this is murder island.

    Sorry getting also bit hot headed here.

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