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Posts posted by moonoi

  1. Here's a bit of an update.

    I bought a RWGPS premium account. The mapping and planning functions are excellent. Though the social interaction and segments etc are less streamlined and populated than Strava. I've done a ride or three using it. A handy option is being able to download the maps onto the phone app [ios in my case] and use the navigation without data charges. Very economical when traveling, but battery level has to be managed. I may have gotten a little geographically embarrassed because of this whistling.gif....

    After spending my money on RWGPS, [!!!], a very smart chap called Thomas Champagne, developed a plug in for Strava called StravistiX. This plug in only operates on Google Chrome and not my preferred Firefox, but gives back google maps, earth and streetview. Thomas is officially a legend! Having said that, I'm still annoyed with Strava for unilaterally changing things and refusing any dialogue! So I'll persevere with RWGPS -[and I've spent the money anyway!]

    I noticed the StravistiX update this past weekend, pretty good.

    Sent from my HUAWEI GRA-UL10 using Tapatalk

  2. So popped in to Treecreeper yesterday, no burgers on the menu and the staff had no idea about the burger truck at CW this past weekend.......disappointing to say the least.

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    Now that is just weird!

    Very weird, I then went to Bangkok Burger Company around the corner, and they weren't open yet as their ingredients hadn't been delivered. Wasn't a very successful day for burger hunting!

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  3. So popped in to Treecreeper yesterday, no burgers on the menu and the staff had no idea about the burger truck at CW this past weekend.......disappointing to say the least.

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  4. I've had the BG fit and about 4 other fits. let me try to sum up what i've learned:

    1. the rider knows best....IF you have knee pain, move up saddle, or move back saddle. or both

    2. if pain behind knee, lower saddle or saddle forward....or both

    3. i recommend STARTING out with seat to handlebar drop of 1.5-2 inches. then go on back pain, etc..

    4. seat is about 2 inches behind bottom bracket.....no more than 3, no less than 1 . see how your balance is

    5. ride without hands....see if ur body shifts forward or back

    6. standover.....i never cared

    7. hoods position.......start with level pointing straight to ground, then mess with it

    8. stem length.....THIS IS THE KICKER........if young, racing, super flexible, on a bike likely small, go 120. if you keep moving your hands back, try smaller. i have ridden from 100 to 120. now on 110, but i can see riders changing this the most. i don't have a hard fast rule on this....if lower back hurts, maybe try smaller stem.

    ah....i forgot some things......it's free advice.

    i do like the "sit on bike, pedal WITH HEELS BACKWARDS....move seat until you can barely do this"

    Did you try the new BG Fit at Sport Bicycle, with all the video analysis etc?

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    I did it in America. Yes, all the little dots they put on your body for a 3D image.

    I wasn't that impressed. They really just go for KOPS...knee over spindle....and the rest is flexibility

    i have no idea what the cost is there....i spent 100 in USD at a discount and it was worth about 75.

    so if it's more than 2000 baht i would pass.

    but, again, if it makes you ride more.... do it

    If I ride more than I do now, think the wife might leave me ;-)

    I was just interested in the process and whether you thought it was worth it. Over here they charge 6500 baht, but you can get a 15% discount. Still doesn't seem worth it. Seems it's better to use Andrew at Bike Zone if you need a bike fit then.

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  5. I've had the BG fit and about 4 other fits. let me try to sum up what i've learned:

    1. the rider knows best....IF you have knee pain, move up saddle, or move back saddle. or both

    2. if pain behind knee, lower saddle or saddle forward....or both

    3. i recommend STARTING out with seat to handlebar drop of 1.5-2 inches. then go on back pain, etc..

    4. seat is about 2 inches behind bottom bracket.....no more than 3, no less than 1 . see how your balance is

    5. ride without hands....see if ur body shifts forward or back

    6. standover.....i never cared

    7. hoods position.......start with level pointing straight to ground, then mess with it

    8. stem length.....THIS IS THE KICKER........if young, racing, super flexible, on a bike likely small, go 120. if you keep moving your hands back, try smaller. i have ridden from 100 to 120. now on 110, but i can see riders changing this the most. i don't have a hard fast rule on this....if lower back hurts, maybe try smaller stem.

    ah....i forgot some things......it's free advice.

    i do like the "sit on bike, pedal WITH HEELS BACKWARDS....move seat until you can barely do this"

    Did you try the new BG Fit at Sport Bicycle, with all the video analysis etc?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  6. Might be because a 'VIP' was going to be passing below in a car- they often shut off skywalks for that.

    No they don't, for example, VIPs pass under the Sukhumvit skywalks frequently but never has one been closed to date.

    The skywalk at Ratchaprasong where I work is often closed while VIPs pass below. Very annoying!

    Maybe VIPs don't go near Sukhumvit!

    They only close skywalks when a member of the royal family are passing below, not for all VIPs

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  7. In fact the best way to get a similar fit between bikes is to measure from the BB to the saddle, and replicate that across your bikes as a starting point and tweaking as necessary to get it perfect.

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    I would disagree, as bike frame size is calculated using manufacturers tables and your inside leg measurement.

    Which of course, takes into account the BB height.

    But this contradicts your previous statement of setting the saddle height at hip level. If this were correct, then if you have bikes with differing BB heights, the fit will be different, as the distance from the BB to the saddle will be different, even though the overall height is the same.

    This is why some manufacturers actually suggest when looking a CX bikes to size down a frame from your road bike, as you can also end up with not having enough top tube clearance.

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  8. What's so confusing about the advice given?

    Ask for a skinny cappuccino at Starbucks and you will get what you ask for.

    Same at any other reputable coffee shop as mentioned above. All of them carry zero fat milk in my experience.

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  9. In fact the best way to get a similar fit between bikes is to measure from the BB to the saddle, and replicate that across your bikes as a starting point and tweaking as necessary to get it perfect.

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  10. Well I guess you can move the seat (saddle) up and down, change angle and put it forward/back.

    It needed an embarrassing amount of time (and pain) till I figured out that I must angle it a bit different....

    Seat for a road bike should be level and at hip height.

    Can't get much easier than that.

    Not really that simple, yes it should be level, or sometimes very slightly nose down.

    In terms of height, it also very much depends on the BB height. So if you use the hip height rule, you might be OK on a road bike with a lower BB height, but it be too low on one with a higher BB (like a more endurance orientated road bike or cyclocross bike).

    It definitely isn't a scam, but once you've done it once and understand what works for you, you can do it yourself from that point.

    Sent from my HUAWEI GRA-UL10 using Tapatalk

  11. https://www.retul.com/what-is-retul/

    I have tried the retul fitting but still end up riding with my Allen key in the back pocket......but so did Eddie Merckx without other similarities...unfortunatelysmile.png

    I think if someone loose the screws and reset my fitting (even it is not perfect), I would consider murdering him laugh.png

    Lucky for me, my current bike has an integrated seat post, so no one can play such a dirty trick on me [emoji6]

    Sent from my HUAWEI GRA-UL10 using Tapatalk

  12. {...}

    Of course I use digital music. That's not the point. The point is that someone asked where to buy CDs and you come in and start throwing the word retarded about because they don't use the medium you want them to. Everybody knows what digital music is and does- you've totally missed the point of the thread. Do something useful and point the original poster in the direction of something he actually wants, rather than something you've patronisingly assumed that he needs.

    And yeah, some people like rummaging. You're not one of them. That's great, but I'm glad everybody in the world isn't as bland and conformist as you.

    So. Know any good CD shops in Bangkok or not?

    I logged in just to give you a +1 !

    Watching this thread with eagerness as my retarded ears also love the warm sounds of vinyl (I find CD's to be hollow/tinny).

    Buy a better amp then ;-)

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  13. This is the bike


    what do you think guys? Is it worth 500 eur? It is 2009 Giant Trance X1

    Looks ok, has the shock and forks ever been serviced? That would be my main concern, as those parts are fairly expensive to replace. Might be worth giving them an overhaul if you decide to go for it.

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  14. Interested that Treecreeper have a burger, I've eaten many times in their restaurant on Saladaeng, as its right by my office, but never seen a burger on the menu, might have to pop in again later this week and see, as I don't have time to go to CW this weekend unfortunately

    Sent from my HUAWEI GRA-UL10 using Tapatalk

  15. Best time of the year.

    Yesterday while I was coming back from work on my bike I crossed a tuk tuk packed with tourists that was slowing down to go through a deeply flooded dip. Thankfully I had time to accelerate before crossing in too and get that joyful crowd wet to the bone. Scandinavians I suppose, given how blond they were and the exotic insults they screamed at me.

    It's a shame you didn't fall off and injure yourself in the process.

    Perhaps we'll have better luck next time.

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  16. I heard that Ford own the rights to the name and it will be released as the Model 3.

    Model 3 is a different car again, supposed to be Tesla's more affordable model to be launched in 2017, at similar prices to Prius/Volt etc.

    Look at the height of the open door compared to the woman. That ain't opening in a Thai carpark.

    attachicon.gifScreen Shot 2015-09-30 at 14.33.17.png

    They'll just modify the supercar spaces in the malls to accommodate. biggrin.png

    Sent from my HUAWEI GRA-UL10 using Tapatalk

  17. I think in my country in Europe the Giant is the cheapest I have ever seen.

    I can get new 2015 trance x2 for 1750 eur, and x3 for 1150 eur.

    In Thailand it costs way over 2000 eur....so does it UK.....


    Do you guy use special bags to transport it? Or just put it in a box?

    Is that the Thai list price though? Walk into any Giant dealer and you can get at least 15-20% discount on the list price. Sometimes more, depending on the model, and how much the shop likes you ;-)

    Sent from my HUAWEI GRA-UL10 using Tapatalk

  18. I don't understand some of the statments..... Bikes bought in Thailand are more expensive for the same make & model than bought outside.

    OK, I will concede that this may be true for some and not all top end stuff.

    I have bought 2 bikes and just ordered a 3rd, all 3 have been at the time of purchase cheaper, with the same spec. The first a Miranda Sub 40, 5000 Baht cheaper than in UK, the second, Trek Fuel 5.5, 30,000 Bhat cheaper than the UK and my new one, (on order) a Santa Cruz 5010 CC...... 68,000 Baht cheaper, same model....same spec. That's with the bike on sale in the UK.

    I haven't posted this to brag guys, where are you guys buying your bikes in Thailand? Or have I missed the point and your all talking about high end road bikes, fancy makes I've never heard off?

    I live in Chiang Mai...... Are they cheaper outside BKK?

    Trek, Giant, Merida are all the same or cheaper price than US/Europe.

    Cannondale is US MSRP + 10%

    Canyon is EUR MSRP + 10%

    Specialized on average is 30-40% more expensive depending on model.

    Colnago, if it's a master or v1-R approx same price, maybe a little less, but if it's a C60 then almost double the price.

    Pinarello about 20-30% more expensive depending on exchange rate.

    Those are the ones I have experience with when hunting for a new bike. If I'm looking at a premium brand, I'd probably look to bring it over myself.

    Any of the big brands, with the exception of Specialized, I'd buy locally as it is similar price or cheaper. Only go for Specialized if you get a good deal on an end of line model ;-)

    The biggest issue here is if you need larger sizes (L/58 or above), you're going to struggle to find something you want in stock and will probably have to special order in (if they are willing to do so), taking 3-6 months for delivery.

    Canyon are not available in Thailand. If you see some here they are probably fakes. They only sell directly by mail order.

    Secondly, I've seen Look road bikes on sale here for 35K. Impossible. Definitely fake.

    So buyer beware.

    As posted previously there is no need to spend Pinarello money on a frame. $3000?? They are the same as a Planet X for circa $600!!

    Another option is using a Thai Brand: Infinite & NICH are two such brands that spring to mind.

    Not true, Canyon are available in Thailand, what they do is order from the website, but get the reduced tax rate on the import, which you as an individual will struggle to get. Warranty is also handle by Canyon.

    LOOK is imported by LA Bicycle, and sold through their Culture Cycliste branded shops. Yes if your (You are, !) seeing a complete new bike for 35k, likely it is fake.

    NICH is a pile of crap, the worst quality open mold frames available. Even the NICH racing team don't race their own brand bikes, mostly they use Pinarellos.

    Infinite are ok, and do their own design, but they don't do larger sizes for us tall/lanky people.

    And to claim Pinarello and Planet X are the same frames, means you know nothing at all about the bike industry and how it works.

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    What? I didn't for one minute say that they were the same frames. You can buy a Louis Vuitton handbag for 80k baht or a perfectly functional good quality one from say 2k. I certainly wouldn't buy a LV neither would I buy a Pinarello. However, Planet X track frames are every bit as functional as the hugely expensive Pinas. And that is the point. If you are in Chiang Mai you can always pop around and you may find some interesting discussion points about the bike industry. I'm very involved lad. Very. I have seen fake Canyons here. NICH take responsibility for their branding. But I'll stick with my Dimar, Condor and Planet X, thanks.

    I'm sorry I misread your post. I realized that I assumed that you were one of the many uninformed people that believe they can get OEM version of frames, when in fact they are very poor copies, that may not even have the correct carbon layup. Planet X is not one of those doing this, but they do buy quality open mold frames from China.

    And I'm jealous that you have a Condor :-)

    Unfortunately, I'm in Bangkok, otherwise I'd love to pop round and chat.

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