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Posts posted by moonoi

  1. I've never had a problem with sweaty hands slipping off the hoods, wear some gloves if it concerns you that much.

    Not sure if you can swap the stems between your bikes, depends if they have the same size steerer tube, but worth a try.

    I'll leave you with a picture of one of my bikes, very comfy even though it might not look it. Frame was too small, but I needed a bike temporarily while I waited for my proper one


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  2. So, I'm losing 3mm, so because I ride on the road, perhaps this will be a slightly quicker tube (3mm less drag). Steering won't be affected much?

    You won't noticed any difference as the tyre is still the same. The tube will stretch to fill the gap.
  3. Appreciate all the feedback guys, even the patronising comments welcomed to keep momentum!

    ** I was really wondering just whether there's a reliable Thailand based social generated list of camera speed check locations these days? I've got one location I will always remember of Asian Highway 2 at least to add to my database (cannot see anything wrong with doing that?) but there must be a bigger collection of data out there?

    In the old days one relied on oncoming traffic to warn of a police ("trap"?) ahead, and in these days of hi tech I would have thought a gadget based method more appropriate.

    For the record I don't like speeding or flouting the law but also find the idea of hidden cameras and entrapment rather questionable.

    "For the record I don't like speeding or flouting the law but also find the idea of hidden cameras and entrapment rather questionable."

    So if you're breaking the law and are not warned that you'll get a fine for that it is questionable to be fined?

    I think the point here is what is the purpose of the camera and fine.

    If it's revenue generation (most likely here) then fine hide and catch people out.

    But if it's to improve road safety and you want people to slow down, then those spots should be advertised/highlighted so that the desired behavior occurs.

    Sent from my turnip using Tapatalk

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  4. I don't consider that it is a rip off.

    This isn't some large scale mechanically processed meat packaging operation. It's an owner run traditional butchers shop, making handmade meat products.

    If you want to know more, why don't you look them up, or pay them a visit at their Bang Na butchers shop

    Sent from my turnip using Tapatalk

    Sorry but that price for half a kilo is crazy, I pay 210 per kilo from my supplier and they are fantastic, hell pork is about 100 a kilo, total rip off!!!
    So basically you're just here to troll and whinge about something you have no intention of trying or even in understanding where the value of the product lies (hint it not just about the cost of the raw material).

    Just to close this out, if you get frozen waitrose imported sausage from tops, it's around the same price and nowhere near the same quality, so no it isn't a rip off if you understand what you're getting.

  5. Why sausages so expensive? I can get a kilo for 210 from my supplier, and they are very good?

    I haven't bought them from this shop, but I have had Sloane's sausages before, and they truly are one of the best tasting high quality meat/gourmet sausages you'll find in Thailand. A bit pricey, but worth it for the authentic taste.

    Le Lapin bakery used to do an awesome Cumberland sausage baguette using them. Hope they bring it back soon.

  6. Pushys and Bikebug in Australia have very competitive pricing and low shipping costs to Thailand also.

    I've also used wiggle and chain reaction in the past, but with current exchange rates and shipping costs from Europe they aren't as cheap as they used to be.

    Sent from my turnip using Tapatalk

  7. I collect the data on my Garmin Fenix 3, and then share the data from Garmin connect to Endomondo/Strava automatically. Doing this the data is very consistent across all the apps, so I suspect the problem is with the data collection on your phone which are notoriously inaccurate for elevation :-)

    But it seems strange that the different apps give quite different elevation numbers for the same gpx file. The Strava / Runtastic difference is quite consistent

    Sent from my turnip using Tapatalk

    There is a feature in Strava where you can select to override the elevation data from the device and it uses data based on the map. I believe this is enabled by default. I would suspect Runtastic is similar.

    Sent from my turnip using Tapatalk

  8. I collect the data on my Garmin Fenix 3, and then share the data from Garmin connect to Endomondo/Strava automatically. Doing this the data is very consistent across all the apps, so I suspect the problem is with the data collection on your phone which are notoriously inaccurate for elevation :-)

    Sent from my turnip using Tapatalk

  9. Dream on, old man.

    Well, it's easy to compare, no need for a race.

    my legs can do 235W for 60 minutes.

    What do your legs produce?

    How do you measure that, I know my rowing trainer measures how many W I do but how do you measure that on a "non exercise" bike. Just curious here.
    He uses a website that he's been told is an inaccurate way of measuring power, plus it only gives you the average over time, so he has no idea what his peak 5s, 1min, 5min, 20 min power actually is.

    Also doesn't take into account environmental conditions, especially wind direction, which can have a significant impact on your power output. The only way to accurately measure power, is with a crank, hub or chainring based power meter fitted to your bike.

    Sent from my turnip using Tapatalk

  10. Probike is the one near lumpini right? They don't seem to sell these kinds of things. Neither does the other one on sarasin.

    In the same area though is the amarin mall. When you enter from the bts bridge near chitlom, you're already on the second floor. Just all the way to the back. The bike shop seems to have closed,but there is a dive shop with go pro and a little further is an interesting shop that sells some good things. I bought my garmin 510 there.

    Probike used to carry the Shimano Action Cam, but looks like they are sold out now.

    Bike Zone has moved up near Thonglor somewhere, haven't been since they moved from Amarin.

    The cameras get expensive because they can be used for movie footage, the most expensive records a 4K resolution and used by Ken Block in his Gymkhana series of videos. Overkill for what you need, but have to remember these are multi use action cams, not just for use on your helmet or bike.

    I'd have a look in Big Camera, they had the Sony action cams on sale last month, and looked like a good deal. My friend uses one on his motorcycle and gets 2-2.5 hours from it.

    Sent from my turnip using Tapatalk

  11. You can pickup a GoPro in most malls, cheapest one starts around 6000 baht going all the way up to 17k+

    There's also the Sony action cam between 10-13k depending on the box set

    All do HD, there are cheaper ones around but I'm not familiar with them.

    Biggest problem you're going to have is the battery life, I have the older GoPro Hero 2 with an extended battery pack which gives 3 hours runtime on a good day, just over an hour on a bad one. Most run 1-2 hours on the standard battery in the box, probably best to get one with a changeable battery and carry a few spares with you to swap out when it goes flat.

    Sent from my turnip using Tapatalk

  12. Why not ask them while you'll looking at the place?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    There's always one. Anyone else help?
    To be fair, it's a valid comment, you can negotiate the price and fees with the FF sales agent, roughly you can expect around 2k THB a month depending on the package you want, as there are also different standards of FF gym across BKK

    Sent from my turnip using Tapatalk

    The main thing is; do you have to pay any upfront fees?

    Because the other place wanted three months or 6000B up front. If FF don't, then I'll probably sign up with them. I expect to pay around 2000B anyway.

    They have a setup fee, 1600THB I think, not aware of any requirement to pay anything else up front

    Sent from my turnip using Tapatalk

  13. Why not ask them while you'll looking at the place?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    There's always one. Anyone else help?

    To be fair, it's a valid comment, you can negotiate the price and fees with the FF sales agent, roughly you can expect around 2k THB a month depending on the package you want, as there are also different standards of FF gym across BKK

    Sent from my turnip using Tapatalk

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