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Everything posted by richard_smith237

  1. I agree... I also think the foreigner was 'in the wrong' - his behavior was clearly aggressive, agitated, he was showing anger etc.... And yes, he needs to learn his lesson. But... what you refuse to understand is that the Thai Bouncers actions were also in the wrong... and the reason you refuse to understand that is because of your small minded binary thinking, for you it appears an impossibility that a Thai person could be in the wrong and this is where your delusional bias shines the brightest - Thai Apologist... A trained Bouncer should be handling this sort of drunken idiot with far greater restraint - The Thai guy instead 'chose' to commit assault...
  2. Online hardman - pathetically hilarious.... you'd have whacked him over the head with your purse and scratched his eyes with your fake nails ????.... The Bouncer, someone supposedly trained to de-escalate did the opposite and attacked.... Where, playground or behind the bike sheds....
  3. No the coward kicked the smaller man in the nuts, but we will just admit or deny that ever happened and bash the Thais instead. That's what the 'bouncer'.... the one who knocked out the Brit stated he did... I've little doubt you believe 100% of his statement and never question a word. IF the bouncer was behaving so 'correctly' why is he being given extra training ???? ------- Of course, I know the answer - there won't be any... this is just a statement to highlight that the issue is dealt with and they can sweep the assault under the carpet like all the others...
  4. No... Its not fine for 'us' (foreginers / Westerners) to act like that, start fights or behave aggressively... Neither is it ok for someone to knock someone out like that... You seem to think its ok for Thai's to use violence, without any condemnation of their behavior. Thats why your comments whenever there is a Thai vs Foreigner issue always show unhinged bias.... Both men were clearly in the wrong here... .... But you will only ever see the foreigner as being in the wrong, even when he's the one unconscious on the floor.... You throw out accusations of 'farang apologist' in with complete unawareness of your own bias... 'Thai apologist'.... ... The reality is - Both Parties acted very poorly, both in the wrong.... but I see only one act of violence in the videos.
  5. Like what ?.... offer him a game of 'soggy biscuit' ???
  6. No... most of them 'don't'.... Thai's are just like anyone else, some are more tolerant than others... But I can see how you may see that in such area's many Thai's show tolerance of the belligerent drunk idiots... but that comes with the territory. In this case - its the 'security guards' job to maintain security, not to knock old men out. Perhaps - no swinging fists, no pushing... but yep, he looked agitated... Thats hilarious.... a Keyboard Warrior Statement of legendary status... Are you ex SBS or SAS ??.... Thats the saying anywhere... But there are legal consequences for assault elsewhere.
  7. The security guard had removed his uniform. Walked off to the alley and 'waved on' the drunk Brit who stupidly took the bait and as you put it, came marking up thinking he was Rambo... None of that makes the assault morally right or justified. Agreed... he didn't go in stamping on the knocked-out Brits head... But I wouldn't count that as a measure of virtuous character... he'd just knocked out a 62 year old !!!... Agreed... He shows the restraint to remain calm so he could use his skills more effectively in his attack... He shows no restraint or skills to de-escalate the situation. Or it just didn't happen at all and that was made up. ------------ As another poster put it... 'If a foreigner did that to a Thai man, he would be arrested and charged for a criminal offence'....
  8. So basically you are as bad as the average thai. You could stop and put on yr hazard lights so you dont get rear ended. Its what i do. Start to educate the drivers in your city. Ive been doing this for yrs in my small city. I think both are cases of taking the virtue signalling and reverse virtue signalling a bit too far... There are certainly times when being the first to arrive at a pedestrian crossing when stopping would be dangerous - the delivery rider looking at his map on his phone in the truck behind plows straight through you.... ... There are times, on the motorcycle I don't stop. There are other times in the car when I don't stop, when lorry is close behind etc and the people seem to be making no attempt to cross. There are other times, most times when traffic is not quick, the cars behind not too close etc and I'll stop for pedestrians. A lot of 'it' is situational... not all crossings are safe to stop at because of the general nature of driving here.
  9. Neither would the security guard get away with assaulting someone like that in the UK... (not when caught so clearly on CCTV).....
  10. Indeed.... 'trained in de-escalation'... but they are really thugs and anyone who's been here any length of time knows that. Was the guard charged with assault ? any fines ?
  11. Yup... nothing like sending the message to all security in any bar in Thailand that they have the freedom to assault anyone they feel like.... Its part of the job description, isn't it ??
  12. 100% Agree... But 'saving face' is not soley a Thai or an Asian custom, many threads on here we'll see guys arguing black is blue just to save face when they are so clearly wrong - its as amusing as it is childish. Regarding, food, restaurants, service quality, issues etc... there is a right way to handle everything and if we go about 'our side' of the conversation correctly, the 'other-side' of the conversation should fall into place... ... If it doesn't they why worry... pay, leave, don't go back !!!... Places rely on return custom and its why places remain in custom.... ... This is particularly more important in area's of high repeat footfall, such as many many restaurants in Bangkok that rely on repeat trade - We go back to many of the same restaurants because the food is reliable and staff excellent.... ... In area's of high tourist footfall, the standards are usually lower... I suspect this for a number of reasons... Transient / seasonal staff... and the owners don't care, they've become jaded and they know there is little repeat trade.
  13. It has a lot to do with the context of 'YOUR' thread Bob.... His point was about quality of service and not accepting poor quality - this is exactly what your thread is about....
  14. Not quite so for Bob... "Laugh and the world laughs at him" "Weep and the world weeps laughing at him"
  15. ...why do you think that is? regards, bob. Numerous reasons... in no specific order. 1) Being a Waiter here is a career job - not usually pursued by the brightest, but good restaurants look after their quality staff and treat them very well. 2) Being a Waiter is boring - its mind numbing, they are often treated poorly by poor restarants. 3) Waiting here is paid terribly low, what can we expect ?? 4) Being a Waiter in Europe is a 'part time job' - they are usually students or working towards something else, they're generally smarter. 5) Language issue - a lot of waiters in tourist area's are often not Thai and may not understand us clearly when we speak Thai to them (even our Thai wives, hence the mistakes). In short - if we are expecting the consistent same standards here that we would in decent restaurants back in the West, we'd be stupid.... meanwhile, the crappy restaurants here and the West have fairly crappy service.
  16. Its very very dependent... ... Where I am, what food it is, my expectations and how much I'm paying. The last times I complained about the quality of food somewhere - I first called over the bill. Paid it. Then called the manager and explained the issue... Telling him, I'm not complaining because I want a discount... I'm complaining because there is a genuine issue. In most cases... If its a cheap Thai restaurant and a steak doesn't come out right - I'll accept it. If its an expensive international restaurant and a steak comes out over cooked - I'll return it. If its an expensive international restaurant and a steak comes out slightly undercooked - I wont mind. If the food comes out more spicy than expected, I'll give it a go. I think a lot of the time, there is a way to complain or say something is not right that can be respectful and get the point across.... If the restaurant does not receive the complaint / advice - pay up walk straight out, thats it. ------------ The biggest issue I face is the wrong dish coming out... Wife orders or I order, we both understand whats been said.... the waitress makes a mistake, forgets, brings the wrong thing, misunderstands etc etc... but we always get them to repeat and even then the wrong dish comes out !!!.... the mind boggles... ... if its something we are ok with eating, we'll have it... If not, it goes back... Simple really, nothing personal, nothing to get upset about... ... mistakes happen, they're more common in restaurants here.
  17. Vise exempt entry requires proof of onward travel... Airlines do check for this. Every time I fly (back to Thailand), I'm usually using a return leg of a flight. I also have two passports, sometimes I'm in the departing country with my passport which does not have my Visa.... The check-in crew have always asked if I have a Visa or return flight... I then remember to show them my other passport which has the visa. This implies to me that when the can't find a Visa they want one of two things: 1) Us to show them / present them [check in staff] with a Visa 2) Show onward travel Many have said their experience varies with this - but with certainty, in my experience, IF the airline things I am on a one way (or last leg of a ticket) and they don't see my Visa, they want proof of either onward travel or a Visa.
  18. Depends... I think the E-Tourist Visa would give them an extra 30 days... And a return or onward ticket is required with the E-Visa I believe.
  19. Perhaps the check-in staff have become wise to the fake-onward-ticket sites.... Visa Exempt: Entry up to 60 days. E-Tourist Visa: Entry 60 days + 30 day extension If I'm not mistaken, both Visa Exempt entry and E-Tourist Visa require proof of onward travel.
  20. CCTV footage not enough then ? How very nice of them... not arresting him for dangerous driving then !!!...
  21. Sometimes they have no idea they are actually in the wrong, even in the most obvious of circumstances... Yesterday I had a very very near miss.... as I was turning left out of my moo-baan, a motorcycle swerved into the on-coming lane (to turn right) into the moo-baan entrance I was exiting (the MC looked like a delivery rider).... effectively, he'd cut the corner of the turn and we nearly had a collision.... ... Our car would have been out of action for a week or so while the dents were being fixed, headlights replaced etc - We'd have had to pay for a rental to take our son to school and get around.... I'm quite sure (just a guess though) that his vehicle would have had no insurance and our inconvenience (getting a spare car while ours was fixed) would not be covered... .... All because an idiot wanted to cut a corner without looking.... It truly astonishes me how so many here will drive without looking 'properly' then want to blame the other party because the other party were 'there' (correctly so) but the idiot just didn't pay attention... Observational skills and self preservation really are at an all time low here... whether drivers or MC riders...
  22. One other reason, the driver consistently breaks traffic laws, thus they are afraid that a dashcam could incriminate them. I think we all 'have to break a traffic law' from time to time... ... If I do something that incriminates me... the SD card will conveniently disappear !!! We could go down the rabbit hole of blaming each other from a written description here... But some of the markings and junctions are quite flawed.... we have no option but to cross a white line etc.... or change lanes... etc
  23. Up to you as they say... So.. Why would you ??... For legal protection in the event of an incident and contested findings where a dash-cam could have provided proof... So... why would you ??? If you don't know the answer to that, then you haven't really thought about it... The only 'sensible' reason not to use a dash-cam in your car is that in some countries privacy laws prevent it.
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