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Everything posted by richard_smith237

  1. Depends... I think the E-Tourist Visa would give them an extra 30 days... And a return or onward ticket is required with the E-Visa I believe.
  2. Perhaps the check-in staff have become wise to the fake-onward-ticket sites.... Visa Exempt: Entry up to 60 days. E-Tourist Visa: Entry 60 days + 30 day extension If I'm not mistaken, both Visa Exempt entry and E-Tourist Visa require proof of onward travel.
  3. CCTV footage not enough then ? How very nice of them... not arresting him for dangerous driving then !!!...
  4. Sometimes they have no idea they are actually in the wrong, even in the most obvious of circumstances... Yesterday I had a very very near miss.... as I was turning left out of my moo-baan, a motorcycle swerved into the on-coming lane (to turn right) into the moo-baan entrance I was exiting (the MC looked like a delivery rider).... effectively, he'd cut the corner of the turn and we nearly had a collision.... ... Our car would have been out of action for a week or so while the dents were being fixed, headlights replaced etc - We'd have had to pay for a rental to take our son to school and get around.... I'm quite sure (just a guess though) that his vehicle would have had no insurance and our inconvenience (getting a spare car while ours was fixed) would not be covered... .... All because an idiot wanted to cut a corner without looking.... It truly astonishes me how so many here will drive without looking 'properly' then want to blame the other party because the other party were 'there' (correctly so) but the idiot just didn't pay attention... Observational skills and self preservation really are at an all time low here... whether drivers or MC riders...
  5. One other reason, the driver consistently breaks traffic laws, thus they are afraid that a dashcam could incriminate them. I think we all 'have to break a traffic law' from time to time... ... If I do something that incriminates me... the SD card will conveniently disappear !!! We could go down the rabbit hole of blaming each other from a written description here... But some of the markings and junctions are quite flawed.... we have no option but to cross a white line etc.... or change lanes... etc
  6. Up to you as they say... So.. Why would you ??... For legal protection in the event of an incident and contested findings where a dash-cam could have provided proof... So... why would you ??? If you don't know the answer to that, then you haven't really thought about it... The only 'sensible' reason not to use a dash-cam in your car is that in some countries privacy laws prevent it.
  7. My Brother in Law (UK) leaves it in his bag on silent - I think they have a 'driving mode' that limits notifications and calls when it detects you are driving (obviously as a passenger you could over-ride this). I just have my phone on silent all the time... and when driving, the car play links nicely for the maps, but I still don't want to bother with 'notifications' that come up on the Dash-display which IMO is just as bad as reading a phone !!!.... I don't like talking (hands free) on the phone while driving either, I think that detracts from concentration.... Wife seems to mostly drive while on the phone and I hate it, I can see how much it distracts her....
  8. I think you've done that one before..... But... In reality you might be right... for some reason when people get in a car here an 'F-You' switch gets turned on and a usually polite and non-confrontational people become self-centred and selfish... Still, I see improvements in some areas... but the simple issue is that crossing a road anywhere 'should' require full caution, but in Thailand that 100% caution is essential because for the most part road users are completely indifferent to the safety of pedestrians.
  9. Classy.... You 'hope' that someone suffers in such a manner that they have to suck their food through a straw for a year..... You're just as classless as the fool who gets drunk and makes a nuisance of himself...
  10. Oh dear.... Your little geographically-challenged heart seems to have stuffed up !!!... where exactly do you think Thailand’s freeways are? This isn’t the United States. And if your feeble grasp of terminology led you to believe freeway is some sort of interchangeable Americanism for motorway, then, as already pointed out (in numerous posts in this thread), you’re wrong twice. It wasn’t a motorway either. As for your your use of the word idiot - it’s quite amusing how you’ve inadvertently become the embodiment of your own insult but seasoned it with your own element of nastiness and crassness.
  11. It's a flyover, over a Motorway that is in Thailand... 'Thai motorway flyover'... Its not a motorway - its a road going 'over a motorway'... a flyover... over a motorway...
  12. There's surely enough evidence in all of this to not only remove his license permanently, but also give him a custodial sentence for is continued and repeated reckless endangerment of other motorists.... The only real surprise is that this guy has not killed people on the roads already.
  13. The lesson - never to become complacent when driving and riding - its too easy for an accident to happen.
  14. I always found it quite ridiculous that to deposit 'cash' into my own account I had to provide not only my Bank Book but also my ID.... I can understand it more for over the counter withdrawals... but was always somewhat flummoxed at the need for a deposit. I suspect its perhaps more to do with avoiding mistakes and putting the money into an incorrect account.... and as far as ID is concerned, thats just a 'legacy thing'... can't look at a bank clerk without being asked to show ID....
  15. It always amazes me how some are so reluctant to do their own basic research, when such information is so readily to hand.
  16. Qatar (as a country) political and financial support to Hamas is one reason to avoid their flag-ship carrier.... I'd agree...
  17. What about Air Lingus... would you want to be sat next to anyone reading the Bible out loud ? I get your point - I've sat on planes or been in area's and listened to people (Muslims) playing the Quran on their phone at Prayer time without any regard for the disturbance of others... ... But really, far more often I've heard people playing TikTok or YouTube videos for more often.... People can be inconsiderate, whether its a loud Mother of 4 trying to keep them in line and over doing it, to the pished up nutter, to the loud phone users etc... I don't think we can avoid any of it by choosing a specific airline - particularly the TopTier Middle Eastern Carriers - that said there are airlines I'd prefer to avoid such as Air-India and China Eastern etc... for the general reason that people are more likely to be naively ignorant of their 'travelling neighbours'...
  18. I've had similar.... the other party incredulous that authorities would not side with them simply because they were Thai... I would not want to be driving here at all without a Dash-Cam... that said, I would not want to be driving anywhere these days without a dash-cam - but often find myself hiring cars in various countries without such 'protection'....
  19. Only from AN posters. No indication at all that he was rear-ended. There was no 'report' that he was 'rear-ended'..... However... these source of these reports very often lacks very basic information details we may consider essential to the story. My initial thoughts were that as this was an ATV the deceased had to take the corner very cautiously and slowly... If there was someone else following closely behind and not paying attention they could have 'easily nudged him' and it wouldn't have taken much to nudge a much smaller vehicle into the 'edge' without leaving any marks on the smaller vehicle. I'm not suggesting this is what happened, but I am suggesting its a feasible answer to how something such as this might occur. Of course, there are also plenty of other feasible answers, such as he was simply travelling too quickly... etc... However, the 'absense' of reporting that he [the deceased] was 'rear ended' or 'nudged' into the wall is a not a particularly solid indication that this 'did not' happen in this case. I think all possibilities should be considered in such incidents regardless of what was reported.
  20. 100% agree..... they're the best at the moment... (perhaps other than Singapore). BUT... I've never 'had anything go wrong' on Qatar... So I've no idea how they handle issues.... and IMO the true measure of an airline is not when things are going well, but when something goes wrong.... ... for example, Thai Airways stranding a flight load of transiting Passengers in Bangkok after an issue, it seems they lacked sound protocol to adequately look after the passengers.
  21. Same here, has saved my wife and I four times now, all of the Thai drivers lied, the dashcam shown to the insurance and police fixed their lying ways. I've dash-cams on both the Car and the Motorcycle (both forward and rear facing).... ..... used for the very reasons you describe above... in an accident People lie - either to save face, cover their mistake, protect themselves, or they simply see things from a very different perspective....
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