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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. Major article in World section of Sunday’s Times (uk)re a reporter’s experience of being carted off to Phuket hospitel. Excoriating and further damaging the tourist industry.
  2. Not only this which is today’s Times,but yesterday’s Sunday Times has the major leading article in World section of their reporter’s description of being carted off for quarantine in a Phuket hospitel. Thailand getting increasing poor press coverage of the treatment of tourists
  3. To paraphrase Monty Python," It’s an ex high season" … and heading towards an "ex tourist industry".
  4. Worse still,there are those who believe,against all evidence,they are possessed of such. Try that mirror…
  5. It appears you have contracted something worse than either ! ????
  6. We know the tune your playing- you 'harp' on about it incessantly,but I’m calling you a 'lyre' …
  7. Yet another Groundhog Day thread with the same tedious comments. Give up on this ,please ! ????
  8. Most unfathomable Thai officialdom decisions are easily explained by reference to Hanlon's Razor and the Dunning Kruger effect. Or perhaps more simplistically by the 'Thai Thick gene ' ????
  9. Very few Thais actually pay any income tax - it’s mainly collected by indirect taxes (spending - sales tax) so Farangs spending considerably more pay more taxes. Speaking as a UK citizen I am liable to pay uk income tax on my uk earnings including pensions and rent and that income pushes me into the 40% higher rate band. You don’t really understand tax law to make the rather ill informed statement that ‘farangs pay no tax in their own country throughout their whole life"
  10. 300 baht per tourist ? What are the government going to do with the extra 3000 baht pouring into their coffers this year…?
  11. Unless they can restore their former tourist industry (and it won’t be the un achievable 'high class' individual they delude themselves about) the employment and wealth prospects for very many Thais is bleak. They simply don’t have the educational skills,nor English command, to make headway in the technological high skills industries to substitute. Tourism’s relatively low skill base suits them perfectly- unfortunately the current mob don’t have the intelligence to understand nor reinvigorate that industry here. An infrastructure is crumbling.
  12. Undoubtedly the Thai education system is rotten to the core,both structurally and practically with poor quality teachers and nothing less than root and branch reform (which won’t happen) will address that. I brought my 9 year old non English speaking stepdaughter to UK putting her through a good state education institution. After getting A levels including Maths and English she went on to get a first class honours in Business Economics at a decent university,thence to a good graduate level job in an established on line commercial operation where she continues to flourish. That said,I think she is considerably more intelligent than the average Thai and some of the most basic common sense errors I see so frequently in everyday Thailand makes me wonder whether there is a genetic deficiency which some of us refer to as the "Thick Gene". ????
  13. He looks quite old and sitting alone on a beach. Why in those circumstances would you assume he’d be the one picking a fight with two presumably younger Thais.?
  14. Named after The Who track …but think you may be right!
  15. Even if you see a huge scary looking spider leave it too as it’s probably a harmless huntsman which ears other nasties. I’ve a huge one in my bathroom called Boris ! ????
  16. So not inventing a catalogue of assumptions to fit a narrative,eh river high? ????
  17. I bow to your greater experience of being in those categories… ????
  18. Not so, most have a 24 hour emergency hotline where the hospital speaks directly with medical advisor of the insurers where they will confirm with the hospital that the insurers agree to pay. The hospital accepts this as guarantee of payment.
  19. Anecdotal evidence of one does not reflect the whole. I was exactly the same for several years until suddenly manufactured issues caused unnecessary and pointless difficulties . You simply cannot rely on consistency and logic here. It’s OK until suddenly it isn’t.
  20. To realise that way forward embracing a new higher skill set is not feasible for a country with such an appalling education system- PISA educational tables - . That will take at least a generation to fix even were they to immedunwind the dreadful structure in place. No,the relatively low skills of a tourist industry is what sits comfortably with Thailand.
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