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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. What they seem very slow to understand is that the huge drop in earnings from the decimation of numbers of foreigners of all types here spending money is not returning to anything resembling those levels for a considerable time ,likely measured in years . Perhaps another lost high season and the continued'ghost town' appearance of the main tourist resorts will emphasize that ? The delusional perception of millions just waiting for them to open the gates sadly continues. They will not be able to reset their preferred tourist/visitor profile and will have to be grateful for whoever comes and take whatever they spend. They might start with encouraging whoever is already here and do their utmost to keep them here and without daft immigration hurdles.
  2. A classic demonstration of stupidity. That’s why they wear no/cheap helmets . Cheap helmets for cheap heads..
  3. Drink driving convictions in most western countries are a huge inconvenience. Mandatory ban for at least a year in UK ,often more than that. Continue to drive on a ban and you’re facing jail time. Even after the ban you’ll be hit with a massive insurance premium hike,if you can even find an insurer. The record on your licence stays for 10 years and insurers will ask for details of convictions for past 5 years and 'have you EVER been convicted of DUI ' ! A very expensive conviction ..
  4. There’s a vaccination to largely prevent deaths from Covid,but unlikely to ever be a vaccination to cure the utter stupidity of so very many Thai drivers. It goes beyond proper road training and enforcement evidenced by some of the mindless manoeuvres they undertake (pun alert) devoid of any common sense pertaining self survival. It may be they’re simply not bright enough to drive…
  5. Did you get her number? Perhaps she’ll lift something else for you later on…? ????
  6. I think there’s a 'Spot the Boss' app on your new iPad and he might be the one waving the checkered flag signaling the end of RTP's search for him.. ????
  7. Why the house of cards system won’t work for mass tourism - incidents like this will multiply hugely. Like their travel insurance they are really only only the face of the test /insurance and the company doing the test or the actual underwriters (when you claim) are nothing to do with Boots. They’re basically an agent taking a commission by lending their name.
  8. How do you detect a slowdown in the barely perceptible movement of tectonics? ????
  9. Please PM me your PIN number so I can verify it’s really you before I send them back… I’ll take my own modest reward ..
  10. Do you think he’ll be getting the trader to reciprocate in kind and then wai with his mouth still full ? ????
  11. Don’t confuse the interest rate they quote you with APR you might get quoted in say UK. They are charging you the quoted % rate on the FULL lump sum over the entire period even though you are paying down that lump sum every month and later on in the payback period you’ll have paid back the majority of that capital loan but still paying interest on the initial sum. As others have mentioned this effectively doubles the quoted rate.
  12. You might have noticed Covid is a multi trillion dollar hit to the world economy? Perhaps you think world economies would be better off without vaccines ,including those pesky polio ,mumps/rubella etc. ones ? I think the bridge your selling is of the Biffins variety given the quality of reasoning coming from under that tin foil hat ..
  13. Do you think €20 a shot expensive for a potentially life saving vaccination that also enables economies to start opening is expensive? The speed of development and production of the vaccine was also astounding and AZ supplied at cost. Pharma spends billions in research often with no return so recuperation of costs on successful ones is the justified business model . When here we were struggling to get vaccinated I would gladly have forked out £500 if offered.
  14. The official name is "Dynamic currency conversion ". Dynamic certainly for the scamming retailer skimming off the interbank transfer rate you’d otherwise get as posters have already advised. There are credit cards (certainly uk ones) that also don’t apply the 2.5 - 3% international fee many apply
  15. Coil springs simply substituting leaf springs but still crudely affixed to a ladder chassis are no match for the fully IRS on proper SUVs as a ride in them would attest.
  16. Remember that SUVs of this nature are basically pickups underneath sharing the cruder chassis and suspension underpinnings . You will get a much superior ride quality and handling with the different chassis and independent rear suspension of SUVs like Honda CR-V ,Mazda CX5 which will be more like a car . Decide on your priorities and if you’re not lugging stuff around on poor roads and don’t need such a huge vehicle they may be better options.
  17. In 2/3 years electric will still have a significant price premium. Especially in countries like Thailand diesel will be widely used for 15 years plus . You think the average Thai can afford to ditch his truck for expensive electric ? It would be uneconomic political suicide for governments in developing countries to Jack up diesel prices when there’ll still be millions of them on the road. Fantasy land !
  18. Why ,unless you had to ,chose this time of year ? A totally different perspective would apply had you chosen june - September or wished to avoid the horribly hot April May here.
  19. Include more capitals- it may make up for the incoherence and lack of understanding in that post.
  20. Yes you still have to show a paid for first beer booking to get Thailand pass… ????
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