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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. Damn! He missed the trick of reminding us how many vaccines Thailand donated to the inferior USA… I’ve got that the right way round haven’t I ..? ????‍♂️
  2. I use it via the website but presume,unlike all my uk banks and credit card companies Kasikorn hasn’t enabled fingerprint id on their app which makes OTP superfluous? Otherwise can’t see the point of the app
  3. Talking about 2 Thai drivers and so that statement inherently has a 99.99% probability of being correct! ????
  4. It wasn’t a post solely directed to you! It’s a wider discussion about a possible general trend in immigration which might be of interest to others. You have the option to do us all a favour by walking away !
  5. I’m reluctant to specify in case of potential comeback,but it’s one generally regarded as formerly being relatively easy and helpful to deal with and we always dress smartly ,have all the correct paperwork and are very polite.I noticed a couple of others in there seemingly having issues,hence my implication that something might have changed..
  6. I think you’ve missed the point. Things are being made artificially more difficult (the excuses will be tailor made to your circumstances) and I think it’s to put pressure on to use an agent- for the reasons we are all well aware of !-. I’ve had several years of no problems using income method at my office,but this year providing exactly the same proofs (including all the fx documents) nonsense questions like " why did I bring in so MUCH money" (I brought in way above the requirements ) and where was I getting the money from ! None of which are germane to my application! It too was hinted at that next year ' it wouldn’t be accepted " ????.
  7. While yes he can drive for 1 year on the Thai license his biggest problem will be insurance. He’s both young,no uk licence nor resident and no no claims bonus,all of which counts heavily against him. Expect a premium in excess of £2000 ! His cheapest option is to become a named driver on another’s policy and pay them the difference. Generally it would be cheaper for him to use taxis when necessary
  8. I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt by putting it down to your menopause/ time of the month rather than ill informed ignorance, although I’m not ruling out a combination of all three…
  9. And Thailand slowly strangles the last remaining breaths of their once vibrant tourist economy. Articles reporting this kind of thing is appearing increasingly often in World press. The results will be well deserved although sympathy for the unemployed workers just trying to make a living .
  10. What people? The problem exists and there’s little you can do when you’re on the end of it
  11. Actually this was raised in UK and the answer is no. The handbrake has to be on,you have to be pulled over and the foot pedals cannot activate the engine start.
  12. Drink driving is a far more serious offense when you will be arrested and attracting an immediate driving ban. Getting insurance afterwards will be extremely difficult and expensive.Use of the phone (UK) is a fixed penalty giving points on your licence but no arrest /court appearance . Reckless and Careless driving also mean a court appearance.
  13. Firstly I am legal anyway by virtue of the monthly income I bring in and secondly I can’t access that 800k to live on - it has be be left untouched for months prior to my visa extension application and 400k can not be accessed at all. Given the return I achieve on my investments 20k paid to an agent is the cheaper amount . That’s even before the question of a lump sum being lodged in an institution and a country I would not choose to put there.
  14. No,we were politely insistent and eventually they conceded but warned that next year it "wouldn’t work". This despite having the 20+ printed contract notes for each of the fx transactions. But yes,it would be cheaper to pay 20k to an agent than tie up 800k in a Thai bank account which I invest at a far greater return in my SIPP and ISA investment wrappers.
  15. Said someone deluding themselves that things are the way they wish it were despite the reality. I easily meet the criteria for money brought into the country monthly but recently it was made extremely difficult for me on daft objections (why did I bring in so MUCH money- 3x the amount required actually!) . Clearly I was being pushed into using a agent for someone to get their cut. What should I do in that case , leave the country or pay an agent?
  16. It’s perfectly legitimate to complain about corruption while having to go along with it in order to get things done. We didn’t make the rules of the game here but we are obliged to play by them.
  17. By definition you cannot finitely measure corruption (think about it),but the metrics used are perfectly valid ,it isn’t someone just putting 2 wet fingers in the air.
  18. Major article in World section of Sunday’s Times (uk)re a reporter’s experience of being carted off to Phuket hospitel. Excoriating and further damaging the tourist industry.
  19. Not only this which is today’s Times,but yesterday’s Sunday Times has the major leading article in World section of their reporter’s description of being carted off for quarantine in a Phuket hospitel. Thailand getting increasing poor press coverage of the treatment of tourists
  20. To paraphrase Monty Python," It’s an ex high season" … and heading towards an "ex tourist industry".
  21. Ironically,and topically,they were playing Meat Loaf's "Bat out of hell" ????
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