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Everything posted by Freed1948

  1. ME? I got only 3. male, female and Carlton supporters.
  2. That's why mine is stuffed in my pillow.
  3. Ahh, Thai politics. You wouldn't be dead for quids.
  4. Could you give us the time it starts, please.
  5. Thailand the world will remember you.
  6. Don't know about foreigners getting better service, but just back from Siriat hospial where I was charged an extra 25% for every transaction because I a foreigner. What gives with this BS?
  7. I really don't know where this case is headed. I have been here on and off for a total of 30 to 40 years. I don't know any police officers personally but have interacted with a few. I have never felt threatened by the ones I have dealt with. This maybe because I have lived a sheltered life here. I just look at it as there are good and bad apples in law enforcement throughout the world. Of course I read the news about the corruption here and just put it down to the low wages paid to the average Thai worker. What riles me is the blatant thievery of officialdom from fellow Thais who have to deal with these corrupt people. As somebody else said the average Thai knows it goes on and accepts it as part of the country's culture. UNTIL a political party is elected that has THE PEOPLE foremost in mind it will never change.
  8. The admission by the RTP in this scandal is an embarrassment to themselves and to all on social media who defended them.
  9. Why be scared of nothing?
  10. From the report: Each licensed driver has 12 points. what about the unlicensed ones?
  11. You need to get out more.
  12. I was going to comment on the fact that those [tourists ?] having to wade through almost 1 metre deep water.
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