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Everything posted by Freed1948

  1. Happens in Thailand.
  2. Some people are full of themselves.
  3. What are you saying? He has as much right to express his opinion as you.
  4. Spot on there, mate, it only applies to public servants. This government , and previous ones, make it sound good. The general public get nothing. Are there any trade unions here to fight for the general public the ones that work and pay the taxes. I have just been told that bank employees also qualify for the paid holiday. Why are they so privileged?
  5. And somehow over a million youngsters have been advised that they didn't do an army test this month. This is despite all those kids attending army barracks to complete the tests. Check social media to read the students complaints.
  6. One that they won't admit too, is that the Army has lost more than a million exam results, from students.
  7. Some folks need to get out more. I just wished that some folks would realise that there is no need to go through life being bored. I think google needs to get a life too.
  8. OI, I was referring to AFL in Australia. Have no time for that excuse for sport they call soccer.
  9. They could use a Tuk-Tuk with a laptop just as effectively.
  10. Have been out of touch, what is the latest on his ark near Soi ten Sukhumvit
  11. Prehistoric thinking. Won't work and unenforable.
  12. Mr. Prayut, would you like to retire as you are, a pm who really did nothing to change Thailand's perceived reputation as a corrupt nation. OR The PM who dug deep to change that reputation. You have the results of a legal probe into the wrongs of this case. BUT you have kept it hidden from the general population. Release the findings of that probe and maybe Thailand will remember you in a good light. OR Do nothing and keep Thailand's existing reputation.
  13. what a load of........... about a silly game. thankfully Aussie Rules kicks off in two months.
  14. Any acquittal on that trumped up decree is OK.
  15. Just wondering when the title of this thread will be changed to The indefinite time that was.
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