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Everything posted by IgboChief

  1. Was a big problem for us. My daughter grew up with two Australian kids and got fluent in English within one year. The "Head of English" was in the position based on age and "merit for the school", but did not speak one damn word. Of course the 3 kids mocked her and this did not go too well. They could not even blame her, because English was only her third language. Teachers need to be role models with a natural authority, not clowns in uniforms with lameta on their shoulders. Long way to go still.
  2. I love to show much respect when its earned and those people often could not care less. People who claim respect, seldom deserve any.
  3. Have you ever talked to some 16-26 year old Thais recently? Do you have a grasp how upset and angry they are? What you describe is what Prayuth and his clique wants you to see -- the majority of young people strongly opposes it.
  4. Primary school was a private school in Udon, all Thai Students except 3 expat kids. Despite ignoring their "rules" they still featured my daughter on all of their advertisements and wanted to hire me as a teacher. Never had any bad experience there, except one time a younger teacher stroke my daughter, I sorted it out and never anything happened again as long as my daughter was there. Now it is an international school, 60% Thai Children.
  5. Sure I do, and my wai is always below the heart, except for people who actually deserve it from my heart.
  6. My daughter is Thai citizen with a Thai passport. She is not guest to anyone, but has full rights. But Thailand does not, its illegal. Thailand is not as backward as you paint it. My daughter attends an excellent school in Chiang Mai with most revered teachers. Lookup my name, I do know real savage countries, where we burn thieves in tires on the road. Trust me, nobody would let a teacher strike his kids there. We would solve this matter and teachers know that. My point is: Thailand knows better!
  7. Yes, it actually is. Read the law, it is surprisingly strong , clear and modern. (Just bad enforcement as so often.)
  8. I have to oppose that passionately: in my book violence is anything and everything, which hurts you --e specially when its conducted from a position of overwhelming strength and power. A 16 year old, strong boy would have stood that and it would never have happened that way. And thus, when its done to a 6 years old, its violence and abuse (although non physical). Simple like that. Question: If I come at you and staple you, how would you react? a) you just take it and smile or b) you punch me straight into the face (lets assume I was not taller/bigger/younger/stronger). I bet 1000 bucks, it would be b) answer. Now, ask yourself why no smile and take it, when it was no violence at all.
  9. Good on your dad then, I also understand that things happened at a different time -- and they just did not know much better then (alas it must have been 50 years ago or so). I agree, we should not glorify those times and don't justify what we wrong then and still is today.
  10. Well, I can and I am glad I can -- because that kind of "teacher" should never have entered a school, not even as a janitor. Just to put things in comparison: At our present school in Chiang Mai a teacher lost his job (with compensation) about un-proven allegations from 20 years ago! Which is the extreme on the other end and not a good example at all. I just want to prove what common sense about that topic yields. I agree on that one and leave it like that.
  11. Which clearly was related to Violence, not to Love or social interaction. We must come from very different background if there is a misunderstanding here,.
  12. You are free to judge my attitude. However you miss completely the point again: If there is a problem with a 6 year old, then hold the parents accountable. If you can't stand the non-compliance, then dismiss the family from that school. But never ever touch a 6 year old.
  13. Btw, my daughter quite often showed up in the wrong dress or on public holidays etc. -- simply because we did not understand their tradition (and honestly did not care at all). If my daughter got notice less than 48h about a special dress requirement, I told her to ignore and to explain it exactly in that way and to request to speak to me in case of any problems. She learned more from that about life than from all that costume drama together. Children main gather knowledge in school -- but experience from their parents.
  14. I feel sorry for your that your dad did not have the guts or interest to stand up for you. Mine always did and so I do for my daughter. Seems to be a bit of an issue with social development. If you think, that this incident did not carve a long lasting impression then you must seriously lack a sense of fairness and just -- maybe linked to your own scars (see above). I am lost of what you try to say here: When bad things happened in the woods 50 years ago, we consider them ok? Why not go back to a good old flaying? I mean, THAT would teach them -- right? Cancer is a big issue. War is a big issue. A 6 year old in wrong clothes is NOTHING. Not in any culture or any country. And don't say "Thailand", there are actually excellent schools in Thailand and very educated people. Sure, do that to my kid and there would be definitely implications. If there is any problem with a student, big or small, the CALL THE PARENTS and hold them accountable. If you touch a 6 year old (unless there is immediate danger to prevent), then you are unfit for any job, but especially as a teacher. Ask yourself a simple question: Would they have dared doing the same on a 16 year old student (not too wimpy)? I guess not and this demonstrates all what went wrong here: its pure bullying and abuse of power.
  15. "LINE" is not any proper form of communication at the first place. Letter, e-mail or phone with at least 24 hours notice -- or it did not happen.
  16. Serve yourself as you like, I have a very different opinion on that. And everyone in "our" school knew that. They dared to stroke my daughter exactly 1 time 6 years ago -- after that according to her, nobody ever touched a child there again (at least until she left 3 years ago.) And no, its not a Thai or culture problem. Its a problem of savages. She attends now a better school in Chiang Mai and suddenly such issues don't exist.
  17. I don't think the teacher has been punished yet in anyway because I did not read a word about an industrial stapler gun. https://gearsofwar.fandom.com/wiki/Industrial_Staple_Gun?file=Industrial_Staple_Gun_2.jpg
  18. Those mechanisms exists everywhere: Call the Commissioner of Police and there will be apologies and punishment. Of course, when you are without your phone and constraint to your un-inflamable mattress in a police cell in Germany -- and suddenly burn to ashes, then this is no-ones fault and definitely no case of corruption. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Oury_Jalloh
  19. I have never made any bad experience with any police anywhere in the world. Most of the time, it is a matter of how you approach them: Talk family first, then mourn about economy and bad wages. Then tell them how your wife makes life a hell by nagging all time an beating your nerves. It's all <deleted>, but they do love this kind of "dancing". Thai police always treated me with utmost respect and I do not mind to support their welfare fund from time to time. Laos police always treated me nicely and so I am glad to help them out. Nigerian police is mafia and its good to know some people, just in case. But never any bad experience. They are all just people trying to make a living. Respect and accept that and you will be fine.
  20. Which can be annoying as hell: I travel to West Africa regularly where I also have Residence Permit. On my way back to Thailand I have had hard times to explain to them, that I am on my return flight and so do not need to have a return flight back to West Africa.
  21. The Bank's have liabilities in THB and FX/USD. The Central Bank will always be able to bail them out in THB, but what about the FX? How long will the Central Bank be able to act as Lendor of the Last Resort for the FX Liabilities, when a) USD yields go up (to curb inflation) and b) FX Funding Cost for the Thai Commercial Banks go up from the downgrades? We can't ignore that FX inflows are heavily affected from the lack of tourists (30 Mill. tourists, each spend average 1000 USD -- gives 30 bn. USD inflow every year). Together weak car exports due to high cost of diesel (who would by Hillux trucks!), FX inflow could become a problem.
  22. 90 mins + 30 mins break + 2 x 1 hour in and out = half a day (excl. transport and accommodation and tax). Such big discounts are offered only for topics I have a great interest in, rubbish comes at a premium though.
  23. I would not want to watch this trash, if they paid me 25k THB.
  24. Cool story boomer, though the only difference between KR 2 and KR 22 is the place of marriage.
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