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Everything posted by MartinBangkok

  1. This might sound like a stupid thought/question, but since this new tax rule comes into effect 1st January, 2024 (only three months from now) could it be possible that they will demand tax returns from all of us already in 2024 and consequently that we have to pay tax under the new rules for all income for the year we are in: 2023?
  2. Wow!!! Thanks a million @K2938. This is potentially great news! ???? (barring any U-turns)
  3. Can anyone confirm that the LTR-visa gives you 0 tax under this new announcement? I doubt this is the case...
  4. Yes, but the thing is, the Chinese are coming, and in big numbers. 5 years from now, the Chinese will have bought all available condos (anything to get out of Xi's China). Thaksin is half Chinese, as are most of the Thailand elite. Chinese are welcome, people with white skin from developed democratic nations, are not. We are the Thai elites worst enemy, indusing democratic thoughts into our Thai spouses, girlfriends, lovers, friends.
  5. Check the reporting requirements of convicted criminals in your home country..
  6. What?? I wish you the best of luck if you ever try to do business in Thailand as a foreigner. Have you read the Thai minister's comment about the verdict? "Congratulations all Thais" What a country!
  7. It's been fine here in Ban Chang (close to Utapao Airport), Rayong, for the past six weeks. What are they smoking at the weather department?
  8. Anutin is in for a big wake up call if he continues trying to rip off the Thai elite family that owns/operates the BTS
  9. Yes, that's how it works in my home country Norway. Google it. You obviously don't know much about civilized nations.
  10. Bull<deleted>, try coming to Norway, you get better welfare rights than citizens, before you quickly become a citizen yourself .
  11. Chuvit has obviously been silenced. (sorry, replying to previous comment about the new PMs dodgy tax dealings)
  12. Same with the Norwegian Crown :-0 Side note: Considering the appalling treatment we Farangs are subject to in this land of fake smiles (think 90 days reporting, notify police/immigration every single day you are out of your registered province, double pricing, rip offs, beuraucratic hell), I have already decided: I am out of here if I have to pay a single Baht in tax. We are treated worse than hard-line criminals/rapist's are in my home country.
  13. I agree with member "Bannork": Know when to fight your battles. MFP should wait on delicate issues until they have warmed up - mabye in a year or two. Then Thailand can dream of having a national day like we have in Norway. Celebrating our 200 year constitution (1814) with children processions the main focus of the day, not military parades.
  14. I have a big penis, but thats beside the point. On a 1100cc motorcycle, the louder the noise, the more safety for me and everyone else on the road. This is a fact.
  15. I was the first to order and pay a deposit (May 1st) for the new Raptor at Ford Rayong. I was supposed to get it this month (August). But then I got a message from them that I have to wait until November due to delays. No worries. I visited the dealer yesterday and they actually had it at the showroom. What a car! Sublime V6 engine, suspension (amazingly smooth ride), 4 wheel drive specs, off road specs, acceleration and sound specs, technology specs (think Tesla), interior standard/quality (soft touches galore/leather), surround system (10 speakers Bang & Olufsen!), really, really powerful aircon, literally no engine/road/tire noise (due to state-of-the-art suspension, ladder frame, noise cancellation in cabin) and so many driving modes it makes you dizzy (I will be driving in Baja mode all the time :-0 full on exhaust sound. I am trading in my BMW 520d M Sport (G30). I can´t wait! ???? Cheers!
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