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Everything posted by MartinBangkok

  1. Chickenlegs, I could ask you to be banned for making fun of a non native English speaker. But I wont. I meant of course decent. How is your Norwegian, by the way?
  2. But the real problem is that Thai products are inferiour, even to Chinese products.
  3. All Thai products are inferiour to products made in China, not to mention products from the western world. If you disagree, name me one descent Thai-made product.
  4. The main problem for Thailand is that Thai products are even inferiour in quality compared to Chinese products, not to mention products from developed nations.
  5. Thailand is a Kleptocracy. In a kleptocracy, corrupt politicians enrich themselves secretly outside the rule of law, through kickbacks, bribes, and special favors from lobbyists and corporations, or they simply direct state funds to themselves and their associates. Also, kleptocrats often export much of their profits to foreign nations in anticipation of losing power.[6]
  6. Did Freud name you Sigmund while he was treating you?
  7. And hows the second hand value of your car right now?
  8. You vote democrats, don't you JB Chiang Rai (regarding your love of vegan leather)? I have tried explaining just one of the downsides of an EV to you regarding the excess weight, but you just will not except any criticism about EVs. Will you?
  9. "Dette går til helvete" as we say in Norway (This is going straight to hell)
  10. Governor Chadchart Sittipunt, 29 officials penalized? How about sacking everybody, including yourself, and let a Farang build up Bangkok from the ground?
  11. People who know me, know that I am very critical of Thailand. But I have to admit the Apple-ad is a bit outdated. Perhaps influenced by the movie "Hangover 2"? I see several similarities.
  12. Your last paragraph is on a different subject BigStar. But talking about that, I agree with you.
  13. How about lets learn the business language of the world..
  14. What utter bull<deleted>. The lack of proficiency in English is one of the major problems holding this country back. Almost on par with corruption and the obsequious deference-behaviour brainwashed into 99% of Thai "children" from birth.
  15. It never stops amazing me how Thais, and other Asian people, vehemently refuse to accept any criticism from "white" people. If you are a Thai reading this, try travelling by bus or train in a western developed country, and then make an honest comparissment with Thailand.
  16. Vegan leather... Do you vote Democrats too?
  17. And you think that beats the considerable extra gravitational force in bends and dramatically lower grip?
  18. I'll give you a clue: Half a ton extra for the suspension, bearings, (esentially all parts impacted by the load) brakes and wheels to resist (potholes, braking distance, gravital force through bends) The last two even worse in slippery conditions.
  19. Drive better? With 500 extra kilograms? Are you brainwashed?
  20. The answer to your last question is yes.
  21. Good post with one major error. You will be taxed in Thailand on your total global income regardless of how much of your income you bring into Thailand. And thanks to global tax agreements (OECD) all Thailand's Revenue Department has to do to find your total income, is to contact/look up your home country's Tax Department (it will probably be available online for them as well).
  22. Give me a break When you decide to go for a coffee and pee, how long does that take, about 15 minutes? Did the place you stopped at have a charging point? And a charging point that actually worked? And a charging point that was compatible with your car? And how many cars were in front of you, 1, 2, 3?? How many hours waiting would that be? And did it have a charging point where you bank card worked? And if it's yes to all this (I doubt it), how efficient was the charge?) How long did it take? 1 hour or more?
  23. @BangkokHank, you obviously didn't stay long enough time in Thailand. What's happening know is a "brown envelope"-arrangement to make corrupt individuals rich on a motorway that should have been free for the public already (barring maintenance costs perhaps)
  24. And don't even ask me about breaking distances, insurance costs, depreciation, cost of repairs, competence of repair staff (think Somchai, Thailand) and catastrophic fall in new car prices.
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