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  1. You just had to go there didn't you? So anyone who doesn't support Trump is a communist and by association, party to mass murder and genocide? I warned you not to go full tinfoil but you just couldn't resist 😀
  2. Any chance of a clue or am I supposed to be psychic? There's been a few mass muders over the years. Which one are we getting blamed for?
  3. What on earth are you going on about? What 'history of mass murder'? (Now remember - don't go full tinfoil - veryone knows you never go full tinfoil)
  4. Oh I see. Thanks for clearing that up. I keep forgetting Trump gets a special pass for the $hit that comes out of his mouth but Dems have to be holier than though.
  5. “They’re scum and they want to take down our country. They are absolute garbage.” - Donald Trump, 9/7/24 But this is ok because it's from their Orange messiah.
  6. Another pearl clutcher extraordinaire. Take your faux indignation somewhere else - it doesn't wash here.
  7. And you call us snowflakes. Get over yourself. Geez. YOUR man started all this name calling and continues to stoke hate on a daily basis. He's not even hidng his racism and neither are his cohorts whether it is Miller with his "America is for Americans and for Americans only," or your favourite comedian Hinchcliffe with 'And these Latinos, they love making babies, too. Just know that. They do. They do. There’s no pulling out. They don’t do that. They come inside, just like they did to our country. Hahahaha! Republicans are the party with a good sense of humor. … There’s a lot going on. Like, I don’t know if you guys know this, but there’s literally a floating island of garbage in the middle of the ocean right now or even Rudy Giuliani with his 'The Palestinians are taught to kill us at 2 years old' nonsense. https://www.democracynow.org/2024/10/29/jean_guerrero_trump_rally_nyc_msg You reap what you sow.
  8. The pearl clutching is truly a sight to see. Your man utters nonsense all day long, targeting foreigners, pop stars, celebrities and anyone else who comes into his radar CONSTANTLY calls people belittling names but yeah an OUTGOING Presidents calls you lot garbage and the world is ending. Thing is, even if he meant it the way it sounded, he's not wrong. An AWFUL lot of garbage people in the MAGA camp.
  9. It reminds me of that quote I once saw - 'Why do Democrats need a perfect walk-on-water candidate when the Republicans pulled a booger out of their nose, stuck a red cap on it and called it President?' Anonymous
  10. Agreed. There's garbage on all sides. Not sure this is the gotcha moment you were hoping for.
  11. Your enemy is reality.
  12. You guys do love a bit of pearl clutching. A garbage person screems at a kid but quickly gets shut down by a normal person who also think she's a garbage person. But yeah, that's the Dems all summed up in one person. Give me a break.
  13. I agree with you. I think you are garbage too.
  14. It sure is because they are so diametrically opposite it's unreal. Dems didn't really have a problem with past GOP presidents (although we all thought it couldn't get any worse than Bush) but this version of extremism is just too much. We all know the border is a problem - but that won't change with mass deportations and demonisation of a whole swathe of the population. Tarriffs on all countries has been univesally panned as a REALLY bad idea https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-economy-nobel-prize-winners-letter-inflation-warning/. Giving Putin what he wants means at minumum, territory lost for Ukraine and a sovereign nation, backed by a functioning democracy, being not in charge of it's own destiny and the knock on affect on the larger EU block. But I especially hate him treating EVERYTHING like it's some big deal to be done - another mega hotel or the purchase of a golf club which his provelaged upbringing has led him to believe he deserves, that it's his destiny. International politics is far more nuanced than a block of condo's on the beach. Add on the Xenaphobia, the downright racism, the lies, lies and yet more lies and the contest isn't even close. But yeah, she probably giggles a bit more than she should.
  15. So you're vindictive as well as delusional? Like a mini-Trump.

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