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  1. First I would prefer absolutely no outside donations to any political parties ever, so we agree on that. I cannot comment on the 'tax dodging Cayman islands hedge fund' but it seems to be a very good example of why both foreign individuals AND foreign corporations should be banned if it turns out to be true. But the reason why Musk and his ilk shouldn't be allowed is obviously because if you let one do it then others will follow; Saudi Sheiks (although they influence in other ways), religous extremists, other billionaires currying favour to their own ends - you would end up like America where essentially the government is bought and paid for by self interest groups such us Musk, the NRA, oil companies and many, many similar corporations. Their staggering wealth buys influence often at the detriment of ordinary people and that's plain wrong and shouldn't ever be allowed in the UK. Unions are quite a different thing altogether but I also don't think they should be allowed to donate but firstly they are at least British (a big point) and they represent working class British citizens so their self-interest is the interest of their membership. No-one should be allowed to pay political parties and neither should they be able to give gifts or expensive overseas trips but this has been tabled before and didn't succeed so I'm not going to hold my breath. Money should not play a part in policy but whilst there are glaring loop-holes such as the one this article highlights, then this looks likely to continue.
  2. Who wants to bet that Musk will be out before he's even 'in'? Knowing Trumps hatred of anyone who gets more publicity than him, Musk would do well to keep his trap shut!
  3. And you are just the worse winners ever! Talk about gloating.
  4. No they can't. As mentioned numerous times, the minimum age in most countries for a sex change is 18 when most people are considered adults. You are conflating a sex change with taking puberty blockers - two very different things.
  5. Great post and yes, as I've repeatedly said, this complicated issue should be viewed as a medical situation rather than political but that seems to be the world we now live in - people forced to be something they are not because some politicians want to score some points. All those shouting for kids not to be given puberty blockers (and they have to get them BEFORE puberty sets in hence why it's done so young) forget the many major psychological issues it creates and the ensuing problems thereafter. The good news though is theres been many coming out to say there hasn't been a significent rise in suicides because of the ban (https://www.pulsetoday.co.uk/news/clinical-areas/mental-health-pain-and-addiction/expert-discredits-claims-of-link-between-puberty-blockers-ban-and-suicide/) so at least that's something.
  6. I'm not entirely sure I agree with your assertions here. Puberty blockers were introduced in the early 90's so have been used with very little controversy for over 30 years. It's only been the recent politicalisation of it mostly by right wing politicians in an every increasing attemp to insert even more identity politicis into the public discourse that's it's now become a 'thing'. The 'hardcore supporters of trans rights' you mention have only had to become more 'hardcore' to combat this extremism. You've seen it before with the Suffragettes and the Civil Rights Movement and more recently MeToo and BLM - people are forced into becoming 'hardcore' when their rights are being eroded and the trans movement is certainly under assault right now.
  7. More identity politics........how very mature of you.
  8. I think your self-perceived 'gotcha' moment is highlighting the very point that's being debated. If your article is correct (big IF) then it's not from a person but rather a corporation which seems to be the issue as mentioned in the post above '...............................he could channel funds through one of his UK-based companies. This loophole has prompted the Electoral Commission to call for tighter regulations to ensure donations from foreign individuals or entities are restricted to money generated within the UK.' Foreign donations, whether they be an individual or a corporation have no place in UK politics.
  9. Another good reason to not subscribe to that disgrace of a social network.
  10. I cannot find a single thing to support this assertion so either post a link or withdraw your comment. Quire rightly, foreign citizens are barred from directly donating to political parties in the UK (and it's rigourously checked by The Electoral Commission) so unless you have some corroborated evidence (which I very much doubt), then you're just spreading conspiracy theories. https://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/full-guidance/political-party-donations-and-loans-great-britain
  11. BodyDysmorphicdisorder (BDD), or body dysmorphia, is a well documented mental health condition that's been around for many, many years. The question of course is since a sex change is a permanent condition with no going back, at what age should it be allowed? In the vast majority of countries you can only get a full sex change when you are 18 and above (a sensible age when most are considered adults) but the controversy comes with puberty blockers in teenagers as young as 10 which I think most sensible people think is far too young. Places like the UK have now banned puberty blockers for under 18's but the point though is this should be medical considerations NOT a political one as extreme cases of BDD can lead to suicide. It's just not as straight forward as everyone makes out and the demonising from mostly the right isn't helping. I personally think the age should be 18 BUT with exceptions in a small amount of cases. This won't work of course because any ambiguity will just feed the haters so keep it at 18 and just keep your fingers crossed it doesn't lead to an uptick in teen deaths.
  12. I think this is fair enough. All outgoing POTUS's are lame ducks if they don't get re-elected so Biden is just a bit more 'lame' than most. The guy's 82. He's done his bit for country over the 50 years he has been in politics so let him just fade into the night as he rightly deserves.
  13. I understand the emotions involved in these matters but the death penalty isn't justice - it's revenge and retribution. No government should be carrying out revenge against their own citizens.

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