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Posts posted by ratchabuild

  1. that's the fact: i'm legally (with certificate) married in thailand since June 2007(about 3 months).in the last 95 nights she slept with me just 21. my blame, i allowed her to stay at her mom's home (in Samut Prakan), THAT'S what SHE said.

    but unfortunately (for she) just yesterday i met a former school companion of her that innocently (believing that i knew it) told me:

    - my wife has been married for 12 year with a thai policeman,

    - has 2 kids with him (14yo & 10yo) :o

    -she divorced from the policeman 'cause he betrayed her (many times) and she has known.

    to this point she lied only on purpose of the kids (saying to me that it did not have any)

    but the best is yet to come:

    -around 10 May (this year) she married (thai ceremony with relatives and friend) with a 50yo man from Sweden!

    the school companion said that my wife has met this man at job (massage parlour in Pattaya 2nd road corner soi 8) 1 or 2 years ago

    i met her last christmas (in pattaya) and when i back to my contry i phone her everyday (almost)

    i remember there was a trouble on week 7-13 May, she said: i had an accident with motorbike, i stay hospital and can't answer phone

    i have no way to inquire but...

    to anyone know a man from Sweden, approximately 50 years old, wich married a 33yo thai lady,

    probably in Pattaya, on 10 May (maybe 9 maybe 11-12), please, contact me (by private message)

    my coming out wasn't easy but i can't bear this situation anymore.

    i heard a million story about thai ladies got 2-3-4 boyfriends at the same time, but never thought that could marry too!

    is this a bigamy case needs penal pursue

    Sounds a very genuine case.

  2. Yes here we go again!!!!

    The age old question..the facts..Shes a 21 year old full time University student graduation in May 08. She just completed her 13 week hotel mamangement training prgm ata top BKK hotel. Her mind is older...She lives in BKK and I support her. Me I'm a 49 year old practicing atty living in the USA in BKK 5-6 times a year 3 weeks each time. I look (really.. thanks dad for the good genes 10 years younger and and in good shape 163lbs 5'10. I have all my thick drk brown hair . She's tall for a Thai and comes in at 44kilos. We have been together for almost 2 years.

    We have a blast when I'm there and we travel in and outside Thailand, I spoil her on the holidays, ..Her Engish is about 80% and we plan to apply for a USA student visa for the upcoming year for an ESL for professionals course. I have sowed some rather wild oats in BKK and am really to take it easy and enter a new phase of my life..really. And she has laid down the law..screw around and she's gone!!! I plan to work maybe 7 more years in the USA going and coming as I do and then and bring a $ mill to retire. I'm ready to pop the question and shes waiting...is there anyone here that can talk me down??? Do we have a chance..I'd really like to hear from the experts here..


    In a word NO though you sound an absolute stud and catch for any girl of any age or background or intelligence. Why If I turned gay I would marry you myself though my hips are too narrow for children, perhaps we could adopt.

  3. Being a single girl when you are30's

    is to fear of dying alone and being found three weeks later half eaten by an Alsatian;

    tortured by Smug Married friends asking, "How's your love life

    You need to get out more Bambina find a nice guy and then if you are lucky you can die together in a plane crash

    Change to papillons, even with your slender shape you would be too much for a papillon

    Remind friends that men die in the arms of their Mia Nois not their wives because its more exciting....marriage is the death of passion. The only people who will tell you that is not so are wives.

    Consider a role as a mistress not a wife, I have a vacancy arising sometime around Christmas...I can send you the interview schedules, there may be a slot for you between number 15 and number 17, 16 has dropped out after discovering God and lesbianism, though not neccessarily in that order, with a lesbian minister.

    Failing that start a conversation with "Did I ever tell you about the time I got stuck in the lift with the boy band Blue? You know they call Duncan 'Mr Foot Long' They will soon stop asking about your love life because it will be so much more exciting than theirs.

    And for all Non Thais who don't like boy bands trust me, with Blue its a Thai thing.

  4. For the last three weeks I've had terrible blocked sinuses. I'm not sure whether it's sinusitis or rhinitis. I went to the doctor who prescribed anti-histamines which have had little or no effect on clearing the problem. If I use Nasol the problem disappears but only for a few hours and I don't like to keep using it. It's worse when I lay down to sleep at night. Both sinuses become totally bloked and I can only breathe through my mouth. It's beginning to worry me now. Before I go and see another doctor does anyone else have any experience of this?

    If you are in a city perhaps its a reaction to pollution in which case wear a mask in town traffic and stay out of traffic as much as possible. Ask cathyy wher to get a neti pot and how precisely to use it

  5. an off topic and not funny post was deleted. Mind your manners :o


    Everyone has a duty to point out how dangerous certain breeds of dog can be. It wasn't meant to be funny unless you find the death of a little girl by a pit bull funny. I dont and think the public should be warned. Can you imagine what will happen to the falang whose pit bull savages a Thai child? Would you want to live next door to a man who has five pit bulls? Try running a poll on that and see what answer you get. I wasnt aware this site was your personal fiefdom. As someone savaged by a pit bull and losing a half of my calf I dont see them as cuddly little balls of fun. They are bred to bite and maim. Dont be surprised when they do, oh and if you dont believe me about the leg I can post the pictures.

  6. Same Recipe for Cockatoo?

    Boil cocky with axhead

    When axhead is tender

    Discard cocky

    Eat Axehead

    Old Aussie proverb


    Can I suggest combining this thread with the several recent ones regarding the innappropriate behaviour of many old falangs in LOS, add in a dash of Soylent green and we have the perfect answer. Falangburger. Add a dash of contraceptive and market the product as a petfood and surely enough Thailand will cease to be overrun with those three perennial pests, cats, dogs and old Falangs.

  7. Thanks Chownah,

    Your not wrong about the search. keep me busy for another few years .

    As for Thermal Mass, I'm thinking I could do something with that, were in the north also, not sure at this stage wether I need a lot or a little of it. Keep the heat out altogether - Thick walls or thin walls to take advantage of the cooler evenings and let the heat out quickly.

    Yeah man sounds far out I can dig that.

  8. not sure myself either but maybe prevent wasn't the right word, more like preempt an ear infection???

    The guy in front of me and his wife on the twelve hour flight/ The baby screamed the entire way with the guy saying over and over again, "Everybody on the plane hates me" then "I never thought I would be the guy everybody hates" After five hours I was praying for an engine to fall off. By then it was too late there had been a major shift around as some passengers refused to hear any more screams and some of the parents on the flight volunteered to change seats to stop a rebellion.

  9. Can I ask where I can get a bit of the stuff that eveyone is having?

    You feeeeeeeeelthy beast :o that "bit of stuff" is my wife!!!!!! (Disgusted of Birmingham) :D

    I am a bushman from the southern kalahari and stand 4 feet five, my wife is the daughter of a masia chief and stands 6 feet three. We get many stares when we are in thailand, I put it down to the age difference, she is 35 and I am 50

  10. me and my friends were drunk tonight. we bought a couple of beer leos and wrapped them in a plastic bag and snuck them right past the BTS security guard. it was classic. we then drank them on the bts railway by standing behind that little building in the middle. we finished them off and chucked them on the bts and quickly boarded. a couple of thais saw us and all they could do was smile and laugh. i think one of them waied us.

    the point is that thais appreciate farang walking around with 18 year old gfs because they want to their culture to be more open but dont know how to go about it. that is one reason why they love farang so much.

    I was at a high school band camp and snuck beers past the camp elders. Wow, it was classic. Some of the horn players saw us and giggled.

    The point, the horn players loved seeing us drunk and having fun.

    BangkokSingapore, I have many other moronic band camp stories I could share. I was so popular.


  11. I have a 3 years old american pitbull (spicy) very friendly to humans and i love him very much!

    unforthntly i will have to leave thailand on the 15.9 and i will not be able to take him with me to my country .

    I'm looking for new house for my dog from somone that really love and know about this kind of brand.

    this dog are very important for me and i really want to find him a new loving owner (i dont want any payment for him).

    I live near central bangna so if someone interesting in this handsome boy please contact me as soon as possible at 081-1920708

    Attached it's a few pictures of my baby... :o




    reccommended by the ghost of little Ellie, she's the girl whose head was severed in Liverpool by a pit bull

    76% of all fatal attacks in states by pit pull or pit bull crosses................thats several hundred deaths, yes they make lovely pets.

  12. me and my friends were drunk tonight. we bought a couple of beer leos and wrapped them in a plastic bag and snuck them right past the BTS security guard. it was classic. we then drank them on the bts railway by standing behind that little building in the middle. we finished them off and chucked them on the bts and quickly boarded. a couple of thais saw us and all they could do was smile and laugh. i think one of them waied us.

    the point is that thais appreciate farang walking around with 18 year old gfs because they want to their culture to be more open but dont know how to go about it. that is one reason why they love farang so much.

    You give morons a bad name look it up in a dictionary thats d i c t i o n a r y

  13. After reading some lovely poetry in another thread, I thought it might be fun to see if we have any other poets here.

    To keep it simple....lets try Haiku...or Thaiku some may say.

    Remember the rules.....3 lines...5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables

    Lets keep it Thai related if possible......but anything goes

    Here's one to get it started.....

    sweat beads on my brow

    my eyes begin to water

    fingers in som tum

    I enjoyed your example and tried and found it incredibly hard. Counting syllables is not easy but here is my attempt to keep the ball rolling

    Thai girl so young please

    warm my cold dead heart cheaply

    Let me live my lie

    Hope I have not broken any of the rules of the form perhaps if I have you could explain them further.

  14. I have two Acers and plan to buy more in the future. Most trouble-free systems I've owned to date. :o

    My niece sells laptops to on the road sales men. She told me that the best is acer in terms of value for money and relaibility. She says the tech guys tend to buy it whatever else they sell

  15. Dirty money builds villas in Thailand

    Twenty-seven people go on trial today in western France accused of running a prostitution ring whose profits were laundered via a luxury property development in Thailand.

    Published on September 3, 2007

    French police arrested some 40 people in 2004 after discovering a double book-keeping system in 11 hostess bars in the western cities of Rennes and Nantes accused of operating as brothels.

    Part of the bars' turnover was embezzled and used to finance an eight-villa development in Thailand.

    Two of the suspected ringleaders are standing trial on charges of condoning prostitution and embezzling company funds, while a third is on the run from police.

    The remaining defendants - bar managers and account holders - are accused of prostitution and embezzlement.

    The trial is set to last two weeks.

    From: The Nation


    Thanks for posting, as an ex resident of Nantes I have an interest.

  16. :D OK OK you guys got me on that one, and I stand corrected. By the way who was John Lennon anyway? :o

    A guy who didn't care for his first-born child. :D

    A first-born child who never became a big rock star, but did produce one good LP called Vallote. :D

    Life outside society may be "Nasty, Brutish and Short" perhaps something akin to New Guinea for the average citizen of a western liberal democracy. Perhaps what they want is the retreat of the state from areas better left to individuals. Dont forget most legislation which promotes social justice has an altogether different agenda. Developments in social welfare systems and education to enable healthy better educated soldiers to fight wars for oil. The Uks health service arises out of the original need to prosecute wars more efficiently, not in the sense that social pioneers saw it but in the fact it got passed by an entrenched ruling elite. They dont give anything away for nothing. Laws and executive orders continue to be promulgated every single day of every week of every year. When are laws ever removed or codified? Where the state and its laws exists as a referee between couples and families people will use those systems to solve their problems. Arbitration and reconciliation would be better avenues to explore. It also makes the state a party to the process of having a child which it isn't. Whilst children need to be protected it would of course be much better if having kids was more difficult and social responsibilty were the norm rather than the exception. Where you have a leader who doesnt know the truth from a hole in the ground and lied to start a war how can you expect the state to be of much use in setting examples of probity and honesty.

    Any sane man or woman who has children and abandons them to fend for themselves is less than human. Usually its men and such men should have their balls cut off to stop it happening again. I would rather have their ex partners do it than the state. I know that for lots of abandoned women without recourse to law or money or power it's a dream, but all it needs is for it to happen and a jury of peers to acquit even if perverse and arbitrary and perhaps more pioneers will do it. Failing that, perhaps a tattoo across their foreheads reading "I ABANDONED MY WIFE AND CHILDREN" and I am not joking, would serve as a warning to other women.

    Having kids is the most important thing an individual can do. Too many regard it as an accessory or an add-on rather than a lifetime's committment. I haven't got kids for precisely that reason.

    Finally, I feel that this is a very intelligent counterpoint to my argument about what I was speaking against so strongly above. I will be back to discuss more in-depth later (I know, I keep bringing up time because I have major life issues to deal with right now), but I will briefly explain more about my perspective now.

    I don't disagree with the major tenets of libertarianism (individual liberty and freedom, personal responsibility, less government), but I do disagree vehemently about individual liberty and the enforcement of human and equal rights. We know from history and from current example that without an overarching government that can codify fundamental principles of justice, equality, and human rights, the powerful and wealthy will be the groups setting that bar according to their own needs and interests. We can see throughout history with the American Founding Fathers (as so many American libertarians are enamored of mentioning) who had both indentured servants, slaves, and women as chattel; we can see this in the history of the labor movement before there were workers' rights, we can see this with women before they had the vote and equal rights (well close anyway, in the West) and the Civil Rights Movement, we can see it in the movement for public education and public libraries, and we can see it in the differences in say Asia and Thailand, where men can abandon their children with impunity, resulting in an overwhelming number of women entering the commercial sex business and commercial exchange of longterm relationships.

    Taking this further, we can see how the principle of free markets, individual liberty, and little government intervention works with the sale of girls and children by their own families, with very little outcry or attention until the GOVERNMENTS of Western countries created a pressure impossible to ignore.

    This is why I believe the principles are good, but the concept of personal responsibility differs for everyone, and there is no way that the mixture of the market and freewill are going to create socially benevolent outcomes - only enforcements and laws make that happen on a reliable scale.

    First thing wrong with your fundamentally optimistic approach is that it is just that. The powerful and wealthy do set the bar according to their needs. How could it be otherwise when the government and its institutions is set up for that very purpose. Any social advancement for the mass of people is the minimum that the ruling elite can get away with. Only a multi millionaire can be president. Name a president who was not a member of the ruling elite or who was not in the pocket of same. If you look at ruling elites and business leaders over time very little change in personnel is evident. The ruling elite are entrenched. Its true of every other system in a western liberal democracy where the organs of goverment, press, army and communications are in the hands of the rich and powerful. What did dear rupert ever do for the ordinary guy? Except distract him with a diet of sleaze and tits and sky TV from making any empowing changes in his or her own life. As long as there are well meaning liberals to aid and abet such deception by their touching faith in "the system" real change remains a distant prospect. Unfair trade and protection, tied aid and discriminatory tarrifs ensure the third world remains poor. Yes sure we can legislate to stop them selling their daughters and criminalise them but the ruling elite will do fukc all to change the economic pressure that drives families to such madness. The rules by which we live are the rules of the ruling class and thanks to poor voter turnout and apathy, wall to wall tv and encouraged racism nothing much will change. "The ruling ideas at any time are the ideas of the rulers" Well meaning apologists are the first line of defence for the exploiters and abusers. You make their arguements for them and as one of the underclass you can be trusted.

  17. I have been teaching in remote Thailand now only for a couple of months. I am a native speaker, however I am not legal, nor qualified as a teacher. I have come to understand that I am still teaching here only because ; I stick to vocabulary, pronunciation, and definition; my girlfriends uncle is the sub-director at the school; there are six Thai english teachers at the school and I am "supplemetary"; it is a challenge.

    Allthough what I thought would be easy is turning out to be quite difficult, I do like it. I want to better myself so that I am more qualified.

    I am embarrassed to say, but I only have grade 10 from Canada. I am not stupid, I had a difficult time growing up. I know my abilities and lack of as well.

    My question is this; how could/should I go about educating myself from Thailand?

    My goals are:

    A) To teach better

    :o To know more

    C) To one day, be legal here

    Again, I am embarrassed to write about this on this forum. If I thought I was doing the students a disservice I would stop teaching them. If I thought that someone qualified would teach here, I would gladly step aside. They have been looking for a falang native speaker here for years. I have been honest with the staff and directors at the school about my lack of qualifications and formal education since we started negotiations about the job. I like getting paid, but I don't really need the money that they give me for the hours that I work and the conditions I work under.....28 classes a week M1/1-M6/4, about 40 students per class, each class once a week.

    Any thoughts on my question would be appreciated. Thanks.

    Many teachers are dead beat time servers happy to exploit thais. You are none of those things. Hope you get what you wish and make the changes to your life. Its never to late for self improvement, dont forget the ones who completed a conventional education are often burnt out before they are adults. You can learn the whole of your life and have more potential than them plus you bring adulthood and experience to the table. There are lots of courses if you look and you have had some good advice already. Best Wishes and good luck.

  18. We have a small pond in the garden and over last couple of years our Goldfish have thrived.

    However, recently they have been dying of in increasing numbers.

    It began with two, about three weeks ago, then another two, approx a week later and then another two, then one then two.

    At first it was only the biggest, now it is wholly indiscriminate.

    It then stopped and we thought the worst was over, then I pulled six out today, there is only one very small one left, I have little hope for this one.

    It all seemed to start when I cut the grass and some grass got into the water, could this be a possible reason?

    I have also heard a theory about the weather, because of how mild the winter was and now very little summer, they are trying to spawn twice with nothing left to release and so the effort killed them off?

    Anyone heard this?

    Anyway it is too late now, I would just like to hear some possible reasons.




    Just a thought have you put any insectacide on the lawn or sprayed anything recently? Not moss killer surely :o



    No option but to clean it all out and start again take the survivor and keep it somewhere else until you are sure everything is ok then try again

  19. Unkownposter - Why are you recommending CHESA? 1) The food is poor and 2) it's swiss cuisine (or meant to be :o

    As for the best French restaurants in town, I'd go with Palm on this one - Le Normandie at the Oriental

    The food at the Indigo is very poor, I took a group of foodie friends there and no one was impressed.

    La Maison was a let down as well, my Pigeon was overcooked... not acceptable when paying top money.

    If you want to recommend where everything is perfect (cuisine, wine list, service, ambiance) then Le Normandie is the one!

    If they are french go with the best and most extensive wine list, who could fail to be impressed by Le Normandie

  20. Ah Thailand is waking up, the tuk tuks clearing their lungs

    the bike boys spitting thickly in the street

    the girls slender as palms weave waving their way

    from uneven pavement to slanting slab as if on air

    so languid and elegant do they float past my caressing eye

    And beyond that the thrum of traffic revving up to start

    Bangkoks own grid locked grand prix

    The run from light to light in smoke filled lung blackening

    Belches of pure petrol

    And out in the sticks in ripples of falangland

    Beyond the pale

    The old fingers are flexing and creaking for

    another day of missives across the ether

    This daily ritual of mice at dawn, twenty mental paces apart

    Where every issued is thrashed and settled.

    Good morning Thailand

  21. Have boat, outboard motor, gear.

    I'd like to go on Monday Sept. 3rd or Tuesday Sept. 4th.

    The tide would allow to fish from around 8 am to 8 pm.

    Bang Pakong river, I live in Chonburi nearby.

    I can easily drop the boat onto the truck at home and make it to the river, slide the boat off the truck, problem is when the boat needs to be lifted back onto the truck at the end of the day, can't be done alone.

    Besides, fishing in good company is always much more fun. :D

    Who's up for record catches? :o

    oh envy envy envy

  22. "Tiger Temple Kanchanaburi".

    I had booked my ticket to Thailand and travelled half way across the world to go and live with monks and tigers for four weeks! I have to confess to finding it very difficult to write this without resorting to profanity, sarcasm or overly emotive language. I hope that by getting this onto this and a few other websites I can play some minor part in providing information and hopefully doing something about stopping what is going on in the name of Buddhism and Conservation at this "Sanctuary" for wild animals or at the very least stopping tourists from supporting this. I applied to volunteer at the Tiger Temple because I wanted to be a part of the promised tigers roaming free with Buddhist monks experience having an interest in both wild animals and Buddhism. Although I understood that there was probably an element of marketing speak due to the fund raising slant in the promotion of the Temple and the mysticism of the whole experience, I thought that, due to my research on the Temple website and other pages and blogs my expectations were realistic in terms of how these animals lived and were treated. The animal cruelty and abuse at the Temple was blatant and obvious to me from the minute I arrived. (The first animal I came across was at the Volunteer s House, a young and very distressed female cat who was engorged and in agony with too much milk. Her five 2 week old kittens had been removed from her by Temple staff and we were told - taken to a Cat Temple . I was surprised and upset to come across an animal in such distress as this was not how I would imagine a sanctuary would treat any animal). I arrived mid morning and on my first day one of the other volunteers who d been there for a few weeks took me around to show me the captive animals. (There is also a large number of farm type animals goats, cows, horses, chickens - and water buffalo, deer, wild boar and peacocks roaming around the Temple grounds.) The first cage I came across was a large chicken wire cage under a tree with a hawk in it. The bird apparently had a broken wing. It is never released from the cage. Then there was a row of concrete cages with single adult tigers, one with the baby tigers, and at the end of the row (with a large generator placed in front of it so one couldn t really see what was in this dark, dingy dungeon) a leopard who has, apparently, not been let out of the cage since she arrived there 8 years ago. My next visit was to a large, double sized concrete cage almost out of view of all the other cages, where they keep two very young (I would estimate them to be about 6 months old) lion cubs. The cage is bare but for a concrete bowl of water. There is nowhere for them to shelter or hide (they are clearly terrified of humans) and certainly nothing for them to play with no tyres or branches or any sort of toys. We then saw all the other tigers either on their own or with two in a cage. Some of the tigers are never released from their concrete cages. But others, on average 8 tigers a day (usually the same better behaved and better looking tigers not the stroppy ones or those with scars or bloody eyes) are taken into the Canyon to be photographed with tourists. This outing liberates them from their cages for a 10 minute walk on stony gravel to the Canyon, three hours chained by the neck to a ring in the blazing sun, and a 10 minute walk back home to their cages. On their way to and from the canyon the tigers are encouraged to move by being lifted by the base of the tail, shoved and punched. One tiger girl would always walk next to the tiger with a garden hoe in her hand, this she waved in front of the tiger s face or banged on the ground next to it whenever it slowed down or stopped. (The threat was implicit, but the tiger was motivated to move whenever it saw that hoe.) Whilst in the Canyon, the tigers are disciplined with Tiger Balm being rubbed onto their faces, tiger urine being sprayed into their mouths and (surreptitiously, but in full view of tourists) being punched quickly on the face and head. As to whether the animals are drugged or not, I cannot be sure. (Although sedation would surely be the kindest way of helping them get through those long hot hours in the canyon.) The argument against drugging is the expense and, I believe, the difficulty of dosage (meticulously worked out amount of drug to body weight) although local herbs mixed in with their boiled chicken could possibly work. (Some of them were completely unresponsive all the time, even when we visited their cages in the early mornings or in the evenings, and this could possibly imply properly prescribed drugs.) In the Canyon the volunteers are there essentially for crowd control. I felt ashamed at being apparently complicit in the running of this circus - which is really no more than a money making scam where tourists are required to donate B300 to come into a Buddhist Temple (illegal to charge, by the way), and another B1000 for a special photo with a tigers head placed in your lap. This place is operated along the lines of a very badly run zoo with no money - not an animal sanctuary which receives all this money (work it out, an average of 400 people a day and that s on a slow day with, say, very conservatively 50 people paying for photos) from tourists. Much of the money received over the years since the Animal Planet programme has been promoting it (since about 2003, I think) appears to have been (very recently, as in it has just started being built) spent on building a "Buddhist Park Project" which will essentially be an area to accommodate the followers of the Abbot's Teacher when he comes to visit the Temple! The Tiger Island ( for their freedom and return to the forest ) which is apparently the reason we all throw money at the Temple is not yet complete, but seems to be nothing more that an area for tiger cages with a moat built around it so tourists can't actually get at them and see how they live they will still operate the Canyon Photo Circus and, as they will still be hand reared, there is no plan to release tigers back into the wild. Although we could wander around the cages at any time and watch the workers with the tigers, volunteers were now prevented from ever actually being with the tigers (no cleaning of cages, no bathing of babies) and I was only ever really in the same position as the tourists and never able to see how the staff treated the animals when there were no tourists watching them but I feel that the way the tigers cringed away from chains, lengths of hose pipe, the garden hoe and some of the male staff members, that there was certainly discipline metered out behind closed doors . In the morning the baby tigers are brought to the temple where we have breakfast and are allowed to roam around with the monks, staff and volunteers. Every time a cub came anywhere near one of the volunteers, a staff member would yank it away, the babies (four of them are really little, 2 months old and one quite boisterous 5 month old he was tied to a pillar) were pulled around by one leg or held back by the tail, slapped so they skidded across the wooden floor boards, thrown up into the air, their faces held and noses punched, pinched and flicked, they were continuously mauled, teased and tormented. I have to admit that I couldn t stand it for very long and my planned 4 week stay lasted a mere 4 days. There is a flagrant lack of respect and compassion and certainly no love for these tigers. And this lack of feeling clearly gets worse as the animals get older and bigger and stronger. Essentially, the animal welfare laws in South East Asia are not stringent enough to close down this establishment due to the cruelty and abuse that is metered out there (along with the illegal breeding - one tigress is kept with the sole purpose of producing cubs - which are removed from her almost immediately after birth and reared by humans). All we can do in the short term is spread the word to stop tourists from supporting this place. Please boycott the Tiger Temple and report what you have seen to animal welfare organisations like Care for the Wild www.careforthewild.com

    Assuming what you have said is true then its shocking. I dont know if you have a particular axe to grind so that before rushing to judgement I would like some independant corroboration of the above. It reminded me of something else I heard from a volunteer at another place. A pretigious place in the UK. He alleged that if the public saw what went on behind closed doors they would be truly shock by the degree of animal abuse and manipulation. Perhaps it goes to show that whereever there is an elemnt of business and profit involved we have to be very very careful about what we support. Is there anybody out there with experience of the place that can say? I myself will do a field trip and report back in a few months but only if no one else can do the same and perform that very valuable service before then. What about it? Anybody know any volunteers who could tell us what goes on?

    This should be put under animals and planrts etc and perhaps Bambina could comment upon it?

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