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Posts posted by ratchabuild

  1. Do you need to look again? Test Your Brain

    This is really cool. The second one is amazing so please read all the way though.


    Count every " F " in the following text:






    I got all six and can't see the problem. Totally obvious

    HOW MANY ?

    WRONG, THERE ARE 6 -- no joke.


    Really, go Back and Try to find the 6 F's before you scroll down.

    The reasoning behind is further down.

    The brain cannot process "OF".

    Incredible or what? Go back and look again!!

    Anyone who counts all 6 "F's" on the first go is a genius.

  2. Dont bring your gun to town, son, leave your gun at home. Bless Johnny

    Viagra or Mycoxaflopin to give it its correct name is a dangerous drug. try as I might I find the whole tablet too big to push in side my penis. When I followed general advice and tried half a tablet it was too sharp and simply made me sore. Afterwards it fell out. I have heard that beating a member with nettles can have the same effect can anyone advise me on that and can nettles be taken to thailand?

  3. Are you hot stuff or a walking atm?

    Try telling the Thai of your dreams that you ....

    Have little money because you pay :-

    A Mortgage in Farang land


    Child support

    Taxes in Farang land

    Do not want to

    buy land

    buy a house

    buy a car

    If she still wants you, then, you might have struck lucky :o

    I am sure the language section can help with the above :D

    Tell her you have HIV, hallitosis, are an undischarged bankrupt and about to be sentenced. If she stands by you marry her immediately but beware of underlying degenerative mental illness

  4. Just for the sake of curiousity, why did the Irish pub on Soi Convent, the Irish Exchange, close down?

    The supply of Irishmen just dried up, people would come in with two kerry men and a desparate need for a donegal man. Sadly none could be found. After a while they were imprting knock off irishmen made in china with names like Lao Ping O'Mally and Seamus Hang Soin Murphy. These ting tong copies would start to leak Guinness after only a week. In the end it was cheaper to refer people with irish to exchange to to save them up until they had a hundred and then exchange them for one Yorkshire man. Strong intelligent, full of charm with a full head of hair and rippling muscles. In short........Moi

  5. I have been losing a bit of hair since I turned thirty and now that I am 37 it is more ermmm noticeable.

    I normally don't even think about it but today I am in a reflective mood.

    Does anybody know of any drugs available here in Thailand that help with re-growth.

    There is no way I would consider a hair transplant or a wig :o .

    Do I need to get used to the idea of being a 'spam-head' for the rest of my life or is there a cure?

    take two Bgs twice a day and rub in vigorously it doesnt cure the baldness but improves your mental outlook. Failing that look under the Chiahuahua thread and give the poor deluded beast a home up top. from its lookout it will be calmer and more tranquil and under that hirsute little chap you will have regained your pulling power

  6. 000's requests:

    Sweet and Low - Saccharine - NOT NUTRASWEET

    Decaf Tea bags

    Decaf loose tea

    Real Corned Beef as in a Corned Beef Sandwich


    I would gladly sell a kidney or an eye to toast in champagne the success of Villa market having spent many happy shopping hours there. The friendliness and good service of the store is exceeded only by the beauty of their young ladies. We can talk about discounts later.

  7. It seems sad to me that there are so many people in the world who need a crutch to lean on or someone to tell them what to do or think or believe. :D

    A belief is not necessarily a crutch! :o

    I'm with you villagef and brucenk but you should be careful when questioning other's beliefs. They can get very upset with nonbelievers. Belief doesn't leave room for questions. :D

    We all get angry with non believers thats why we choose our friends and TV channels and radio and books and papers and magazines so carefully etc etc We don't want to learn out belief system is a pile of steaming crap. Might make us think outside

    our comfort zone then the world would go to hel_l in a handbasket.

  8. It seems sad to me that there are so many people in the world who need a crutch to lean on or someone to tell them what to do or think or believe. :o

    Whereas you use the crutch of your scepticism. Ask your self how your beliefs are different to your fathers, then ask yourself how many differences are sheer rebellion. Everyone uses crutches.

  9. Anyone interested in a bit of Non-professional Private Investigating in Patong? Merely involves going to a bar in Bangla road and trying to chat up one of the waitresses there? Will supply name and photo of whom in e-mail.

    Please PM me if interested.

    I'm always up for a bit of gumshoe work if the price is right. But don't take me for a Patsy I'm nobodies fall guy. Give me the dope straight I'll walk around the facts and get back to you. PM me with the frail, who what and where.

    Fingers Nick Reilly

  10. Had he gained a second term in 1964, Kennedy may never have gone into Vietnam above 'advisor' level. The south wouldn't have been able to hold out for long against the aggressive Soviet-supported north. By 1966 or 1967 it would have been all over. History proves that the Lao and Cambodian dominoes were teetering, ready to fall in quick sucession. Then what? Was MacNamara right in warning that the countries from Thailand to Indonesia would turn communist?

    The CIA's 1965 coup in Indonesia secured that country for a pro-Western strongman in Suharto. Thailand had a long, vulnerable land border, and was militarily weak. But is there really any evidence that a post-Francophone, Soviet-financed alliance would have penetrated Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore?

    My opinion is that Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam would have been pre-occupied with solving their own problems. Cambodia and Vietnam are historical enemies rather than military bedfellows. And the West -- not just the US -- would have poured military support into bolstering the capitalist dominoes. The UN may also have become involved in light of their overwhelming pro-Western stance. It would have been a series of blatant invasions rather than mere Vietnamese reunification.

    You are obviously on the wrong site I suspect your IQ may be in three figures. Please leave immediately or post about football or beer. No one likes a show off especially those of us with IQs hovering in the 60s

  11. After living in Thailand for 4 years. I'm leaving in less than two months to do something in Tijuana (not my final stop). I will not be coming back. And am not interested in anywhere else in Asia. Ultimately, I'll probably check out Belize and Nicaragua. There's not much info on them or their neighbors, Guatemala, and Honduras. What do you know about some of the South Pacific islands? I think my ideal would be an island somewhere. I lived in Hawaii most of my life, but it's too expensive, and getting more crowded all the time. Aloha (love) is mostly a thing of the past as the Hawaiians (locals, actually) are seeing their precious land scooped up by people with money.

    So, does any one have any way to find out more about the S.Pacific, and C.America? Websites, expat forums? I haven't found much myself.

    Thanks - Buzzer

    Most of the islands I have been to in the South Pacific have been relatively expensive. I have no experience with C. American countries. If you are more interested in Spanish speaking areas just move to California !!! :o

    Toronto and farm geese

  12. She is became an aggressive dog again.

    Can I ask what you are calling aggression LookSaMoon?

    Chi's are generally agressive and have the small dog syndrome and will go mad at anything invading their space that they do not know well.

    Ours are never aggressive to us, except when waking the boy up to take him to his bed.

    As for what has kicked him off again after calming down, I have no idea, but my aunty is over from Ireland tomorrow and she has been breeding them for some time, I will ask her if she has a remedy.

    I don't normally disagree with the Thad, but on this note I do, violence on any pet is not the way to go and will cause you more problems than you will solve, if you solve any.

    I presume the human part was a joke right? :D


    To Khun Moss,

    Yes, she will be aggressive when we wake her up to bed at night.

    But normally she's not aggressive dog even when we tease her while she is sleeping :D .

    Or we tease her too much and should stop now? :o

    Try everything and let us know what works

  13. I am trying to pick one that doesnt just rely on western tourists. Maybe manufacture and/or export. Or internet cafes are used by thais and farangs. Apart from that, I dont have much of a clue what to do. If I dont buy one, I might have to go to cambo. I have owned and managed before and dont care if its something I dont " have a passion " for.

    Drive in upholstery has yet to be fully exploited.

  14. It's a little known fact that Lady Boys have an extra chromosome, the 'crime chromosome.' Basically, they are programmed from birth to commit horrific crimes, and it is a tribute to their character that most of the crimes that seem to emerge are petty robberies and butt pinching.

    Everyone knows Ladyboys have an extra something

  15. Judging by the state of most of the Farangs I see in Thailand, they should be falling to their knees and kissing Thailands streets to even have the opportunity of female companionship, paid or not.

    Perhaps it's time to stop meeting farangs on barstools. :o

    You could easily spend that on a night out in the UK. Plus she would be embarrassed to ask for money to help family yet ask yourself what are the alternatives. If the family are in a real crisis and she wants to help however she can...............would you rather she turned tricks to earn the cash. Sometimes a girl can be caught inbetween a rock and a hard place, give her an alternative, trust her and help her now but explain that in future you need to know EVERYTHING. Its a small price to pay and any friend asked in the Uk you would lend such a small sum without thinking twice.

  16. I've always had the same problem until Buckwheat came along and straightened me out. Sprinkle the spices you want on it - salt, pepper, garlic, etc.. Sprinkle some MSG (if tolerant to it) then rub it in. Take a fork (if you don't have a meat tenderizer mallet) and thoroughly poke it passing all the way through. Do the same with the other side. Place in plastic bag or wrap in plastic wrap and let it sit in the fridge over night. Take it out about 30 minutes before you want to cook it. I always charcoal grill mine, so the grill is very hot when it is put on it. Finally a steak that I can cut and chew easily.

    Suspect Buckwheat will be around to correct my 'technique' and/or add his own. :D


    Spot on Ty. This works well for those who do not have access to, or the desire to buy "grain fed beef" (ie. imported beef)

    Of course, I agree that quality is important, but Thai beef can be delightful if you prep it prior to cooking.

    One mans abused steak is another mans tender steak, I suppose :o

    Just ate some beef cooked for 14 hrs at 80 degrees C rest a knife on it and it cuts right through. Otherwise for blue should be flash fried in hot pan. of the two I think I prefer long cooking with onions but who has the time to cook slowly....the fad is for fast food

  17. I just wonder how difficult is it to have a normal conversation with thai people.If u ever go deeper in your thoughts or discussions you are left with a blank stare or on the internet its usually ...1 i have no idea 2 whatever 3 hehe laugh = i dont know confused? why do most of the girls i know on the net use these exact words..? are they taught in school if farang ask u difficult question say this!

    My point is i talk with some thai girls on the net and i really do wonder do have a brain or do they use it?

    example..1 girl ..our country is the best (they really know nothing about other countrys in the world, but why would they, THAILAND is the best) we have no war and no cold weather like u.....sorry where in western europe is the war? and do u know the 3 provinces in the south of thailand last i heard that was like a war!

    now thats just 1 example i have many more, where it seems these people know nothing about what happens in the rest of the world.

    Of course there is many intelligent thai people but there seems to be many who just dont use their brain or only care about thailand.

    I've done some empirical research into whether Thai people know who Hitler is or was. Well, many of them don't. Funny that. Unless they've seen a movie, they've often never heard of the guy..

    They don't know what's so funny about my 'B52' brand mosquito net either or why I laugh at the cap they're wearing which says CIA on it. All of which research I've written up as a blog because I find it intriguing that Thais sometimes seem so isolated from the world.

    I've lived for three years in a mud nouse in West Africa and there they were much more clued up about the politics of the world and about their own politics. I've yet to work out my own theories of why, but it is somehow seems a 'middle kingdom' attitude in which the world revolves around them and they are always looking inwards... unless of course they want an Isuzu D Max or whatever.

    I'm surprised they say he-he though as in Thai this means pussy-pussy... if you know what I mean.

    My own experiece of Thai women around me, not least of all my wife is that they're pretty bright, but perhaps on the internet they're careful not to seem too bright,dumbing themselves down for you a bit, like I do on Thaivisa.

    And a final serious point, surely one has to compare them with Sharon from Southend and other similar provincial lasses from around the world to see how they rate. as a mature and intelligent man, perhaps you're expecting too much.

    Wotcher want'em intelligent for anyway?!!

    Andrew Hicks

    There's an interesting thread on the bar girls own section of TV asking if a bargirl has ever had a conversation with a Brit that wasn't about Beer, football or shagging. A Yank about themselves and how they have everything Thailand has back home bigger and that includes the women. Or an Aussie about opera and theatre......ok I was joking about the last one.

  18. I have always noticed that thai-visa has more than its fair share of book critics.

    As i always ask, those that are continuously critical "Now, let's see what you can do"

    Of course, they cant write to save their lives and so with a chip on their shoulder they get off on lambasting writers. I believe that a lot of the time, that its just simply envy. Another author i know, Dean Barrett, also got flamed by a couple of guys over at mangosauce a couple of months ago. You dont need to ask who won at the end of the day though....

    Ive written a review for Thai Girl and found it to be decent enough. There is so much literal crap on the book shelves about ladies of the night, that i found a book about a 'proper' Thai girl to be rather refreshing. Andrew has a lotta insight about the mentality of the 'proper' Thai girl and her dating ways. Makes a change to reading novels about easy-lays with hookers.

    Its nice to see writers stick together. A bit like the prison governors association declaring they have great faith in each other. I prefer to rely on the prisoners opinion. I read blogs sometimes and they can be very entertaining. In the end they all suffer from the same malaise.......excessive self love, narcissism writ large. Perhaps its the oppressive deadlines, the search for something, anything to say, or perhaps its that no one has such an interesting life that others want to hear them bang on about it day after day. In the end it as bland as a diet of cornflakes and just as boring.

  19. I think it's pretty much a "given" that the Thai woman's major interest in a Farang man is money. If you (the man) can find some other percentage values in what you are getting for the money, it may be tolerable. Love is likely down the list several points. It is a very "iffy" situation to have a serious GF and/or wife, to whom you are giving money, when you do not live with them or see them on a daily basis. I have had ladies cheat on me, under my very nose, in the same day.


    Are you over 60?

    Are you very ugly?

    Are you a very bad person?

    Do you treat people very badly?

    Do you have a very low IQ?

    If you say yes to 4 of the above, then your post is 100% right!

    I do not know if it is good or not. My problem has always been girls wanting me too much. And I can tell you it might not actually be a good thing if you do not intend for a long relationship.

    I can say yes to # 1. The remainder is a definate NO and I am not an excessive drinker or make my selections from bar girls. I treat them very well and if anything I am to nice to them. From what I have seen, 95 % of them think Farnags are stupid chumps to be taken advantage of. Lying and deception from them is the order of the day.

    I agree totally. Doesnt mean there isnt the odd genuine diamond amongst the masses and that's what allows us to believe that our one is special. I know two women waiting to go to falangland who are just ripping off the guys, all the girls know that the plan is to get to falangland, split up after self harm and call the cops. Doesn't mean they will do it but its certainly a topic well aired in the bars. You can't blame them all the guys butterfly and lie so whats sauce for the goose..........no one will thank you for saying it though............everyone has a vow of silence on the subject of bar girl wives. My wife never worked in a bar thank God so I never had the dilemma and yet is close friends with several from the village who do. They have masses of men on the go and all have season tickets to the WU booth. Some will make good marriages, and faithful marriage partners, more will ruin some suckers life......if the sucker is dumb enough to leave his critical faculties behind when he gets on the plane. If you can't pull in the US or Oz or Europe and are a pulling machine in Thailand it's your money they are after.

  20. I have been proud of every GF I was ever with or they wouldn't have been my GF. I am especially proud of my wife.

    I disagree about it being more difficult to attract a women in the UK. Perhaps this is just the OP's experience.

    I never had any problem attracting women in the West. Especially in the UK where the women loved my Irish accent and the twinkle in my eye.

    I am curious as to why the OP is so bothered about other peoples girlfriends/wives?

    Perhaps the Op would be better spending his time refining his chat up lines because if he thinks it is hard to get a girl in the UK he has big problems.

    Hahaha.....more probably like the girls in UK aren't worth having :o

    Check out the posters in any average girls room. They are all young good looking guys with great bodies. So why do Thai girls go out with 3s and 4s? Because compared to the average young Thai guy their wallets are 9s and 10s. Having said that, girls are usually too self absorbed in their own minor imperfections to notice if a guy is as ugly as sin. Dont forget all the Thai girls with 3 and 4 rating boyfriends are getting lots of flak for it from the average Thai guy in the street. When I am shopping for things sometimes thai guys, usually businessmen hit on my wife. She always tells me and it surprises me that there is so little respect for the average Falang in Thai mainstream culture, they always assume she is available and with me on sufferance. They do it right to my face while smiling, secure they think that I dont understand and she wont tell

    For the bulk of couples with great age disparity its good looks on one side and money on the other.

  21. Maybe some kind of ink transfer from a new shirt, or a forgotten price tag?

    Hmmmm interesting idea; when I first saw the number, it was so clear that it looked written on him directly, so even though I thought of that, I didn't bother checking... but, hey, good idea! We'll look at the shirt he was wearing tonight... gads.... this feels like stupid sh*t, but isn't that often our downfall?


    I remember from my "John Bull" printing set from many years ago that the printing letters are reverse images to print the right-way-round. So if the '22' numbers are the right-way-round they cannot have come from the face of a tag, but print-through a tag or other T-shirt I suppose might still be possible.

    Yeah, I thought of that reversal issue too... When I got home last night, he had already done the wash, so I wasn't able to see the shirt; although I briefly mentioned the idea to him as he saw me look at the near-empty laundry basket, he was disinclined to say anything... and I let the issue drop.

    It's a dead issue, at this point... heck, it's a trust issue anyway, and I think I'm going to forget about it (successfully) now, and just file it away with the other "unsolved mysteries" of my lifetime.

    Part of surviving as a farang here is learning not to "think too much" and this is a good time to practice that behavior.


    I knew it was only a matter of time before Alien Abduction came to LOS

  22. Yeah, and you're a good writer, too. Don't worry, not only lovers can make you feel bad. I have a female boss that is doing quite a number on me right now.

    Language evolved to service basic needs not express complex emotions or feelings. All this thread illustrates is precisely that, interesting but ultimately merely a diversion since the main antagonists plainly do not understand what each other is saying. I agree with most of the posts, Kat gives a good account of women whose sexuality is brokered by others. Only thing I would say to kat is the idea that you are not susceptible to all the pressures Sir Burr aluded to and somehow you have some mysterious inner urges that operate in a vacuum with outside influences is frankly impossible. If it were advertising would have died out years ago. The words "No man and Island" spring readily to mind...............Brits will see the Angus Deayton influence there.........we can't help it we are of the world and made by it in its image. If anybody can't understand any of this just proves Wittgenstein was right ...........words are ephemera.

  23. Maybe also that the girls/women you are talking to have limited English language skills.

    Many Thais off the internet, never mind on it, have little or no English language skills. A lot of those on the internet are getting help to read and write from friends or from some book that is filled with love quotes or simple sentences so they can communicate with you.

    So I would not expect a decent 'in depth' conversation at all.

    Added to that, how much does the average Farang know about Asia? I remember being taught about Clive of India etc. at school but most of what I know about asia can be written on a matchbox, so I could not hold an in depth conversation with them about Thailand and Thai history in the same way I would not expect them to talk about European history. Most Thais could not find USA or U.K or Australia on a world map so why would they have great knowledge of such places?

    The most 'out of the area' talk I hear is mainly about the bombings in the South or in BKK, the rest is family or very local issues.

    So I think you are asking too much from them.

    In the west perhaps we believe the illusion that knowing something about politics and economics and the world at large, foreign affairs and history gives us some kind of input and makes us part of the larger policy making. Of course it does nothing of the kind.........Just look at Iraq and Afghanistan to see how far the chattering and input got us. Thais seems rooted more in the present than the possible. They accept that they only have influence on the people they know directly whereas in the west we have opinions on everything. I hate to admit it but I think they have got it right. We talk about world affairs a lot because it makes us feel better but changes nothing.

    We are taught to talk because ultimately it takes the heat out of confrontation. Advertisers listen to us, Politicians want our input. Market researches are always on hand so why do we get crap products and services, crap policies and a succession of things we dont want? Reminds me of the line from the Neil Young song........"I ask for this and you're givin me that" At least we can be very articulate about why we fail to achieve any really meaningful change.

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