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Posts posted by speedthrills

  1. Of note, the MSX is the only one from those you listed with a clutch.

    Also, even though it is an underbone, it's shaped more like a proper motorcycle.

    what isclutch or no clutch o r proper body shape to do wih op quest which isonly cocerning handling and wheelsizing?

    If you don't understand the relationship between having a clutch, having something to grip with your legs, etc. with handling and getting a little hooligan I can't explain it well enough for you to understand.

    i can get as to what you say 1000 percent but no relevants to the query wich is about wheelsizing alone. an MSX (small, fatter wheel and tire) or a Wave (larger wheel diameter, skinnier tire), or something in between like a PCX? but thanks for sharing youre patronizing knowlidge

  2. Of note, the MSX is the only one from those you listed with a clutch.

    Also, even though it is an underbone, it's shaped more like a proper motorcycle.

    what isclutch or no clutch o r proper body shape to do wih op quest which isonly cocerning handling and wheelsizing?

    • Like 1
  3. I just got back from a short ride- while there was quite a bit of traffic for much of it, I spent almost none of it riding surrounded by cars as I would accelerate past them to more open areas whenever possible- my average of 72kph was 'slow', but I would bet that had I been in my car it would have been 60kph (the 178kph was just for a second or two while going through an empty underpass and wasn't typical of the ride). When in traffic, I was always riding somewhat faster (10-15kph, as I mentioned earlier in the thread), and that's my usual guideline- when the road was clear, I twisted the throttle a bit.

    I would say I was 'safe' as far as speed went the entire time for this particular ride on my particular bike with my level of ability- at different times of day for the same route, my average would be higher or lower. Someone else may have ridden faster or slower and been just as 'safe' (I need to put 'safe' in quotes as we're never really in that state on a motorcycle- sometimes we're just safer than other times;)). Of course there are those who will say having hit a speed over 160kph I was inherently unsafe- I would disagree with them.


    A couple of days ago i did 20kph stretch in 8 minutes.20 seconds

    Distance was from a mates car GPS,point to point ,time was stopwatch,comes out about 240kph

    Not too bad for a naked bike [full sitting up] .

    Was a chance to check my speedo which was showing around 243kph

    Quite boring i must say,as i much prefer the winding mountain roads, but had no safety thoughts or issues at the time [apart from some wildlife in the area,which can be as unpredictable as life itself]

    I saw on another thread that youre an austrilian and i also lived there and i believe you but im am not sure were its probable to go 240ksph for so long.like 20k,are there no policing or other limitations to do such a test as you have said?I would like to be included to know how and were to go to try this.Thanking you

  4. I would have thought that the person to judge what speed is safest for them is the person themselves.....hardly a question for another to answer?

    I agree and ''Whatsa safe speed ?'' is an unanwserable query at best .Pointless question infact ,.Not just in Thaiaalnd but anywere in the world there is muiltple variences>>"Whats a safespeed on the road"? Safe in terms of what? Safe for whom? Safe for you ?Safe for others?There's no one answer that will satisfy every rider as everyone has their own views of safety.

    • Like 1

  5. ll, I guarantee you would have enjoyed the ride with us. Fantastic roads (some of the best that flat Isaan has to offer, I'm willing to bet) and excellent company. I was leading most of the way, cruising at between 130-140 and both the Versys and CB had to reach speeds of 180 and above to catch up at times (I was in charge of sat nav, hahahaha).

    All was well till the last but one day, riding up to PTB hill through the national park. Some smart ass decided it was a good idea to drench part of the uphill section with water, turning it into a mud rink. I went down with pillion, top box and two panniers and busted my knee and ankle and could not ride back to Bkk on the last day. Fortunately, a friend came to the rescue - drove my pick up 430 km to PTB hill and rode my Versys back to Bkk. My pillion drove me back to Bkk in the pickup (need to have more details of your Mondial assistance mate, for future cases).

    What's ridiculous is that on the good sections, we were blasting through some curves at 130 kmh but I went down doing 5 kmh. Such is riding life I guess.

    Are yuo meaning you actualey broke your knee and ankel when you fall off at only 5kmh's? Surely this is not a posiblyaty.

    No, nothing broken that I know of so far. The bike must have landed on my lower leg as my knee was swollen and I could not bend nor straighten it without much pain and discomfort. Also felt pain when trying to rotate my ankle.

    However, after a few days, it's recovering pretty quickly. No pain in the ankle area anymore but knee is still fairly stiff.

    ^^ ^^

    Ok , when you say busted too me means broken i couldn't not understand how unless you have soft bones or similiar old age .you are luckily thyen to not have long term promblem,s Did you not ware bodily armour?

  6. Haha, that's exactly who I thought it was!

    funny, when people see a red honda in thailand, 'll' comes up to minds!smile.png

    mine is cbr650f shurup. that red honda belongs to a friend of mine. that yellow black versys also belongs to a good friend:)

    black versys renter?: no comment.

    ll, I guarantee you would have enjoyed the ride with us. Fantastic roads (some of the best that flat Isaan has to offer, I'm willing to bet) and excellent company. I was leading most of the way, cruising at between 130-140 and both the Versys and CB had to reach speeds of 180 and above to catch up at times (I was in charge of sat nav, hahahaha).

    All was well till the last but one day, riding up to PTB hill through the national park. Some smart ass decided it was a good idea to drench part of the uphill section with water, turning it into a mud rink. I went down with pillion, top box and two panniers and busted my knee and ankle and could not ride back to Bkk on the last day. Fortunately, a friend came to the rescue - drove my pick up 430 km to PTB hill and rode my Versys back to Bkk. My pillion drove me back to Bkk in the pickup (need to have more details of your Mondial assistance mate, for future cases).

    What's ridiculous is that on the good sections, we were blasting through some curves at 130 kmh but I went down doing 5 kmh. Such is riding life I guess.

    Are yuo meaning you actualey broke your knee and ankel when you fall off at only 5kmh's? Surely this is not a posiblyaty.

  7. ^

    The Steed was made in both 400cc and 600cc versions- it's primarily sold in Japan, where the 400cc version is more popular due to the tiered licensing system which limits most riders to 400cc or lower displacement.

    I think I was closest in my assessment of the OP.wink.png

    Weel done rsd,you ledgend you you got it spot on as again as usual

  8. Here we go again. *sighs*

    Really?"sighs"? i made an inquirey on something of interest to myself and a freind about a bike relates interest and because no one could give any more infro about it i was verbalised and had the shit kicked outta mee because it was boring.why not just simpley not reply That is what being respectcle is about.Out of repsect to you im not giong to tell you that youre a moron.End of.

    My *sigh* wasn't directed at you personally, but at where I see this thread going. Also if you are referring to the thread you opened that was then closed, then you will see I was one of the first to answer with an honest opinion regarding the topic, you even 'liked' my response!!!!

    My most humble appologys to you macknifei got it wrong sorry i jumped the gun on you partylly because i am just so pissed about thye way my simple inquest was attacked and treated by a couple of smartrarses here.But i agree with you as i now see it as youre saying and its so noticeable that the people who werent even name and shamed in OP all came out defending thereselves so strongly as being the good guys. Again sorry to you.

  9. Here we go again. *sighs*

    Really?"sighs"? i made an inquirey on something of interest to myself and a freind about a bike relates interest and because no one could give any more infro about it i was verbalised and had the shit kicked outta mee because it was boring.why not just simpley not reply That is what being respectcle is about.Out of repsect to you im not giong to tell you that youre a moron.End of.

  10. 99% of the time, when I'm riding, I keep my cool even when cut off by some other idiots in a cage. I almost always say thank you to the driver that pulls over for me when I'm splitting traffic and I even apologise if I clip a car's side mirror by accident.

    However, there are also times when I would actually get close enough to a car or pick up and give their side mirror a good whack (just did it last night in fact).

    Same here on the forum. Most of the time, most of the posters are just giving their opinion and most would enjoy a good debate. The line gets crossed when there is a perceived "attack" or "insult" an a particular poster or group of posters.

    I tend to give the benefit of the doubt as much as possible. Occasionally, I will go on the attach, like I did with a former poster (andrex2 - btw, anyone heard from him recently?).

    I think Daveboo got it spot on when he tactfully brought up the issue of nationality. Latin blooded people and Northern Europeans will react differently. Coupled with differing levels of mastery of English nuances and innuendos, TV forum can be really explosive at times.

    So maybe i was just the 1% of youre not likes so you and another who protesth to muchith did a pretty good hatchet job on my now closed post just because you couldnt see the point off it.thanks you.

  11. Agree with youre sentiments totaly Seedy OP .I have deleted my comment on 2ndthoughts so the same crap does not happen on this as happened to my thread.Suffise to say we are are the same page and know exactly what youre saying Like you i enjoy all bikes and styles but some jerks can not accel\pt this They are the loosers!

    • Like 1
  12. We see a lot here due to things already mentioned. But also the sheer amount of bikes here

    also suggests why we see more events.

    I do believe for those who ride normally & with skill it is not so much different than many other places.

    Meaning it can be a safe form of transportation/pleasure.

    Yes youre correct i think that bikes sure can be safe transport and great fun to ride and crashes can and do happen all over this globe.You can die just as easily on a bike as in a car truck or airplane or eating bad or drinking or drugged up or even slipin the shower and die if you are a bit unlucky .Life is a lottery at best, it must be just to understand how and why so many people die everyday often because of a lifestyle choice of there own or because of someones else negligents Mean to say if you have done everthing right and still die how can it be explained other than like the lottery drawer which is totaly unpredictable. r.i.p guy.

  13. Posted By Ron19 on the Humerous thread.

    Pretty much sums up some of the posts on this thread too

    You re got that right hell i asked asimple question and copped shit [and the paper] from a couple of tossers crazy stuff and this pales into nothing alongside the crap on the thread were thye guy died.Bored morons i guess.

  14. A few pictures.

    Sales guy explaining a few features and controls on the bike.




    Me on the bike, ready to roll. Don't know how the sales guy took this one but it's out of focus.

    I switched to another, full head helmet by the way after I got out of BKK, my wife was driving a car with some of my other gear.


    That is one sweet ride love it.{helmet choice will have some kids on here making nasty comments to you but good for you as its youre choice!!

  15. Your post opens many lines of inquiry.

    It has been said that neck injuries increase with helmet weight. As full face are more heavy, this begs the question ...

    Myself, I have never worn one. Mostly because in the early days your peripheral vision was limited, and this has saved me on many occasions. Now-a-days they say that this situation has improved, tho' I have no first hand knowledge as have not shopped for one in a long time.

    I have looked at the modular helmets, and expect to try one out with my next new bike purchase.

    Most of my riding life has been with an open face with lexan visor - also called a 3/4 helmet.

    Are full face more safe - if you plant yourself face first they are. But in all my riding I have seen very very few face first accidents. Most are from hitting cars, or cars hitting them. Or running off the road. Broken legs, arms, pelvis, shoulder.

    As for stats - from who ? What demographic surveyed ? Where ? When ?

    Too easy to make them say whatever you want. Do I believe them or not ? I take them under advisement, and make my choices.

    As for stats - from who ? What demographic surveyed ? Where ? When ?

    I just kinda figured that there would be some sort of breakdown of numbers maybe from manufacturers or riding groups or traffic analysis from somewhere.maybe there is no stats thats why i asked on here if anyone had thoughts on the numbers.As i said i wear one but in my travles it seems that mainly boy racer type riders wear them Many many riders other thab sporty riders seem to not wear fullface

  16. Serious question.

    On another tread i made an inquirey about what precetage of motorbike riders worldwide do you think wear a fullface type helmet and no one seemed to know for real.My own feeling is about 15% only that do. This is a general question and not biased by country, class ,religion, perported intelligence ,3rd world, just overall.Nothing to do with your view on better or not should do or not recomended or not just interested in a general input by people on what you yourserlf think the numbers may be.I cant find any info relating to this but some stats would be interesting to me.

  17. This is reply to #11..ll2 More childish smilies things? Are you a kid or no? Anyway im Not emotional at all ll2 just that the question was simply about a comfortable helmet.More people die of obesity that from not wearing a fullface helmut and honestly boy looking at you photoes on tracks you should be more worried about the former than the later. Just saying like.

  18. You recommend all you like but its only a recomend based on what? Who said it was a problem of looks?Boy you are something else. making things up up as you go just to better your self proclaimed expertise!!If you were asomeone of knowledge and reputation i would take your recomending but you are just another forum talker.So you recently got a little 600 bike and done some track day so now you are mr free advice know it all? I have read plenty about helmets so what if as i figure 80% of riders dont want to wear a full face there is a choice of all those people regardless of what you think. Thanks indeed for your advice which in fact is only your opinion.Your funny wee laughing face shows you as someone with issues . rather childish no?Choices are made by all types of people and yopu should respect there own choice and get off your grandstand and stop being a dick.I seem to remember you saying that at times you dont wear a fullface are you also that good that you can predict when and why your brain? will be spilled to the aspgalt?Bet you can not ,sorry you cannot have a two way bet on thuis issue.Practice which you preach please >and for your imformation i do wear a fullface helmet each and every time i ride but i dont play mr exspurt and try and make other riders choice on there be-half.its up to the person involved not you or anyone else.

    I also recommend going full face. Would be interesting to see where these percentages are being pulled from, but it seems to me that most people who ride regularly and/or for quite a distance insist on a full face or modular helmet at least.

    I sum it up this way...the inconvenience of a full face is greatly outweighed by the possibilities of serious injuries and costs associated by not wearing them. If you're engaged in casual sex...there's a chance you could not pick up HIV/herpes/gonorrhoea/syphillis/whatever...but why chance it when a little piece of inconvenience will protect you?

    My figures were as i said initialy just my guess, but i think realistic.What do you think that worldwide average of motorbike riders wearing a fullface would be? You really thionk that most people who ride wear a fullface or modilar helmet?I'm not having you on here but am intrested in the number out of curiousity. In thailand alone i doubt if more than 5% would do so.The rest of the world??? I think my guesstimate of 10-15% would be ballparkish. Anyone have stats ?I am not argueing at all about the eficienncy or any inconvenience which i myself dont find inconvenient but about the fact that OP asked about a comfortable helmet not about his or her choice to wear fullfaceone as ll2 brought to the discussion un necesaryly.

  19. a full face helmet is always better. lots of choices here too.

    A choice of helmet is so varying from person to person and theres no real point on asking about it here.The wearer must make the choice by trying some on as everybodys heads are different >what is comfotrable for me may not be for anothere.

    To ll2 you frquently appear force your views to others and you saying a fullface is always bettere is another example.I mean in what ways is one always better? It is also very much an individuals choice ans must not be compolsory as you seem to say.World wide what perecent of bike riders do you believe ware full face helmet because you say it is better.In fact does anyone have numbers on this? Myself i would rough ballpark at maybe only 10-15 % of all riders feel that a full face is bettere .IAnd not always.

    Better for preventing your brain to spill to the asphalt.

    Isnt it enough for you?laugh.png

    Forcing what? It is your head man not mine. And if someone asks recommendation, i recommend full facr helmet. But you have problem about it looks like?

    Please do some reading about helmets.

    You recommend all you like but its only a recomend based on what? Who said it was a problem of looks?Boy you are something else. making things up up as you go just to better your self proclaimed expertise!!If you were asomeone of knowledge and reputation i would take your recomending but you are just another forum talker.So you recently got a little 600 bike and done some track day so now you are mr free advice know it all? I have read plenty about helmets so what if as i figure 80% of riders dont want to wear a full face there is a choice of all those people regardless of what you think. Thanks indeed for your advice which in fact is only your opinion.Your funny wee laughing face shows you as someone with issues . rather childish no?Choices are made by all types of people and yopu should respect there own choice and get off your grandstand and stop being a dick.I seem to remember you saying that at times you dont wear a fullface are you also that good that you can predict when and why your brain? will be spilled to the aspgalt?Bet you can not ,sorry you cannot have a two way bet on thuis issue.Practice which you preach please >and for your imformation i do wear a fullface helmet each and every time i ride but i dont play mr exspurt and try and make other riders choice on there be-half.its up to the person involved not you or anyone else.

  20. a full face helmet is always better. lots of choices here too.

    A choice of helmet is so varying from person to person and theres no real point on asking about it here.The wearer must make the choice by trying some on as everybodys heads are different >what is comfotrable for me may not be for anothere.

    To ll2 you frquently appear force your views to others and you saying a fullface is always bettere is another example.I mean in what ways is one always better? It is also very much an individuals choice ans must not be compolsory as you seem to say.World wide what perecent of bike riders do you believe ware full face helmet because you say it is better.In fact does anyone have numbers on this? Myself i would rough ballpark at maybe only 10-15 % of all riders feel that a full face is bettere .IAnd not always.

    • Like 1
  21. Never had a bike with ABS and all the other lists of aids myself but mates have and i've tried it.

    I think that these are a good ''back up'' devices if you stuff up.

    To me all these new gizzmos are mostly benificial, no doubt about that, but i feel that they take the purity and soul out of riding a bike.

    Mostly i own what are more likely called muscle bikes and my tricked up XJR1300 [125 nms of torque is to me the best one.I have had 5 different ones over the years and love the simplicity and awesum torquey motor.

    No computor aids at all just you and your input skills dictating what the bike does at all times.

    I don't want or need traction control.anti wheelie, anti this that and all the other gizzmos

    People learning to ride on these new bikes with all these aids are missing out on the real riding experiences in my opinion and will never get to learn true riding skills.

    Humans learn by their mistakes and if your mistakes are covered up by a computor you will never realise what you did wrong so you dont get to learn to not repeat the mistake.

    I have a mate who brought a high tech bike a year or so ago and i have noticed he has become quite radical and appearing careless in his riding style.

    When we talked about it he agreed and said yes because he khows the comp aids will step in and save him if things go wrong and he likes this.

    Me, i want to do the decision making myself and let my personal experience dictate what my bike does, and when i want it to.

    To me its a lot more spontaneous fun to ride an unadulterated bike of lessor horsepower to the limit than to have larger output and depend on multi aids to ride it and still not use all its power..thats just me!

    Each to their own i say, for me no way in the world do i want this stuff, and i agree here with tonto..i do understand what you are saying mate.

    No doubt in time all this BS will be made mandatory on bikes>>which they shouldn't be>>should be my choosing yes or no, its basically just to protect the increasing litagation seekers and the ones who need to be protected from themselves .

    I have just found this biks forum and hello to riders far and wide.Good starting point as bike technology is an old friend of mine.I have been riding only 5 years but am a very safe rider and capable i thought.My first bikes and 2 more have all had at least abs and my newish 600 has many electronioc helpers.In my style i am comfortable with as you call back up devices and as you comment about a freind i am dependent on them also.i never rode a basic bike until recently and rode a buddys litre bike and scared the crap out of myself and nearly lost my life and the bike.Sorry but this is just my own feelings.

    Sorry i make a error my buddys bike is like streetfighter 1990 suzuki 1100 not litre,

  22. Never had a bike with ABS and all the other lists of aids myself but mates have and i've tried it.

    I think that these are a good ''back up'' devices if you stuff up.

    To me all these new gizzmos are mostly benificial, no doubt about that, but i feel that they take the purity and soul out of riding a bike.

    Mostly i own what are more likely called muscle bikes and my tricked up XJR1300 [125 nms of torque is to me the best one.I have had 5 different ones over the years and love the simplicity and awesum torquey motor.

    No computor aids at all just you and your input skills dictating what the bike does at all times.

    I don't want or need traction control.anti wheelie, anti this that and all the other gizzmos

    People learning to ride on these new bikes with all these aids are missing out on the real riding experiences in my opinion and will never get to learn true riding skills.

    Humans learn by their mistakes and if your mistakes are covered up by a computor you will never realise what you did wrong so you dont get to learn to not repeat the mistake.

    I have a mate who brought a high tech bike a year or so ago and i have noticed he has become quite radical and appearing careless in his riding style.

    When we talked about it he agreed and said yes because he khows the comp aids will step in and save him if things go wrong and he likes this.

    Me, i want to do the decision making myself and let my personal experience dictate what my bike does, and when i want it to.

    To me its a lot more spontaneous fun to ride an unadulterated bike of lessor horsepower to the limit than to have larger output and depend on multi aids to ride it and still not use all its power..thats just me!

    Each to their own i say, for me no way in the world do i want this stuff, and i agree here with tonto..i do understand what you are saying mate.

    No doubt in time all this BS will be made mandatory on bikes>>which they shouldn't be>>should be my choosing yes or no, its basically just to protect the increasing litagation seekers and the ones who need to be protected from themselves .

    I have just found this biks forum and hello to riders far and wide.Good starting point as bike technology is an old friend of mine.I have been riding only 5 years but am a very safe rider and capable i thought.My first bikes and 2 more have all had at least abs and my newish 600 has many electronioc helpers.In my style i am comfortable with as you call back up devices and as you comment about a freind i am dependent on them also.i never rode a basic bike until recently and rode a buddys litre bike and scared the crap out of myself and nearly lost my life and the bike.Sorry but this is just my own feelings.

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