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Posts posted by Bear0Mack

  1. Yes. Indeed you did point out AIS, Rich. I discounted it too early after my experience with AIS at McDonald's showing it not to meet my speed requirements. Didn't know they had Superwifi.

    Isn't the AIS coverage map just terrible? I laughed when I saw that cartoon map. Also it's not up to date. Add Emporium to that list of locations as well.

  2. I think we have a winner! Thanks TallGuy. I just got myself some AIS Superwifi. 50 Baht for a new SIM and you get free Superwifi for 6 months. Limited to 7 days access per month up to 20GB. After that which you can pay to access it further for 100 Baht per month.

    Do note that you'll likely need to get yourself an 802.11ac compatible WiFi card for your laptop. If you can't see the SSID this will be why.

    The WiFi isn't very ubiquitous like the normal AIS WiFi so you'll need to check the coverage with the team at the shop first though. But you can apparently find it at Central Lat Phrao and The Emporium. I haven't tested the speeds yet but I saw some screenshots of users getting 100mbps+ while speed testing it.

    ExpatOil, that's certainly true that a few 4GB files isn't that much. But I live in a rented apartment, so I don't have a line into my apartment as is common in many apartments.

    Thanks for all the great suggestions guys!

  3. Hi Rich,

    Excellent suggestion, in fact I have already tried this with an high gain omni similar to what you have. However, even though I can get a reasonable 3/5 bars for True, I can't even connect, whereas I normally would be able to if I was in a True cafe. I tried 3BB as well, and got up to 4/5 bars (-70dBm) on a window and got a connection for a little while, but it drops out regularly. I speed tested it at 1.4mbps (175KiB/s). I'm guessing that the huge number of access points (50+) and the fact that many of them also use interfering channels is just too much to maintain a connection. Maybe a panel antenna might help focus the device in on the actual AP I want to pick up, but I can't actually see where the AP is.

    I'm still searching (Google), asking friends, forum members if they know any high speed fiber WiFi cafes in Bangkok. I'm not too picky exactly where in Bangkok, but somewhere central would be good.


  4. Thanks for the advice Rich. An excellent suggestion, but unfortunately I have yet to find a hotspot that can achieve much more than 300KiBps, which doesn't quite cut it for 3-4GiB files. If only I could get it in my apartment the slow speed wouldn't be so much of an issue.

    Any idea where I can find one of these fiber cafes?

  5. I'm looking to download a set of large files via web and BitTorrent which is going to be way too much for my 4G service, especially after having just formatted my laptop. Does anyone know of a high speed Wifi cafe in Bangkok where I can download at least 1MiB/s/8mbps+? Would love to be using True/AIS/3BB Wifi but I can't get a connection where I live.

    I guess some might block BitTorrent, but I have a VPN. Not sure exactly how fast the VPN is though.

    Thanks guys!

  6. Quite strange that they would host it at Central World. They don't seem to care for motorbike riders there. Cars can park free for 3 hours, and have validated parking for shopping, watching movies, etc. Motorbikes on the other hand are lucky if they find a park, they must pay from the get go, and there is no validation of parking. I would think that BigC would make more sense in that respect.

  7. Be careful at least on the southbound section of Thai highway route number 1 all the way from route 2 to the elevated tollway. Terribly scary conditions yesterday. A semil trailer decoupled yesterday after hitting one of the numerous HUGE fissures in the road. Another truck had a tire blowout along the same stretch. Edit: And a pickup had lost it's load. I hit a few of these fissures myself on a motorbike, jeez it scared the crap outta me. The 4 hours stretch of road with sun in your eyes in the afternoon doesn't help either. Such a dangerous piece of road.

  8. When you realize this is disgusting an unacceptable behaviour from the business White Room who the bouncers were representing, you ask yourself, what can I do?




    You can always post on their Facebook, TripAdvisor, or other web sites to express your opinion and be heard.

    Search https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Patong+White+Room

    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/White-Room-Nightclub/149132001903467

    Facebook 2 https://www.facebook.com/pages/White-Room-Patong-Beach/164281810288466?_rdr=p

    TripAdvisor https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Patong+White+Room+Tripadvisor

    Any other suggestions?

    ThaiVisa http://phuket.thaivisa.com/nightclubs-and-discos-in-phuket/

  9. Isn't it crazy that in this day and age that you need compassionate grounds to move around your own money for medical expenses? I've done something similar before at banks and it's such a pain in the ass.

    The fact that you need to prove that your money is your own money? Rediculous! The fact that banks complain if you try to take your money out of their bank, and limit, and restrict you, in how you can use it, even though you can prove your identity. Also rediculous! Who really owns your money?! Something to think about...

    For further reading you may want to look at Cyprus.

    Its not rediculous if you consider the billions of dollars in criminal proceeds and terrorism financing that is shifted around the world in plain sight

    I completely agree that terrorism financing is a problem. Can I ask you though, to examine whether these schemes have had significant impact to the target, rather than false positives?

    I feel like it's always catching the wrong people.

  10. Isn't it crazy that in this day and age that you need compassionate grounds to move around your own money for medical expenses? I've done something similar before at banks and it's such a pain in the ass.

    The fact that you need to prove that your money is your own money? Rediculous! The fact that banks complain if you try to take your money out of their bank, and limit, and restrict you, in how you can use it, even though you can prove your identity. Also rediculous! Who really owns your money?! Something to think about...

    For further reading you may want to look at Cyprus.

  11. What kind of visa do you have that allows you to stay long enough that you need to do a 90 day report. I think you probably have an extension of stay not a valid visa.

    The 7 days after is only for doing the report. If you will be returning and will be doing more reports you should do the report or they may notice you missed a report and fine you 2000 baht.

    Immigration on departure do not check for 90 day reports. Many people take the receipts out before leaving the country.

    I was in this situation earlier this year, and I was told directly by immigration at Chaeng Wattana that I wouldn't have to worry about doing a report as my visa expired 7 days after the report due date. So I didn't report and left the country with no hassle. So what they told me was wrong?

    In terms of being fined by immigration later, I don't think I'll have another instance to have to do a 90 day report because I've switched from ED visa to 30 day visa exempt. Much cheaper (free).

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