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Posts posted by Bear0Mack

  1. Regardless for the reasons of dual pricing for foreigners/races, I think we can all agree that many foreigners have the perspective that it reflects poorly on Thai people. Many foreigners believe it is unwelcoming, as evidence by this forum. Would I be correct to say that it seems to create so much bad will/karma/reputation for the Thai people, in particular the tourism industry? I'm not disclosing a position on the topic here. But wouldn't it be worthwhile for the Thai people to forgo the few hundred extra baht to have harmony and good will throughout the country and around the world?

    MoganDave, if you're saying you'd rather pay a higher price so that poor kids can get into the zoo, that's great. But let's not confuse admission price with donations, which are a non-mandatory gesture of good will. If you wish to donate, you should be paying extra on top of whatever it already is.

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  2. LOL worrying about 30 Baht in a brothel.

    From what I read this is a bar and a guesthouse if I know the one he is talking about, not a brothel, but that is beside the OP's point. People like you and all the people who liked your post will never get it, never. It's not about how much money it is, it is about the lying and cheating and scamming. I just had a motorcycle taxi guy try to cheat me out of 10 baht last night buy pulling a confusion scam as money was handed back and forth. Of course, I can afford to lose 10 baht, but why should I like it. I don't like it and I never will like it.

    I guess people like you enjoy being lied to and scammed and cheated. More power to you. Come on over to my home and I'll be happy to cheat you out of some money or I can lie to you, whatever you would like.

    I understand both sides of the coin, and like most intelligent people I don't like people trying to rip my off, nor do I like to make a scene. Therefore, I usually go for the carrot, rather than the stick approach.

    All arguments about how much we should pay a taxi aside, some taxis don't give the full change from the fare in Bangkok. It's definitely not polite acting so self entitled, at least in Australian culture. Having said that though, I'm not sure if that's just part of the culture, and what Thai people also expect, because from my experience, Thai people usually give the coins for a tip. So when the taxi driver gives me all of my change, I will thank him and give him a small tip to promote that behaviour. It's worth it, because we both gain face, and that is very important in Thai culture from what I understand.

    What I'm saying is that if you're not scammed in an industry you'd normally expect to be scammed, like taxis and bars, why not give a tip? It sets the precedent that it pays to be good and gives us foreigners a good face (reputation).

    Your thoughts?

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