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  1. brilliant DrJack many thanks...much appreciated
  2. oh...sorry i forgot to mention.... its at Jomtien immigration.....thanks
  3. hi.....just a quick question your advice greatly appreciated.....my retirement visa / 1 year extension visa is up for renewal in a couple of weeks....i was wondering if any of the criteria has changed or any additional documents needed from when i renewed last year.......I am including a screenshot of the criteria list i have used for previous renewals......many thanks in advance 🙂
  4. Hi....thanks for all your replies sorry for confusion when i said i received a "90 day stamp" i just meant that my retirement visa held up ok from my old passport and i entered on a single re-entry visa...again sorry for my confusing choice of words. I went down to Jomtien on Tuesday and filled in the transfer form along with photocopies from my old passport and my new passport main page and entry stamp and everything went smoothly as I had been informed it would by members on here...went down yesterday (Wednesday) and picked up my passports with stamps transferred to new passport. Thanks for all the advice given on here its much appreciated......One more question if I may add it on is: I usually do my 90 day reporting online, which as worked well for me for the last 6 or 7 times...so i was wondering now my stamps have been transferred to new passport will I be able to fill in my new passport number on the online app and still get my 90 report as before or will I have to go in person for the first 90 day report with it being new passport. Anyone who has been in the same situation I would greatly appreciate your input and advice.....best regards
  5. Hi everyone....just a quick update on this topic...I have re-entered Thailand with my new UK passport together with my old passport containing retirement visa and re- entry visa.....all good came through immigration no problems and received my 90 day stamp in the new passport. I will nip down to Jomtien immigration in a few days to ask about the subject: if I need to transfer any stamps etc from my old passport just to get clarification on the matter.....Much appreciated all the answers you all gave to my original post....thank you
  6. thanks for all your speedy replies much appreciated.....but Im still a little confused which stamps I would have to transfer from old passport to new one
  7. Hi.....I recently renewed my 1 year extension or retirement visa as I call it and also obtained a single entry re-entry visa as I will be visiting family back in the UK later this year (for about 4 months). My passport expires early in 2025 so I was thinking about renewing my UK passport while I was back in the UK as it is a little bit easier than having to go Bangkok etc. My retirement visa is stamped until 31st January 2025..... I have a few questions regarding this, please bear with me if I ramble on a little bit, thanks. My first question is: If I do renew my UK passport will I be allowed to enter Thailand with my new passport and still use my retirement visa and re-entry visa which will then be stamped in my old passport. I did briefly ask the guy who did the retirement visa and he said it should be ok, but I just wondered if any of our members had actual experience of doing this? 2nd question: If I do get back into Thailand ok with visas and both passports, will I have to transfer my retirement visa over from my old passport to the new one or will I be able to just renew it when it's due and have the new one stamped in my new UK passport? and 3rd question: After I return back into Thailand and do have a new UK passport with me, when my 90 day report is due (usually I do it online),...... will I have to do the first 90 day report in person then afterwards can I continue submitting it online as usual? many thanks in advance for any advice on this topic and apologies again for any confusion I may cause in my questions.
  8. many thanks Georgealbert
  9. Hi just a couple of quick questions....I have to renew my year extension or retirement visa as i call it in January 2024....last year the queues at Jomtien immigration were horrendous.... I just wondered: 1. Are the queues still the same? (if so which is best sort of time to go down there) 2.And as there been any separation into different queues or sections for different visa needs example: 1 year extensions, re-entry visas, tourist extensions, 90 day reports etc to speed up the process? many thanks in advance (p.s looked for a recent thread on this topic but couldn't find one)
  10. RIP Joe thanks for everything over the years
  11. thanks for your quick replies appreciated
  12. Hi......If i could ask any member to clarify something for me I would greatly appreciate. apologies if my question seems a bit muddled but been trying to think how to word it so its clear....any way here goes: I will be renewing my year extension or retirement visa as I refer to it the first couple of weeks in January 2023 (the official date when it expires is 31st Jan 2023). I will be returning to the UK in early March to help take care of my elderly mother so after I have renewed the retirement visa I will also get a re-entry visa.....a couple of questions if I may: Q1. Is there any stipulation as to how early a re-entry visa can be obtained before my flight (first week in March) or are the re-entry visas valid for a certain amount of time after they are issued say 6 months or a year etc.? Q2. I really dont know how long i will be in the UK dependent on how mum is so i have booked a one way flight, but Im aware I will have to be back at the end of the year (2023) or so to renew my Retirement visa again....so my long winded question is: if say i came back at the end of December 2023 bearing in mind my new visa renewal date will be 31st Jan 2024, would I still get the 90days on arrival at the airport with my re-entry visa even tho I would only have maybe a month on my retirement visa? Sorry for the long winded confusing 2nd question but couldnt think how to put it more clearly......many thanks in advance
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