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Posts posted by catmaninoz

  1. Can i start a new thread so soon?

    I would prefer that.

    No need to be condescending. I know what a relationship is.

    I know what love feels like, i am 30.

    I don't think David48 was being condescending or trying to be.

    I think he was just gently letting you know to slow down a fraction

    and he provided you with some good links to research.

    Why don't you read the threads provided and then come back if you

    have any questions.

    Most of the stuff you're after will be here somewhere. We've seen it all

    on this forum.

    All the best.

    Ive been reading this forum for weeks now and still have not found concise and clear advice.

    Plenty of bickering and cynicism though.

    I dont have any time or care to read through countless pages of irrelevant dribble between bored old farangs.

    I am gen Y. I am direct. I dont want to waste what little time i have to read pointless musings, which is why i have asked for specific help.

    Well, you came here asking for help, and when you read something you didn't like, you started to slag of the people

    that can help you. There's nothing wrong with being direct, but that was just rude. These "bored old farangs" are the

    ones who could probably save you time and money as they've "been there and done that".

    But, If you don't have time or can't be bothered to read through the information, suggest you go and employ an agent.

    Can help, but chose not to be helpful. So therefore warrants the slagging off imo.

    I came here for advise because people have been here and done that.

    Not to be told to slow down or be this or feel that.

    Specific advice.

    As in. What visa to apply for. When to apply. What is needed.

    I just wanted it broken down simply. I cant understand that public servant written nonsense on the immigration website.

    All filler. Just want killer.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. Cat,

    As always David has given you some solid advise, rare in this forum. Please take all care in your venture... the adage love is blind is not a joke :) If the relationship is strong enough, it will stand the test of time and distance so there is no need to hurry things. I was married to a Japanese lady for 10yrs in Japan, we ended only 1 yr after being back in Oz (when the reality of it set in) some are in love with the idea of the 'foreign land, which can be read sometimes as just 'anywhere but Thailand'. I am not casting doubt on you or your relationship at all here, just a heads up that it's better to trial these things. The application and the process will all fall in line when you have this experience behind you. You will have bank accounts, history, et al.

    Get her to Oz for as long as possible on a tourist visa, let her see what it is all about is my advise as well.


    Cool story bro.

    I dont want life advice.

    I want specific advice on how to get her here as quick as possible. Advice related to whatever hoops have to be jumped through. Im not interested in randoms telling me how to be in a relationship.

    Am i the first person to go through all of this? Surely not.

    And i have shown courtesy to those who have helped.

    Contrary to what some think, davids posts are condescending because they only offered "life advice" as opposed to "how to help the situation speed up" advice.

    But thanks for providing more irrelevant musings.

    I will just pay someone to help me.

  3. Can i start a new thread so soon?

    I would prefer that.

    No need to be condescending. I know what a relationship is.

    I know what love feels like, i am 30.

    I don't think David48 was being condescending or trying to be.

    I think he was just gently letting you know to slow down a fraction

    and he provided you with some good links to research.

    Why don't you read the threads provided and then come back if you

    have any questions.

    Most of the stuff you're after will be here somewhere. We've seen it all

    on this forum.

    All the best.

    Ive been reading this forum for weeks now and still have not found concise and clear advice.

    Plenty of bickering and cynicism though.

    I dont have any time or care to read through countless pages of irrelevant dribble between bored old farangs.

    I am gen Y. I am direct. I dont want to waste what little time i have to read pointless musings, which is why i have asked for specific help.

  4. Thank you.

    Yes i have been doing that.

    I could not retrieve our initial conversations from the dating site however our skype call log is still there. We dont send emails and have texts are not stored for that long. We were "seeing" each other exclusively prior to meeting face to face. How can we prove this? We have no emails or text logs. All was done on skype calls spread over 3 devices with three different logs.

    I hope the 3000 photos we took in 3 weeks together will show as much. I recently set up a facebook account, to hopefully aid the process.

    I have been taking some screenshots of us speaking on skype. Do they accept these at all?

  5. Wow. 75 different visas available?

    Should have really expected it to be this difficult and beaurecratic.

    I think i might just pay someone to figure all of that out for me. Wether its best to get her here on a working/training/business visa etc.

    I dont really care how we are together or what visa we need, we just have to be together. Ive been back 2 weeks and its seemed like months already.

    Reading that wizard will certainly help me figure something out, thank you.

    I will also PM your mate tonight. Thanks.

    Are there any recommendations for migration companies that will help us figure out the shortest method/visa to get her to Aus?

    Either based in Aus or LOS would be fine, or is it just as shonky an industry as everything else? Caveat emptor?

  6. Thanks for the links.

    She wants to move here. There is no doubt in her mind or in mine about the legitimacy of our relationship and intentions.

    We chat on line from dusk til dawn and we skype for a few hours a night and even fall asleep "together" on skype. She speaks fantastic english (not bar girl) and will fit in well in Aus. I am also fully committed to knowing and understanding her family and i will consider them as my own. I just have not met them yet.

    I will meet her back in Thailand in June for 2 weeks where i will be meeting her family. Then she will hopefully have a tourist visa and come back to stay in Aus with me. The tricky part here might be getting the visa because as a new graduate she will not have a job to leave or go back to. Hopefully she can find an employer that will write her a letter of employment for 3-6 months down the track.

    Reading that defacto section of the link has me concerned. We cant apply for it until November 2015 is the way i read it, and then our waiting time only begins from there?

    Is a defacto visa any different to a fiance or partner one?

    How can we show we are defacto if our relationship is only through the internet besides my 3 week holiday to LOS?

    How can you be in defacto without a visa to begin with??

  7. Hi guys,

    Im currently reading all about visas etc and was wondering if anyone can help give me a brief rundown on my situation as im barely in front of a computer (tradesman) and it seems it will take as long to read all the info as it will take to wait for a partner visa approval...

    My situation is this, im 30 living in aus and began speaking with a lovely thai woman in July 2014. I flew to meet her in November 2014 where we made our relationship an official one. I am now back in Aus and we are madly in love and are looking at all of our options to spend the rest of our lives together in Aus (i know its "fast" dont judge please).

    I am 30 and she is 22 and is currently at university. Her graduation is in May 2015 and after that she wants to live in Aus with me.

    We are not yet engaged (i bought the ring but chickened out) but our intentions are very clear in that we both want to start and raise a family together (no prior kids to my knowledge).

    Should, or can, we apply for a partnership visa now so that it is approved in ~October 2015 and then in the mean time, have her apply for a tourist visa so we can be together from June to October.

    Is this possible or have i got a lot more to read?

    Any help is greatly appreciated, as i said i am time poor with computers and reading any govt info makes my brain hurt.

    Im just a simple tradie who is madly in love.

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