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Posts posted by catmaninoz

  1. As long as we still have our compassion for human life there will be bleating.

    No crime is worth a human life.

    Especially a victimless crime like trafficking.

    Drug abuse has never been a legal issue. That idea is just brainwashed into people. It is a health issue.

    You will never reduce drug abuse by punishing the profiteers. Better to become the profiteers and use the profit to reduce the health effects.

    I would put religion as a more dangerous pass time than heroin use.
    Victimless crime like trafficking ?

    Priceless smile.png
    Unbelievable. They just keep lining up, don't they.

    No wonder society needs so many police.

    Its not a legal issue.

    Join us in the 21st century, would you?

    I arrived long before you did. Switch on and look past your own selfish desires.

    So you would know the answer to the "drug problem" is not a legal one.

    Yet you say we need more police??

  2. As long as we still have our compassion for human life there will be bleating.

    No crime is worth a human life.

    Especially a victimless crime like trafficking.

    Drug abuse has never been a legal issue. That idea is just brainwashed into people. It is a health issue.

    You will never reduce drug abuse by punishing the profiteers. Better to become the profiteers and use the profit to reduce the health effects.

    I would put religion as a more dangerous pass time than heroin use.

    Victimless crime like trafficking ?

    Priceless :)

    Who are the victims?

    Dont say the end users because they are responsible for themselves. They need help, but if people didnt demand the stuff then there would be no need to supply it.

    Well, let's start with the 1000s of people each year that are forced to become mules for these gangs. Not everyone is transporting willingly.

    If the drugs were legalised there would be no need for mules.

    Or criminals.

    Or police.

    You know, "the bad guys".

  3. As long as we still have our compassion for human life there will be bleating.

    No crime is worth a human life.

    Especially a victimless crime like trafficking.

    Drug abuse has never been a legal issue. That idea is just brainwashed into people. It is a health issue.

    You will never reduce drug abuse by punishing the profiteers. Better to become the profiteers and use the profit to reduce the health effects.

    I would put religion as a more dangerous pass time than heroin use.

    Victimless crime like trafficking ?

    Priceless :)

    Unbelievable. They just keep lining up, don't they.

    No wonder society needs so many police.


    Its not a legal issue.

    Join us in the 21st century, would you?

  4. As long as we still have our compassion for human life there will be bleating.

    No crime is worth a human life.

    Especially a victimless crime like trafficking.

    Drug abuse has never been a legal issue. That idea is just brainwashed into people. It is a health issue.

    You will never reduce drug abuse by punishing the profiteers. Better to become the profiteers and use the profit to reduce the health effects.

    I would put religion as a more dangerous pass time than heroin use.

    Victimless crime like trafficking ?

    Priceless :)

    Who are the victims?

    Dont say the end users because they are responsible for themselves. They need help, but if people didnt demand the stuff then there would be no need to supply it.

  5. As long as we still have our compassion for human life there will be bleating.

    No crime is worth a human life.

    Especially a victimless crime like trafficking.

    Drug abuse has never been a legal issue. That idea is just brainwashed into people. It is a health issue.

    You will never reduce drug abuse by punishing the profiteers. Better to become the profiteers and use the profit to reduce the health effects.

    I would put religion as a more dangerous pass time than heroin use.

  6. I leave negative reviews quite easily. If the product is rubbish or not as described then the seller deserves negative feedback and lower sales.

    I love it when they send a message saying to change it or they will be killed. I never do and never hear back.

    One of the many buyers sellers hate to sell to, awful attitude

    Thats business. They can always refund me. Some do.

    If you sell crap products, customers deserve to know.

    Errrr, no .

    Customer should do the research and use some brain.

    High quality products do not cost 0.95cent posted from China .

    Sometimes it's just little common sense

    Who mentioned anything about cheap stuff from china?

    • Like 1
  7. I leave negative reviews quite easily. If the product is rubbish or not as described then the seller deserves negative feedback and lower sales.

    I love it when they send a message saying to change it or they will be killed. I never do and never hear back.

    One of the many buyers sellers hate to sell to, awful attitude

    Thats business. They can always refund me. Some do.

    If you sell crap products, customers deserve to know.

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