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Posts posted by catmaninoz

  1. You are not talking about racism. You are talking about bigotry.

    I would expect more from a person that owns bookstores. Perhaps reading some of them might broaden your understanding. There are subtle differences between bias, prejudice and discrimation. All forms of discrimination are categorized under bigotry including race, gender, age etc.

    People that discriminate against immigrants are racist regardless if they are just different nationalities, cultures or race. sdanielmcev:"That contradicts what you've been saying."

    You didn't actually read the piece written in yellow did you?

    "which he cannot show to be justifiable irrespective of the colour, race, nationality or ethnic or national origins of the person to whom it applied"

    sdanielmcev "I know of no country that has successfully defended a definition of racism as other than against a certain race, not culture, class, nationality, etc..."

    You apparently have never been to the US or have read the last Thai Constitution.

    When I worked for the US government in Washington we all had to take a culture sensitivity training seminar and were informed quite clearly what is defined as racial prejudice.

    Not that Wiki is a great source but most other major sources I have read classify it similarly.

    Race is a social concept used to categorize humans into large and distinct populations or groups by anatomical, cultural, ethnic, genetic, geographical, historical, linguistic, religious, and/or social affiliation.

    Governments love telling us how to think.
    Thats their job. The hint is in the construction of the word.

    Govern = control.

    Ment = mind.

    Race is a social construct.

    Nationality bashing falls under the category of racism.

    This has been proven already.

    Deal with it.

    Its amazing how people cant admit they are defending racist ideologies.

    If you discriminate someone based on what nation they live or are born in, you are racially discriminating. This fact isnt even supposed to be debated. Its covered by the legal definition, which, in a court, has a higher chance of being taken seriously than some kind of archaic definition that allows bigoted behaviour as an acceptable trait.

    Maybe at some time racism did not include nationality bashing. But the world has moved on. Society is trying to evolve here. Maybe its time you did too.

    • Like 1
  2. Has it gone over your head?

    If you really want to believe that Race and Nationality are the same carry on.

    When it comes to racism, if it discriminates against any race or nationality, it is defined as racism.

    Same with ethnicity.

    Its all social constructs to help you discriminate.

    Can you see the forrest for all the trees yet?

    If you discriminate, on race or nationality, you are being racist. By definition.

    Deal with it.

  3. Pick any euro and any african country and replace the continents. A simple way to generalise went straight over your head.

    Twisting and turning does not make it not racism.

    Discriminating against any nation is racist.

    Went straight over my head!

    Oh dear, I think I will leave you to it.

    To paraphrase Rachel from 'Friends', banging your head against something hard, is only worth it when it's a head board.

    What does this even mean?

    You give up?

  4. By now there has been many discussion on this topic it does get boring after a while. Different names and different faces all ways talking about the same thing. This is Thailand get real . My own experience is the wealthier the family the more her parents won't like a foreigner with there daughter that's the bottom line

    I agree.But I think It is most countries. Most of us are "tribal"

    If my university educated, 21yo beautiful [iMHO] daughter told me she was thinking of getting attached to an Indian or African, I wouldn't like It..I actually want Grandchildren that look like [a better version of] me. I wouldn't stand In her way..Those days are gone, I feel...But I'd be disappointed.

    Most Thais, especially of upper social classes would feel the same as me, I'm guessing. I understand why they would feel like they do. It's not abnormal or racist.

    Actually, that is very racist.

    Racist would be standing in her way (discrimination), or considering that grandchildren of a different skin color would be inferior (prejudice). Simply preferring grandchildren in your own ethnicity if given the choice doesn't mean you perceive your ethnicity to be more worthy than another.

    Actually, yes it does, no matter how you try and twist it you are still saying "i prefer my own race over another".

  5. By now there has been many discussion on this topic it does get boring after a while. Different names and different faces all ways talking about the same thing. This is Thailand get real . My own experience is the wealthier the family the more her parents won't like a foreigner with there daughter that's the bottom line

    I agree.But I think It is most countries. Most of us are "tribal"

    If my university educated, 21yo beautiful [iMHO] daughter told me she was thinking of getting attached to an Indian or African, I wouldn't like It..I actually want Grandchildren that look like [a better version of] me. I wouldn't stand In her way..Those days are gone, I feel...But I'd be disappointed.

    Most Thais, especially of upper social classes would feel the same as me, I'm guessing. I understand why they would feel like they do. It's not abnormal or racist.

    Actually, that is very racist.

    • Like 2
  6. To some of us a uniform says:

    Unmotivated person, who follows and is controlled by others.

    Military, police,, boy scouts....

    Man, you are one warped individual. So you're saying soldiers and police officers in your country--whose job it is to protect you and your rights--are just a bunch of unmotivated people who are controlled by others? I wish you had the courage to tell these folks to their face.

    Protect rights?

    Good troll.

    What country are you from? Maybe not in your country, but in the USA, soldiers and police officers do take pride in their uniform.

    I did not say they did not have pride.

    But "protecting peoples rights" is not accurate. In any country.

    They protect private property rights.

    If you think in the US that things like DHS, army and cops are there to protect "the common people" you are as brainwashed as they are.

  7. To some of us a uniform says:

    Unmotivated person, who follows and is controlled by others.

    Military, police,, boy scouts....

    Man, you are one warped individual. So you're saying soldiers and police officers in your country--whose job it is to protect you and your rights--are just a bunch of unmotivated people who are controlled by others? I wish you had the courage to tell these folks to their face.

    Protect rights?

    Good troll.

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