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Posts posted by Pulpeddoes

  1. I made an appointment at Bumrungrad Hospital to have my teeth deep cleaned next week. Someone told me the price there is very expensive and suggested I come to this forum to ask for recommendations.

    I live about a 25 minute walk from Bumrungrad and would prefer something where I don't have to do much traveling (i.e, BTS + bus + motorbike taxi) to get there.

    Thanks in advance!

  2. Thanks for the heads up about the taxi app, OMGImInPattaya.

    I will definitely download it. I live in BKK now but in September I was living in Sing Buri. When I wanted to determine what I needed to do so I can stay here, that is what the Lop Buri Immigration office said. And they are like pit bulls in that office. From what I could overhear, those officers seem to have an axe to grind! Totally different environment in BKK.


  3. So I went to Immigration today, and here is a summary of my experience.

    I got held up and did not leave the house as early as had intended. I had planned to be there by 9:00 and did not arrive until 10:45. That, unfortunately, resulted in my getting a queue # 88, which was not called until just after 3:45. The officer was extremely pleasant and had no axe to grind, unlike Immigration in Lop Buri. I had all my paperwork completed and even backup support of my income, which she did not ask for. I also had evidence of ownership of the condo by my landlord and she said she did not need it. (Lop Buri told me to be sure I present it.) After I finished with her, a supervisor needed to check what she did, then the supervisor took the pp to another section for I guess more checking and ticking. After waiting about 12 minutes, I had to get into another queue for the Multiple Reentry Permit (MRP). Of course, this required a new set of copies of the pp and by this time it was almost 4:30, when their workday eds. So I had to race to the copier, a good total 400 yards both ways, and race back to the MRP queue to complete the MRP form. I randomly entered two departure dates next year, paid my THB 3,800. waited another 10 minutes for them to complete their paperwork and stamping, and was on my way.

    Getting home was a whole other matter. Bangkok Immigration is inconveniently located and taxis stop running after 3pm. Occasionally one might come by every 20 minutes or so. People who know better take a motor bike taxi for THB 20 to the government offices where it is easier to get a taxi. I found this out the hard way after waiting with others over an hour for a taxi. This is just a heads up for anyone using the BKK Immigration office and it is the end of the day.

    One final question. The officer said that in March, for my first time reporting, I should appear in person. Is this customary or mandatory? It was such a hassle getting there and getting back that if not absolutely necessary, I would prefer to do it by mail.

    Thanks to everyone again for all your help. I now have a 12-month extension in hand and I can leave the country as many times as I can find the pennies to do so within the period!!

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  4. Ok So I've downloaded the form to be completed for Immigration and I have a few simple questions.

    1. My passport was issued in 2012 but it does not state where it was issued. It really does not (for those who might say, "look again!") Does anyone else have this and how does Immigration deal with it? I plan to leave it blank.

    2. Port of Arrival: I am unclear what information they are looking for. My last port of arrival was BKK via Vientiane. Is that the info they are looking for?

    4. "I am applying for an extension of temporary stay...for another period of ..." As a reminder, this is my first application for the retirement visa. Ideally I would like to enter 5 years; realistically, what is the correct info for this line?

    Thanks again for your help.

  5. Thanks again to everyone. I have my printed appointment in hand, printed and completed, unsigned form, and backup evidence of monthly income just in case. I am going to the embassy tomorrow, at 9AM. I have been there before so I know the process there....

    I plan to go to Immigration on Monday with my notarized form, back up evidence just in case (will not show if not asked). I also have the landlord info and ID and condo info including copy of lease and signed rent receipt.


    1) Is the BKK Immigration Office one of those where you need to go hours before to get in line?

    2) Do I need photographs, and if yes, how many?

    Thanks again.

  6. Thanks everyone for the prompt replies.

    Actually, I have most of the funds from SS and another $445 + $291 from two other small pensions for a total that exceeds the 65K. I don't have anything official for those two except to print about three consecutive bank statements showing that the funds are deposited each month. Would that suffice as backup, just in case I am asked?

    And would I need to have them notarized as well? At $50 each, that gets pretty pricey. (Back home it is $3.) :-)

    I already contacted my landlady for back and front copy of her ID and proof that the condo is registered in her name. Immigration also told me to make sure I have that, plus the lease.

  7. In September when my 90 days expired, Immigration at Lopburi told me if I wanted to stay here, I should put 800K in the bank immediately, so that by the time my next 90 days run out, I will be able to show that I have the funds there for 3 months. I also needed to leave and get an O visa. I did that. I had not planned to apply for Social Security but I figured that since I am eligible, I might as well apply and I would rather show them that I will have funds coming to be monthly (enough to let me live in high style).

    The first payment was received December 3. My question is this: Can I show them the letter from the SS office showing that I will be collecting SS? Can I get that notarized at the embassy and that will suffice? Or, do I need to show the passbook and letter from the bank confirming the balance? I would rather not show the passbook because I would like to send that $$ back to the US, since my SS is more than enough for my day to day needs. And if I do have to show the passbook and bank letter, when can I switch over to show that I am receiving monthly funds?

    I am going to see them in about a week. Any info would be much appreciated.

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