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Everything posted by 86Tiger

  1. We opened up but they are not coming back in droves. What's the hold up? It's the airlines. Yep, that's the ticket........
  2. Boom. Truth hurts. Let's add streets flooding every time it rains. The warm smell of sewage from storm drains as one walks a street with blocked, uneven sidewalks. Black nasty on bottom of shoes every time you walk down a street. You want to be a premium destination? You gotta look (and smell) the part first.
  3. I kinda think this is a bit of a blessing. Had they managed to get out of the Kingdom they would have required a visa to return on a UK passport.
  4. I used onward ticket in May. I have never been asked for proof of ticket in 17 years but just said what the heck and gave it a shot. Website was easy to use. Can "book" any flight itinerary of your choosing for any dates of your choosing. You can also specifiy a time you want the 48hr clock to start on your reservation. So, for few bucks I believe it is a good insurance policy for that overly inquisitive immigration officer and will probably use the service again if traveling on one way ticket. Just recalled there was one instance I was asked for onward travel proof. Flight from US with connection in Hong Kong was delayed so missed the connection. Airline rebooked our flight for next day and put us up in hotel for the night. The China Air agent would not re-issue my ticket without onward itinerary. I booked cheapest flight she could offer, to Vietnam I think, for any date she selected and made it clear I would cancel the flight just as soon as she handed me the ticket. But that is only time I ever had a question, was in 2009 as I recall. But anyway, onward is good to go for peace of mind.
  5. Ya know, There are just no words I can come up with..........
  6. Of course Gorsuch, or any one else for that matter, is happy for you to express any opinion you have on whatever topic. But that doesn't mean anyone has to listen or even care. The US Constitution specifically defines limitations on the government, not citizens. It is the government or government agencies that can not restrict your voice on whatever topic. The ruling is correct.
  7. Look up hospital of you choice. Every doc will have profile with his education and experience. Many are trained in europe or america and will speak great english. Enjoy.
  8. Malaysians coming to see the temples? Or the beaches?
  9. I wonder if she will still spend dad's money? Cancel the credit cards, trust fund, be forced to go get a job like every one else and I suspect she will re-evaluate her commitment to her new positions......
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