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Posts posted by 86Tiger

  1. 1 hour ago, emptypockets said:

    What makes you think Australia would want you? You don't fit any criteria that I'm aware of. Simply being a disabled American is not a qualification. It used to be 45 years old was the cut off date for immigrants who did not have an Aussie sponsor.


    I can attest to being difficult to get in Aus.  


    I decided to apply for visa back in 2008, the economy was hot then and guys were banking near same as we were in Iraq with no body shooting at you and weekends off.  I got the application submitted about 1 week before my 45th birthday.  It took 3 years 19 days to get the approved visa.  Opportunities shift over 3 years.  I entered Brisbane in July 2011 to activate the visa and left on the next plane 8 hours later.  Never been back.


    But the requirements were pretty stringent, apply before 45th birthday, have skill set enabling to contribute to economy, etc.  They didn't let just any one in and I am sure it is more difficult now.



  2. 4 hours ago, paddypower said:

    i don't see how a term deposit in your name can have a co-signatory? I must chek that out.



    My wife is not "co-signatory" on my account, but she does have ATM card.  So any problem she has access to what ever she needs.


    On occasion we have to seriously discuss what she sees as a problem requiring access to my funds but that is a different topic.......

    • Like 2
  3. The others have nailed it.  Appointment, visit embassy, translation.  


    However, there are translators standing around the lobby of MFA office.  Your girl can let it be known what you need and they will definitely identify themselves.  I don't remember exactly as it has been several years, but the guy quoted a price for like a 4 hour turn around.  It was minimal price so I countered with double the money if he could do it in 2 hours and of course I had it in 2 hours.


    There are old threads in the forum that explain every detail of the process that was very helpful for me, just use the search.


    Good luck.

  4. Guys, I got 5 yo, 3 yo and 2 yo.  And they are as different as any 3 can be.


    The 5 yo did not attempt to speak a word until well after 4th birthday (was 5 in December).  He understood and would respond to english , just did not speak.  His mother says he has never acknowledged or responded to Thai from her or any of her family, will only acknowledge English.  He loves his daddy.  He wants to be pressed up against me every where I go.  He will cry if I leave for work before he wakes and he wants me beside him when he falls asleep.  He will only eat pizza, chicken nuggets, fries, peanut butter, cheetos, brownies and drink water.  Absolutely refuses to taste anything else.


    The 3 yo is speaking one and 2 word english phrases.  His mother says he has never tried to speak Thai but will acknowledge and respond to some thai from her and family.  This one loves his mommy.  He is mommies boy for sure and doesn't like at all not knowing where she is and he can get to her qwikly.  He is little more adventurous with food than his brother but still picky.  He will try about anything but probably not take second taste.


    The 2 yo little girl is a ball of fire.  She has been talking "baby" english for near a year.  Mom says she understands Thai and will speak some Thai but most often speaks english.  This little girl will eat anything she can get in her mouth.  Chicken foot soup or buttermilk biscuit with gravy she loves it all.   She always runs to meet me at door when I come home with big hug and kisses but doesn't give care in the world whether mom or dad is around.


    So there it is, 3 young kids all opposite as day and night all living together from same mom and dad.  I think the lesson is we are all different, we will take our own path and none are wrong or better than any other, just different.


    My only fear is coming up short as a dad, not doing all I can to see they have every opportunity to succeed.  But I am very excited to see who they become.......

    • Like 2
  5. When our now 5 year old was born his mother went into panic about he would 'go to army and die.'


    First, tried to convince her that would be 20 years out, anything could change by then.  Didn't ease her mind.  then I did the research on what options actually are:  stay out of Thailand, , join military in US, go to university, complete the high school program, visit the local draft honcho and slip him an envelope or show up for the draw where only 2 - 3 are normally selected.  She seemed to understand he had options and would not die fighting the muslim radicals down south, seriously that is her fear.


    Personally, I don't have problem with any young man doing service to his country.  But seems to avoid conscription the high school/university course, or maybe ROTC in US college would be best deal.


    We will deal with it in some years and I'll let you know how we come out......

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, digibum said:


    Here's how they all go:


    OP:  I met this girl in Thailand and . . .


    TV:  She's a prostitute, what did you expect? 


    OP:  I know she's a prostitute, but . . .


    TV:  That's what prostitutes do, she's probably done it to 3 or 4 guys since you left. 


    OP:  I wasn't hurt by it, but . . .


    TV:  Then why did you post a three page chronicle of every moment you spent together, sounding like a teenage girl after her first breakup?  


    OP:  But she was different (because she didn't immediately ask for money, because she claimed she liked me, because she said she wanted me to be her boyfriend, because I met her on Tinder, because she told me she had an office job, because she said she was only doing it because she hates Thai men and she wanted to meet a farang, because she has to feed her children, etc)


    TV:  That's not different!!  That's what they do!  That's their job. 


    OP:  You people don't understand. 






    OP:  Only idiots fall in love with bar girls. 




    Truer words never posted. 



    You should post this as new Topic every month just for the new guys..........

  7. The smell does indicate it is getting hot.


    Just use it 'til it stops.  The smell can't hurt anything and it will most likely not work one day and you will know time for another one.



    Otto should be considered a consumable.  But it is cheap and does what it is intended to do for ever how long it works.




  8. Off topic but related:


    Cute story about Kor Ror 2.


    There was something I was doing several years back, don't remember now and not important, and after doing research here and other forums I knew exactly what I needed to take to the appointment.  One of those items was a current Kor Ror 2.  I tell my bride we need go to amphur for the requisite document and she goes off.  Why you need?  Who tell you? You ba!  All the standard <deleted> I am sure many of you have to listen to anytime you present a new idea on something.  Anyways, she yak yaks me all the way to amphur about she not understand why need.  She makes her way in and is out in about 15 minutes with document in hand.  She is bubbly and all smiles.  She says "Tilak, you know what do." Turns out the ladies inside explained the document expires every month(?, as I recall) and good we came by to get new one.  Now, anytime we need do anything she insists we stop by for a  new Kor Ror 2 whether we need it or not.




    • Haha 1
  9. Being honest, guitar is not easy and most will give up very quickly.  but providing them with a decent instrument and minimal instruction for a good start is all you can do.  After that, if they want to play you can not stop them it will consume their every waking moment.  If they are not interested you gave them a fair shot at being a rock star.


    The conundrum with musical instruments is the cheapest are harder to play and sound bad.  Either of those can be a discouragement for new player but together it is almost too much to over come and the cheap instrument will be tossed aside pretty qwik.  A reputable music store knows this and will help you get the right fit for your new musician.  They should have intermediate quality, used instruments that will do the job.  At least to keep interest long enough to see if you have the next Jimmi Hendrix.


    I would never recommend buying a guitar, beginner or otherwise, from Lazada.  At minimum you need to visit local music store that only deals in recognized name brand musical instruments, yamaha, fender, gibson, etc..  Tell them for what and why you are searching and if they are reputable will be very helpful.  


    The next best advice I can offer is seek a professional instructor, some one that only teaches guitar.  Proper instruction on how to manipulate the instrument and little music theory will have your little rockers playing their and your favorite rifts in very short order.


    Good luck.  To you and them........



    • Like 2
  10. I carried guitars thru customs several times and never been stopped. 


    I always carry on so can't comment on the luggage handling.  But I will say I have had checked bags dinged and "bruised" so would never trust any instrument of value to the gorillas loading the carousels.........





  11. Like everything in Thailand, your experience will vary depending on where you do the renewal.



    I renewed in october at Udon Thani (2 year to 5 year).  I provided copy of passport, visa, entry stamp, health certificate and copy of yellow book pages to the kind lady.  Was directed to the testing station where I waited my turn to do the depth perception, reaction time and color tests.  Then sent to the payment counter.  Then directed to the photo desk where I was photographed and given 2 new license cards.  In and out in 30 minutes or so.


    Some guys have much more difficult time, some may have easier.  But you do want to wait until few days after current license expires.  If you go before expiration the expiration of new licenses will be same as the old.  If after expiration the new license will expire 5 years from your next birthday.



  12. The other guys have nailed it.  It will vary from amphur to amphur.  I think it is pretty much universal you will need a translation of your passport, anything more is a guess.  


      Wife handled all mine from beginning to end, took 2 or 3 trips to office.   All I did was go inside when called, smile and sign couple pages.  Every body seems to have different experience.



    Good luck.

  13. On 9/24/2019 at 1:26 PM, FritsSikkink said:

    ...........No idea why you guys stay here, go somewhere were you feel better.

    Ain't that the truth.  



    But then again, some people can not be happy unless they are complaining about something.  Anything.  


    I hope to always be happy and positive about my situation, regardless of what it be........







  14. Last time I did an extension I reported on local board of my experience and rather than how easy and fast the transaction was, the entire conversation evolved into the 100 baht "tip."


    My response then was confession I could never be a good expat.  Because I will always be impressed and appreciative of fast easy service rather than complain about $3 over charge. If a person, any person, feels need to lie, steal, or cheat me out of $3 I figure they need it more than I.  


    And quite frankly, I hope I never change.  




    • Like 1
  15. On 4/28/2019 at 5:30 AM, phmeunr said:

    Good morning

    I have no answer but a question. I intended to buy a smart TV but was told that some people are not really happy with those smart TV. They sometimes use a fiber package as a network connection but say that the videos are not continuous, very often jerky. The remote control is slow to respond. So they are not really happy with their purchase. What's your opinion ? Thank you for your advice. 

    I have experience with several smart TV over past few years.  The early models were lacking, seemed slow to respond , and sometimes lagging video. I honestly considered not worth the effort and used android box for streaming.  Most recent, couple purchased within last 6 months, have been impressive compared to earlier models.  I have both 2 month old Samsung and 1 year old Sony currently running.  Both have smooth interface and processor seems to be much better as both are very responsive to remote and play video through youtube or other applications via wifi very well.


    I would not hesitate to purchase either again.



  16. On 6/15/2018 at 11:10 AM, puchooay said:

    For those that do have a yellow book, a question.....


    Did your passport translation need to be stamped by your home country's embassy?


    Muang Buriram district office are asking for this but at least 5 other districts, that I know of, are not.

    Mine did not require stamp by home embassy.  I used lady to translate have used several times.  Told her what I was doing and she took care of it.  It may have had MFA stamp, I don't recall.  But she took care of the translation and all certifications.  Piece of cake.

  17. I have used Lek Rentals several times.  Top service and will use next time I need rental.  Meet you at airport and will pick up vehicle from anywhere you prefer.



    You can find contact by google or they are active on Udonmap.com

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