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Posts posted by rockingrobin

  1. 23 minutes ago, Puccini said:


    Perhaps those other forums are not running on the same forum software.


    However I would have thought having an inactive member would constitute a security risk. If there was a data breach and the inactive members details compromised , there would be nothing preventing an impostor from posting. However if the account had been deleted then it would not be possible.

    It should be noted closing an account does not equate to removing what has been posted.


    If it is a problem to delete accounts how does the forum deal with multiple profiles

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  2. 31 minutes ago, ChouDoufu said:

    i thought the house had been thoroughly searched, but maybe not.  would think that if a chemical weapon had been used and live animals were found, it would make sense to test for exposure.


    there is a report on RT that immediately after hearing of the skripal event, the salisbury vet contacted the police to inform them of the animals.


    the house had been sealed, but police were stationed at the door.  guinea pigs will die relatively quickly, but cats should last a long time.  and they aren't quiet.  houses in that area are built close together, can't imagine a neighbor wouldn't hear and complain about a cat screeching for days on end.


    **ok.  on unknown date, a vet was allowed to enter the house and found the animals.  they were taken to porton down where the cat was killed, and all 3 have been cremated.  no word on the whereabouts of the second cat.  (per the journal - ireland)

    The second cat ran away, I will try to locate the report.

    To gain some understanding you have to go back to day1 and 2.

    After the Skripals had been taken away by the ambulance, the local police started to lift the cordon and allow pedestrians access to area. At some point this was area was declared an incident area and the fire brigade arrived in Hazmat gear and decontaminated the area. ( one wonders why the bench was recovered considering it had already been decontaminated)

    It is difficult to reconcile how a detective sergeant with the CID , is one of the first responders , in addition to how he became contaminated and unwell , when a nurse who gave first aid suffered no symptons. 

    However there is one report that the detective sergeant visited the Skripals home on the monday 24 hours after the incident. 


    • Thanks 1
  3. 18 hours ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

    The pets were left unattended in the house for four weeks. The two guinea pigs died of dehydration, the cat was so malnourished and dehydrated that it had to be put down by a vet.

    The pets were not left unattended four 4 weeks. The report of their death was reported some 4  weeks after the incident. There are reports that the animals were collected on the 14 or 17th of March. What is not clear is where the cat was put down , Porton Down or at the property.

  4. 2 hours ago, Morch said:


    Novichok is a group, not a single compound. There would be (and there were) variations. Doesn't mean all would exhibit the same effects and traits, or would be similarly lethal. This doesn't take much thinking, actually included in quite a few of the many reports and stories on this.  

    Nobody has actually explained what is meant by the definition military grade novichok

  5. 1 minute ago, ChouDoufu said:

    if interested, a portion of the ambassador's 30-minute speech with the scary threat is here on the express website.  it's a short one-minute dubbed video, the spooky part at 0:17.  i cannot vouch for the translation.



    Russia’s CHILLING threat: UK is ‘playing with fire’ and will be ‘sorry’




    The translation is not accurate but a bit of journalistic licence. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Srikcir said:

    "A Russian military research base has been identified as the source of the nerve agent used at Salisbury in a British intelligence briefing for its allies, The Times has learnt.

    It was used to persuade world leaders that Moscow was behind the poisoning and said that the novichok chemical was manufactured at the Shikhany facility in southwest Russia." (500 miles from Moscow)



    This research base as been common knowledge , and I would assume was included when the OPCW independently verified that Russia had destroyed and decommissioned their Chemical Warfare capabalities

    • Haha 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Thaidream said:

    -There is ample evidence out there that the Russians go after defectors anywhere in the World in an attempt to silence them permanently.

    -There are plenty of reports that Putin within Russia trumps up legal cases and attempts to imprison his potential rivals

    - It is a known fact that the Russians have interfered massively in the Us election process and may have even altered the result.


    When one looks at all the past History of what the Russians do and have done- it is easy to point the finger at Putin and Russia as being responsible.  The proof will eventually come out and if I had  to guess MI6 already has it.  The British Government would never go after the Russians like they have and garnered so much support if there was no 'evidence'.


    Who do the Russians think they are playing to- trying to threaten the UK indicating they will be sorry.


    The Russians are a clear and present danger to the World just as the Chinese.  These 2 countries need to be contained. Also, rather interesting that Trump wants to get out of Syria and leave it to the Russians and Comrade Putin. The only person who has any real  'gut's is Prime Minister May.  Trump is a paper tiger.


    They do not go after inactive spies who have been jailed, debriefed and the freed under a spy swap arrangement.


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  8. 3 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

    people get released from jail for various reasons.  In his case, it could have been an exchange for another prisoner or money or his time was up, or....?


    It's easier to catch a murderer who uses a gun, than one who murders with poison.  Russians are expert at killing with poison.

    Apparently not expert enough in this case

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  9. 59 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

    The poisoned man was a Russian spy who defected and turned. Not even Russia officials dispute that. ex-KGB boss Putin has publicly declared that any spy who turns, is worthy of being killed.  Russian officials have done these sorts of things before: such as the murder of an ex-Russian agent on a London bridge.  Plus there's chemical analysis pointing at the Russkies.   1+1+1+1=4   connect the dots.

    The Putin public statement you refer to , was against the military officer who betrayed Anna Chapman and the ring of 10. Whilst making the statement Putin stated that the traitor had already been identified and assassin dispatched.

    It also difficult to reconcile why Skripal was allegedly in regular contact with the Russian Embassy

    • Like 1
  10. 48 minutes ago, ChidlomDweller said:

    Read the fact-check I linked to in my previous post.  The poison is so lethal you need a large state of the art lab and some real expertise.  For the same reason it's believed the poison was imported from abroad.  It's not something you could easily produce in the UK and stay under the radar.



    Lab facilities

    “To make this, you need the chemical knowledge, the ingredients and the facilities,” says Jerry Smith.

    “Those three things have got to hit a sweet spot, in a classic Venn diagram. And that sweet spot is probably very small… You also have to make sure you don’t kill yourself in the process.”

    Dr Cragg said: “You would absolutely require a high-tech lab to prepare the binary agents. They are likely to need specialist equipment such as fume hoods and inert atmosphere facilities so the highly toxic agents could be manipulated without being released into the open lab.”

    This enormous risk factor is probably the single biggest indication that the Salisbury nerve agent was produced at an advanced chemical lab, rather than being knocked up in a back room nearby. That means, if a foreign country is responsible, it was almost certainly smuggled into the UK.

    “I would struggle to see a situation where Russia produced Novichoks in Britain,” says Smith.

    Professor Sella explains: “There is no chemistry that one cannot conceive of doing in a back room, if you have the right sort of kit.” But he adds: “I honestly think the risks are just too high to do this somewhere in a back yard or a shed. The toxicity levels are extreme.”

    The toxicity is the issue . It is still unknown where the Skripals where poisoned. It is also reported that in excess of 20 persons became contaminated , but all appear to have recovered.

  11. 26 minutes ago, Basil B said:

    Can you please quote Boris's exact words, I certainly would like to see the back of that clown but it is important that he did say that before calling for his head.

    He was asked the question how does he know it was Russian BY DW

    In his response he states that he had asked the guy at Porton Down , and that he categorically confirmed it




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  12. 11 minutes ago, KKr said:

    UK military research boss says unable to say yet whether nerve agent was made in Russia - Sky

    remarkable that this officer goes public with this, jeopardizing his career in distancing himself from the political mayhem created. 
    Between the lines I read: the Russia accusation is politically driven, maybe backed some intelligence (whatever that means as proof) but not substantiated by evidence

    He does more than that

    In the full interview , he states that they were able to identify it as being Novichok or part of its family.

    He also states that it is highly toxic and he is unaware of any antidote

  13. On 3/28/2018 at 3:29 PM, Kitmakmak said:


    Police were called because he was threatening another man with a gun (1:30AM)

    He resisted arrest.

    Officer used a stun gun, but it failed to take him down.

    He had a gun in his pocket.

    He tried 3 times to pull the gun out of his pocket so he could shoot the policeman. The officer having to physically block each attempt.

    The officer couldn't physically restrain him any longer, so he had to shoot him or be shot himself.

    Toxicology report showed he was high on multiple drugs.

    The cctv evidence is very clear.

    The officer charging at the guy escalated the situation


    • Sad 1
  14. 5 minutes ago, attrayant said:

    The plaintiff was also seeking damages, so the ruling was in part meant to indemnify the police department on the grounds that it can't possible be expected to be everywhere and do everything with 100% efficacy.  I actually agree with this to some extent.  If citizens feel that their police aren't doing their job (as defined by the citizens, not by the Supreme Court), then they have an electoral remedy: throw the mayor or governor out of office, and the police chief along with them.  And keep doing that until the police operate inline with the public's expectations.


    This still does not mean that a duty to protect cannot be included in the job description of a police officer, nor that the citizens should not expect protection from their police force.  To suggest otherwise is, well, just nutty.

    I agree , it is difficult to see how the ruling is relevant to this particular case.

  15. 17 hours ago, pedro01 said:


    When you say "dropped this turd" - I presume you mean you disagree somehow.


    Is it in the supreme courts ruling or in my using it to provide evidence the police have no obligation to protect.


    As for firemen - what makes you think that's relevant? Your only argument is one of false equivalence.

    I am not convinced that the ruling conveys what you are suggesting.

    To understand the article you have to revisit the DeShaney v Winnebago County decision.

    While the 14th amendment does not give  the state a duty to provide the general public with adequate protective  services. It limits the state itself from taking life, liberty etc.

  16. 24 minutes ago, Grouse said:

    A-234 is a gas at STP

    One of the problems I see for the UK government , 


    The OPCW in 2017 declared that it had verified the destruction of all the known Russia chemical weapons





    This was accepted by the UKs permanent representative Ambassador Peter Wilson



    (see documents from UK dated 27/11/2017)



  17. 5 minutes ago, Morch said:


    Maybe you should ask Putin.

    The initial swap appears irrational

    We have 10 Russian spies on US soil , under longtime surveillance.The US decide that they want to do a swap with the Russians and so decide to arrest them

    The Russians obviously agree, they get 10 spies who have provided no worthy intelligence, and are  regarded at best as low assets by the west.

    The Russians give up Skripol , ex GRU,  Zaporozhsky Russian Foreign Intelligence, Igor Sutyagin arms control researcher , and Vasilenko.

    Vaselinko was courted by the FBI back in the 80s , but was never recruited.Being recalled back to the Soviet Union and spending time in jail. Curiously he started a business with the FBI agent who tried to recruit him , before being arrested  on gun charges.

  18. 20 minutes ago, Morch said:


    You do notice how them Russian traitors seem to end up, don't you?

    Perhaps it was deemed a worthy price to pay for returning Chapman, with the knowledge that later on, the books will be settled. Other than Russia, and barring conspiracy theories - who's got both the motive and the means?

    Why was Anna Chapman special, that forced the Russians to do the swap. What part did Gennady Vasilenko play, 

  19. 15 minutes ago, Morch said:


    'Traitors will kick the bucket': Vladimir Putin swore revenge on poisoned Russian spy Sergei Skripal



    Why the poisoned ‘traitor’ is a winning card for Putin



    These 8 Russian ‘traitors’ died suspiciously on foreign soil






    Putin traitor revenge statement , was directed at the Russian military officer who betrayed Anna Chapman. If Putin was directing it at Skripal  there would be no need to release him from jail

  20. 59 minutes ago, Khun Han said:

    The only results of Googling "BBC A-234" are two in French language which appeear to be about Christiano Ronaldo. Now, if only Man United could re-sign him.....

    Russia's ambassador to the UK, Alexander Yakovenko, has suggested British authorities have identified the variant used in the Skripal attack as A-234.

    The BBC's security correspondent Gordon Corera says the implication of these comments is that Russia has been informed by the British of the specific agent used.

    But he adds: "So far, British officials have not confirmed that they have communicated this to Moscow, or that the A-234 was the exact agent deployed. `



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