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Billy Bloggs

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Everything posted by Billy Bloggs

  1. Only time I held 2 passports was while I was in the military I had my normal one and one issued as a member of the military.
  2. Well I did finally get it completed, saw the higher ranking village head who actually lives a fair way outside the city limits, was a nice bloke( as I find most non governmental thais to be) he couldnt be more helpful. It was still a cluster till the end though with the new guy handling the job trying to save face by talking loudly to me in the crowded office and me using hand gestures back it then took the poor girl who was entering stuff all of her lunchtime to finish it as we were told they had to use a seperate part for farangs, we then waited for a bit to get the pink card but she told us to go home and come back at 4 pm as they had to change out of the thai system to the farang one(I already knew this thankfully) but it was a pain as stragglers kept coming in but finally it was done. As a few said, just give up, I would have if during the pandemic I could have got a vaccine earlier(as I do have a small lung problem) but couldnt get on the list without an id number(which the pink card provides) and who knows what the future holds in regards to ids etc. Also saw a remark that someone who wasnt married was knocked back as I was at the start of all this, thats because in the instructions it states they need a copy of the marriages certificate if there is one, the Thais read this as needing one, same can be said for a work permit as well.
  3. He gets calls from the Amphurs when they run into problems but would like to know what problems the amphurs are causing, as he does courses for them, my latest being we have to see the big village head as Im like a new son-in-law and i need to introduce myself, hope he likes my request for help getting the roads fixed in my village.
  4. Just as a new add to this, it is still an ongoing saga, my wife contacted someone in the Bureau of Registration Administration(BORA) yesterday and we were told to go to Buri Ram Amphur and see if we could get some help from them after the guy handling our request for a yellow book threw my wives phone back at her when she said someone from BORA wanted to speak to them. Not much help really as the big position there said just go see the big village head( after they had told us it would be easy to do in Buri Ram), all of this came about after we had our 2 witnesses seen, then a government employee our next door negihbour a police officer, then the local village head and finally the big village head who we have tried to contact to no avail) all of this taking up more and more time. So the other guy wont work with us now and the new guy who my wife shielded me from she is worried that I may lose it with them is a little better but not much as he said he would get it done in 10 days and we should be polite and go and see the big village head not just ring him, what my wife should have asked how are we supposed to know all these procedures when they arent stated anywhere.
  5. I would pay dual pricing( I dont at present because I dont visit anywhere thathas it), if I could claim back all the vat tax I pay each year.
  6. As an aside as there is a bit of Yellow book, pink card stuff here, I used my Residence certificate for the translation of my passport as it includes that in the certificate and it was accepted about the only think that was.
  7. Congratulations to you and buy a lottery ticket, I thought it would be simple as well but now 2 months in it is a nightmare, I dont even have to go to the office anymore(luckily as I was get a tad boisterous on my last visit) my wife handles it all and still the person comes up with another thing wanted or a delay in getting it to his boss, who will then let it sit on his desk I suppose, we know what they really want even the people at the front desk told us but Im not playing that game.
  8. We only lived in CM for a short time about a year and a bit, I did enjoy my time there and I would like to visit again one day, my only regret is the no more Rugby 10's my only chance to see any type of rugby live and the traffic was so so if you were lucky enough to be able to pick what time you were going somewhere and we only had a Click then so it wasnt that bad.
  9. LOL it doesnt have to be a lane it just has to be a bit of ground and they will use it and then get <deleted> when you dont let them back in.
  10. and you can sit in a circle with your friends and do what comes naturally to you
  11. Not doing it in my part of Buri Ram, but then Im just a new convert to an O for marriage from an O-A.
  12. Cant believe any survey that has Melbourne in its top 10 for anything.
  13. No they dont have too as the police would be already looking for the person.
  14. I havent been out of the country for 5 years, I went back just be4 covid hit to sit out my 2 years to make my pension portable and came back nearly 2 years ago and I did get a message somewhere maybe My Gov telling me I wasnt eligible for medicare, maybe I need to look into it.
  15. Apply 1 law apply them all, not selectively, how many helmetless rides went through just for starters.
  16. Didnt see anywhere in that that says 90 days isnt the rule
  17. Well when did they change the law, when I came to Thailand you could drive or ride(yes you do need a license that shows both) for 90 days then you get fined, I know I was lazy or dumb or both and got hit just after 90 days ended, but I got a ticket and paid it and was told I could ride using the ticket for 2 days and to get a license in that time or dont ride. PS would the person saying learn thai please stop.
  18. Why would most english speaking expats need to learn another language in an ASEAN country, I know I dont as I have a live in translator or a step daughter who is very shy and can when pushed understand but usually wont as she thinks she cant speak it well enough, most would rather enjoy what time they have having a nice life not learning something they dont really need.
  19. That is only if they are a brain dead government, its cheaper to pay them a pension than to have them come home and swamp the medical systems
  20. But they did have dress code in at least one Imm office that I know of that was Chiang Mai a few years back, but like all things thai it didnt seem to be enforced.
  21. Just to be clear here is the DOPA site listing Adding names in the case of foreigners with passports entering Thailand which the period of permission to stay in Thailand has not yet expired would like to add the name to the house registration, Thor Ror 13 place of contact Provincial - District Registration Office - Local Registration Office documents/evidence used 1. Copy of house registration , 1 original copy of the owner, remarks (of the house to be added) 2. National ID card in case the applicant is not the applicant , 1 original copy, remarks (if any) 3. Passport of the applicant please add name and proof of permission to stay in the kingdom (visa), translated into Thai by a reliable institution, 1 original copy fee - period 30 days note 1. The applicant is the host or the applicant. 2. Witnesses are at least 2 persons who can certify and verify the identity of the applicant. The report is unlawful, unlawful, or undercover. or with a list of statements that are wrong from reality Let the registrar conduct an investigation of the facts. Investigate witnesses and circumstantial witnesses and complete consideration within 60 days. (2) In case of complexity or doubt in practice, legal matters, or examination of important documents Must conduct discussions at the Central Registration Office. must be completed within 90 days (consultations must be submitted to the Central Registration Office within 30 days from the date of receipt of the matter) through the Provincial Registration Office to submit to the Central Registry Office in order to respond to such discussions further
  22. Not according to the DOPA site which I finally manged to navigate and it only mentions them if there is trouble over paperwork about identity it says 2 witnesses in the first instance.
  23. Thanks to all your efforts, yes I could go the lawyer route but would rather get it done without one(I do know one who is very helpful and will be doing some work for me soon registering me as the owner of the house(which before the screamers come out I didnt say the land just the building) which can be done. So I may report back after we front up on the 17th( I will be recording the process) with permission of cause.
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