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Billy Bloggs

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Everything posted by Billy Bloggs

  1. I dont have any kids going to school here but I like knowing what day it is by what the kids are wearing as they pass me on my daily walks and my niece told me only today that it had been Thai language day recently at her school.
  2. I have just come back from a driving trip to Bangkok(I have always gone by train previously), I was to say the least a little worried. I found it quite easy, yes there were bikes zipping in and out and cars that slowed suddenly and you could tell they had just got a phone call, but in all it wasnt that that bad. When I got back I noticed just how much more dangerous it was around our small town, with most not knowing how to drive and not caring about anyone but themselves. Im sorry for the young one who was killed but it will only get worse as more cars get on the road, it is nice to say the police should do something, I have always said they need to be mobile, but no one will pay for them to be mobile.
  3. This is why the military cant run countries(be4 you say they arent all the top honchos are ex) they have no idea of market values, just the I ordered you to do that. But having said that this really does take the cake, you cant dream up stuff like this, well a normal person cant.
  4. They dont make money from ex pats I think as most would avoid paying the extra, I know I dont pay it.
  5. It asks that any non english certificates have translations made surely it doesnt mean the Thailand ones like Divorce or Change of name. Thanks for any help
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