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Posts posted by Pheat123

  1. Without exaggeration that was an awful performance against Leicester City ... yes,

    Leicester City. Dire. Absolutely dire.

    Sunderland will be relegated this season after failing to deal with the consequences of having an aging overpaid and gutless squad of players.

    Sunderland need to sign at least 5 quality players to stay up. It won't happen and we will sign dross like Kaboul, Coates and Matthew who nobody wants anyway. If you shop in the bargain bins, you end up with what was on show yesterday.

    Sunderland looked short of fitness and confidence pre-season and yesterday confirmed that. No surprises there.

    If I were Dick Advocaat, I would give it until the 1st of September. If the club has not been shaken into investing in some quality signings, then I would be off before the embarrassment truly settles in.

    Get your money on Sunderland to go down this season. It's happening.

    Why not contact Pheat123's bookie and collect on your prediction? Could be £500 well invested....
    After Sunderland,s dismal,display yesterday the bookies have already dropped the odds for Sunderland to get relegated this season after just one game
  2. 13 years ago I bought 5 rai on the outskirts of the village where I live in Southern Buriram. It had eucalyptus planted at the time. The owner was desperate to sell. I got it for 40K baht. Today it has power and water running past and it is on a tarmac road, my wife has full chanote title. If we wanted to sell (which we don't) we woudn't consider any offer under half a million baht.

    Your wife has made a great return on your investments
  3. I got harassed by a LB in Phuket. After I politely refused it's advances several times, it snatched my gold chain. Bad move on it's part. First thing, I grabbed was it's purse and threw it on the ground so he/she/it could not pull out a knife. One uppercut to the jaw sent it to the ground post haste. I retrieved my chain and took it's cell phone before moving on.

    Next day I made contact with a local mafia boss to square my situation with this LB. I explained I would return the phone providing the word is put out that I am off limits in Phuket. Option two, phone goes to the police and I file assault charges. He agreed to take care of it, and that was the end of that. My time in Phuket was incident free for the remainder of my trip.

    I don't recommend getting into a fight with a LB. In my case it was working alone and I knew it was a one on one fight.

    lol what a load of crap

    yep right Mafia boss really gives a shit you hit a LB

  4. Majority of you posters once again, STILL don't really understand and are completely <deleted> ignorant. You all continue to argue with Blue about PC "nonsense" and call him "the Al Sharpton of Thai Visa" but as a Black man I make several valid points and you just ignore it. Once again, this thread is exactly society playing out online. It's extremely frustrating to talk about discrimination when people have never experienced it and think you're just playing the race card.

    This isn't about America, the West, or any of the BS you all keep bringing up. In Thailand, there IS a racial stigma to being "sii dum" or DARK. I grew up with it here and the US, double the amount of bullshit. Yes, these drug markets exist but acting like Lower Sukhumvit is the only place where people openly sell drugs in Bangkok is completely absurd. These "coloured raids" happen all the time but nothing changes. So what does that tell you? How long have you lived here? How does a person sell drugs in the open eye of the law but get away with it? Come on guys. Let's all just be honest here. There is a little bit of $ involved between two parties. Thai people themselves will tell you that they are racist towards Blacks (generalising obviously but I've had too many Thais tell me this & I've experienced it ).

    All of you talking about statistics with Blacks and crime I have a question for you. Out of this raid that many of you say the police did a "great job on", how many of these Blacks were actually found guilty? Where is the evidence for the job well done? Do you have stats? Don't worry, I'll wait...

    The issue is there are lots of places in BKK where people should be rounded up for drugs, extortion, crime, scams, etc. These happen in plain sight yet it never stops. My point is if you're going to be so gung ho about "Coloureds in lower sukhumvit" you should also equally be passionate about getting the Russian mob out, the sleezy White sexpats which have become the stereotypical face of farang, etc etc etc. EQUALITY my melanin deficit brothers. That is the word.

    I feel as though I'm wasting my time writing this, because realistically this won't move you or make you care until you get profiled yourself. Remember last year when cops were targeting white tourists and stopping them in the streets for drug tests? White people went crazy, set up a FB page, crying tears saying "its not fair to be profiled". Oh Word its not?! Blacks here have been saying and telling you the same thing for YEARS but none of you cared until it happened to you in the Land of Smiles.

    I just smile.

    Don't worry be happy
  5. Do they still Execute them here for Drugs??

    Hope so, we don't need this sort of creature in our midst. Of course, the Bleeding Heart mob in Australia will be screaming for "mercy."

    They'll reckon it was his First time, he's a loving husband/son whatever and should be spared.

    Yes spared, just like the kids he has sold his filth to in the past.

    Congratulations to the COPS on some excellent work!

    Not the crime of the century

    A bit of weed

  6. I'd buy 2 hong of near-inner city land and build a few classrooms, so my wife can do what she was born to do, and that is teach. She's such a professional and dedicated teacher, and loves her pet subject (English grammar), she deserves to have a job and income commensurate to her knowledge and qualifications....what she does not get being employed by a "vocational institute". She should have her own school, and I would put it all into that.

    So is this a round about way of saying you did not meet your other half in a bar?
  7. The biggest majority of men probably from most countries are addicted to alcohol. they meet other expats and cannot go a day without alcohol.

    They have all day to themselves most times with good pensions, and a wife who only married them for their money. There are exceptions to this.

    The expats I have known over here for years who are still alive like a drink, there is nothing wrong with that, and I have never seen any of them drunk, and

    I'm proud to have them as mates, but I keep hearing from this one and that one about someone being drunk.

    Without alcohol the expat lifestyle would not be addictive, and as I said, most of them need to be near beer all the time.

    I disagree. There are many other reasons to being an expat. Without thinking about it to much, Weather, Politics, Women and Escape could easily trump alcohol. Being that alcohol is available in most countries around the world. No alcohol certainly isn't keeping me addicted to expat life. Maybe being the center of attraction, when you are in a crowd of nationals, most of us stand out.gigglem.gif
    Let's cut the bull

    We are all here for the cheap pussy

  8. Living on 20k/month is pretty much poverty level....but guess what, you're not alone. Of the 67 million people who live in Thailand officially there are 10 million people living at that level.

    Per Capita income in Thailand was in 2012 $5,210.


    But take heart....Thai people are communal in nature so families live together .....ie ...Grandpa, Grandma, Ma, and Pa and all the children often live under the same roof contributing.

    good luck though living on that amount of money as my electric bill alone last month was 10,000 baht.

    10.000 Bt electric bill, how many people live in your house? Do you keep AC units on all day? Have you rented a house and are paying about double the rate for

    a unit of electricity to a greedy landlord?

    None of the above.....Have six units..


    Jimmy big &lt;deleted&gt;

  9. Such stupid comments here, with little to no experience with the "Casino Debate."

    Bossier City, Louisiana (google it and look at the casinos on Red River & Shreveport, Louisiana)

    My Blessed Departed Parents Were Totally Opposed.

    Then ... they watched as the FIVE (5) Riverboats on Red River brought many good jobs, and huge tax dollars

    to a very poor state, with horrible education. I was totally educated in Bossier City -- always ranked at the bottom

    of USA states pertaining to education.

    + The Casinos employed many of my friends and current friends - good paying jobs with benefits.

    + The Casinos report monthly revenues and tax dollars -- in full-page ads in local newspapers. My Father loved seeing those.

    + Casinos in New Orleans have helped fix many problems in south Louisiana.

    + Most (not all) illegal gambling was eradicated.

    + Brought huge tax dollars, fixing roads, Texas Street Bridge, and finally getting computers into the local schools.

    + Casinos set-up extensive "Gambling Help Facilities" for those with gambling addictions, most of them already addicted prior to the boats. Finally -- those with gambling addictions could get professional help. The State of Louisiana made the casinos put extensive programs in place to help those with problems.

    + The long-time "Mafia Elements" of corrupt Louisiana politics (remember the Long and Edwards family governing - all crooks) were sent packing, and Edwin Edwards went to jail finally.

    I was there.

    I watched it during high school and college at LA. Tech University.

    Most of you are just "speculating" ... with no actual casino experience. Just thoughtless opinions.

    Continue to make un-informed comments.

    Maybe some day ... you'll open your narrow mind to another world.

    A Bright world.

    With Possibilities.

    Totaly disagree

    Casinos are the devils work

    Casinos make the poor more poor

  10. I am quite particular about burgers and often go to Bangkok just for gourmet burgers. I am not talking about small diner burgers (Just Burgers, etc) or fast food but a truly gourmet burger. So far the Havana at the Holiday Inn cuts the mustard, comes with cole slaw, onion rings, fries too. Someone mentioned the Marriott but per the staff they use local beef and Beefeater started using fillers on my last two visits.

    You often go to Bangkok just for a burger ?

    You lead an interesting life

    Mrs NL and I have been known to fly to Udon for lunch and my favorite kwetiau or her favorite khao man gai. These low-cost carriers are really handy for that and back in time to collect master NL from school.... and take him to McDonalds.

    [last minute edit to mention (some sort of) burger since some people appear upset]

    Yep well worth it not
  11. He's not giving up his radio 2 slot, he must know it's not going to last. Locked in for a three year contract.

    Obviously a shrewd businessman, no one ever accused him of being stupid.

    He is worth at least 225 million sterling

    He does not need to ever work again

    His salary for the radio2 show is £600,000 a year

    He does the radio show because he enjoys the job not for the money

    His car collection is worth over 80 million sterling

  12. I am quite particular about burgers and often go to Bangkok just for gourmet burgers. I am not talking about small diner burgers (Just Burgers, etc) or fast food but a truly gourmet burger. So far the Havana at the Holiday Inn cuts the mustard, comes with cole slaw, onion rings, fries too. Someone mentioned the Marriott but per the staff they use local beef and Beefeater started using fillers on my last two visits.

    You often go to Bangkok just for a burger ?

    You lead an interesting life

  13. I had my first firearm in the USA in 1965 (Mom bought a Mosin-Nagant, 7.62mm rifle for me). I carried various handguns in and out of uniform until 2013 when I retired to Thailand. I've had hundreds of friends, both in and out of various uniforms, legally and lawfully, possess, carry and use their firearms.

    For a non-USA citizen to comment, is certainly their right, but their credibility is diminished by their inexperience and bias. Myself and many others in my country have a distrust of Big-brother and bearing arms means that one can resist, rather than laying down and succumbing.

    One only has to look at recent German history. Register the guns, then confiscate the guns. Then the masses have no means to resist. Seems to have been replayed recently in several European and Pacific countries as well.

    I don't condone violence and don't have the answer. What I am fearful of, is that law abiding people in the USA will pay the penalty for those that use firearms to kill and maim others.

    The hard truth from Clinton seems to be her race to the White House on the shoulders those that have been murdered and maimed by criminals using guns.

    What a load of crap

    This crap only happens in the USA on a regular basis

  14. You can't be a proper drinker and drink Beer Lao dark. Unless you're a lightweight. Drink a gallon and see what you feel like next morning. Guaranteed you won't touch the stuff again.

    The ONLY tasty Thai lager is Cheers Extra (red can) at 6%. Do not, under any circumstances drink the BLUE version - it is Krap. And anyone who compares this (red can) to Red Horse is seriously without taste buds.

    Who rattled your cage granddad?
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