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Posts posted by Pheat123

  1. If we knew we would all be millionaires by playing the currency game as for me I am only concerned how the £ competes with the baht the weaker the $ US against the £ means more baht in my pocket as the baht works alongside the $ . In a few years time the Euro could be a thing of the past because if Greece pulls out or is kicked out others will follow , Spain, Portugal and Cyprus come to mind !

    Most people on TV are millionaires
  2. Heinz are one of the worst beans around....HP are far superior but not seen them here and Brookes beans come a close second...just my opinion of course

    Are you for real?

    HP beans are a poor substitute for Heinz baked beans

  3. Sausage king is good if you live out Sansai way .B125 is the price ,for enough to fill me at least.Large mug of tea included ;-)

    Was 99bht at the start of this year.

    That's a 25% price rise ........... thanks for tipping me off, I won't go there again.

    (this year eggs cheaper, fuel cheaper, price up 25% ?????)


    Last of the international playboys

  4. A comfortable apartment in Bangkok is going to set you back 60-70k a month. You're off the mark by a factor of 10. You clearly don't have sufficient funds to live in a major global city like Bangkok. My recommendation is to stay in your own country, because Thailand is obviously out of your price range.

    Well seeing as though I've been living here in Thailand for the best part of 5 years now, I think I can gauge for myself what I can and cannot afford thank you.

    If you have no recommendations or positive input then your comment is irrelevant to me, sir. Thanks all the same.

    if you've been here for five years and you still are needy enough to seek help that's a pretty sad state of affairs. it costs 6K to board my dog for a month
    Well have the dog put down

    Or stop moaning

  5. The general unavailability of intellectual stimulation.

    There's also the extreme version of Face, and it's attendant racism.

    Agree with this. If I moved back to the USA I'd come back to Thai Visa and post every day just to show people how intellectually stimulated I was since leaving Thailand.


    Perhaps you misread the title of the thread. It says Poll, not troll.

    Even you, HJC, have to admit that there is more than a little irony that someone who found Thailand intellectually unstimulating, upon returning to his more intellectually stimulating home country, can't seem to find a better source of intellectual stimulation than revisiting a forum filled with expats who, according to you, must be suffering from the same lack of intellectual stimulation that you experienced here. smile.png


    Don't put words in my mouth, and don't presume to know what I find intellectually stimulating, or where I find it.

    There are a number of posters here who are intellectually stimulating.

    EDIT: Spellchecker

    You are a genuine SuperDog fan
  6. who is the boss in your house?,the wife ,the workers or you,

    you knew you were correct in the quantities of materials you

    needed,why did you not put your foot down,you were paying

    i would think.

    regards Worgeordie

    Who is the boss in our house !! I am paralysed from the chest down. So i cannot get around to do things myself !!
    Don't fall out with the wife or you will,be brown bread
  7. They charge what you can afford to pay, protectionism, you know Thailand has a coffee industry tooooo.

    The coffee capsule's are a new form of processed food loaded with chemicals and calories enjoy your coffee guys, I will stick to my instant at home and a latte when I go out.

    Had to be said biggrin.png

    The whole capsule system is a scam.

    Cheap machines making you dependent of certain capsules which are protected from the competition.

    I want to decide on my own which coffee and how much.

    How is it a scam ?

    You do not want to,purchase do not purchase

    Is it also a scam a bottle of JD costs 1450Baht and a bottle of pipers costs 399Baht

  8. 10 beers a week - are you serious? Absolutely no way this could give you liver problems. I drank 2 large bottles of whisky a day at least or equivalent for 20 years and my liver was ok.

    If you did drink 2 litres of 40% alcohol every day for 20 years

    You would be dead

  9. Since I'm already in this up to my ears, please allow me to dig myself in deeper. wink.png

    It occurred to me as I sat in Made in Thailand last night that one of the reasons half the town's bars could close without many here noticing is that the number of TVers willing to admit that they regularly frequent the bars seems to be quite small, esp as many try to distance themselves from the stereotype of the boozing sexpat. If you told me a lot of the mobile phone shops were going under due to a lack of customers, my care factor would be zero and I doubt that i would even notice unless it literally left a gaping hole in the shopfronts along Second Road. I go to TukCom rarely, but I'm sure that if I walked into that first floor and it was half-empty, I would notice - I wouldnt shed a tear, but I'd notice and the same applies to the shops on the Third Floor at Central Festival.

    Until you actually venture into some of the bigger bar complexes, its not immediately apparent just how ridiculous the oversupply really is. Close one of the big bars on Beach Road and it would stand out like a sore thumb - close 5 smaller bars in one of the big complexes and chances are it wont even register with the majority of the pedestrian traffic on the soi outside the complex. Even if one of the Beach Road bars did go under - and I'm skeptical that will be the case - someone else will almost certainly jump at the chance to get into a prime location : the same doesnt apply to a cookie-cutter bar buried in a complex on Second Road.

    This is a photo from inside the Drinking St complex near Dolphin Roundabout - the last time I went down there they charged me 90 baht for a Leo and I was one of the about 20 punters. I'm told that the complex does very good business during Songkran - I'll try and get down there tomorrow to see how accurate that statement is, but it's not hard to see how half this complex could close without many of us even noticing.


    Drinking street bars do not normally get busy until 12.00pm at the earliest

    Most of the punters are Indians ,Arabs

  10. The reason you now only get 24 Baht to the AUS $ has nothing to do with the strength of the Baht

    The problem is the weakness of the Australian economy and this is only going to get worse

    This time next year you could easily be looking at 20/21 Baht to the AUS $ without a doubt

    AUS has gone to the dogs

    The reason is that the AUS $ has lost alot of value against the US$ which has been strong against "ALL" currencies.

    So long as the Thai Baht is pegged to the US$ it will strenghten against all other currencies..

    The Baht is not pegged to the US$

    As already stated Australia's Economy is failing

    Check back in a few months

    You will be lucky to get 20/21 Baht

  11. Yet the Thai Baht grows stronger every day making Exporting harder and with a strong baht surely tourism must drop as well but what do i know .................................rolleyes.gifcoffee1.gif

    Along with a good few other expats, my pension has taken a beating as the baht stays strong and the Aussie dollar and others slowly sinks.

    From 31 baht last year to 24 baht now. Makes it tough especially when all medical and dental costs remain high and many of us cannot even get insurance.

    The reason you now only get 24 Baht to the AUS $ has nothing to do with the strength of the Baht

    The problem is the weakness of the Australian economy and this is only going to get worse

    This time next year you could easily be looking at 20/21 Baht to the AUS $ without a doubt

    AUS has gone to the dogs

  12. Might be time to restate the central point I tried to make in my OP:

    Songkran will need to be a complete turnaround for many of the bars and restaurants in this town to keep their doors open beyond May 2015 IMO.

    Whether the root cause of that downturn is currency fluctuations or rising prices - or a combination of the two - my point was that I just dont grasp how many of these businesses have lasted this long. Even last night, when I thought there were a few more punters around, if I took photos of the people in the bars in central Pattaya and photoshopped out the Thais working there, they would have been very sparsely populated. I understand that the town has changed and no-one is immune from inflation, but the impact of a very strong baht in the wake of the greenback's resurgence seems to have reined in a lot of our 'disposable' income. I guess those still here in May can either laugh or grimace at this post - assuming it isnt simply another long forgotten prediction to add to the thousands made for Pattaya's future over the years wink.png

    Patts has been the same this time of year for at least the last 10 years

    Hardly any business will close as usual

    Decent set ups do well as usual

    No , Mr Worldwide and many others have convinced me ( I dont go to bars but Ive talked to girls that work in go-go's and beer bars ) that this year and forward are not at all the same.

    And if you are here in May,June, July, August @Pheat/123 pretty sure you will be convinced also.


    Time will tell

    Same every year

    Talk of loads of business closing never happens

    Maybe this year is same same but different

  13. "Weerapat Phattaranukul commented that the woman should be arrested and taught about Thai culture."

    When you think yours is the only true path you forever chain yourself to judging others and narrow the vision of God. The road to righteousness and arrogance is a parallel road that can intersect each other several times throughout a person's life. Its often hard to recognize one road from another. What makes them different is the road to righteousness is paved with the love of humanity. The road to arrogance is paved with the love of self.

    Shannon L. Alder

    Cheers for that pal

    Something to think about when I go out on the lash

  14. It is beyond messy and inconvenient. Can't walk anywhere. can't go to the movies, go out to eat, shop or do any sort of daily activity. bunker up in the house and go out well after 7 pm. I experienced it once and will never do it again. The inconvenience and mess of course you can survive. But what I didn't like was the madness, and outward aggression by many of the Thais. You could see it in their eyes. I have no doubts many resent foreigners for various reasons so I can understand them venting anger. I guess throwing water and stuff is a reasonable pressure relief valve in this day and age. But I will skip it. This year I am in san diego, california and will be visting the Wat Lao. They have a bigger facility than the Wat Thai in nearby Escondido. They have a nice stage, some performers, food of course, a parade, ceremonial dress, and small separate area where you can go water cannon and squirt gun with the kids if you want.


    Get over yourself

    It,s only water

    It,s not going to kill you

    I was out yesterday all afternoon was great fun

    My 10 year old daughter and her friends had a brilliant time

    Some right old gits on TV

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