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Posts posted by mpa

  1. The religious crowd in question does not share your liberal, utopian pipe dream about a modern, secular, democratic society.

    If people in the UK want to get their knickers in a twist over something as benign as what Donald Trump says, they are simply distracting and hiding from the swirling spiral right on their own doorstep.

    Better dream about a better world than one full of hate and bigotry, I happen to be a J.Lennon follower after all.

    The UK has welcomed newcomers for centuries. Britain is and has always been a multicultural society. Sounds a bit like America doesnt it;

    So you prefer Hillary over Sanders?

  2. The size of the supportive crowd standing behind him is revealing...


    So what? He was trying to send a message, so he did.

    You wanna see support? Check here:


    Two wrongs don't make a right.

    And any form of persecution and discrimination against minorities for their beliefs is intolerable from the viewpoint of a modern, secular and democratic society. The downward spiral towards religious persecution, homophobia and racism can only result in another democratic candidate taking office in the next elections. Btw I happen to support Bernie Sanders for president.

    How about banning anyone named Donald from entering the country until they get this figured out. People named Donald should have to register.

  3. Anyone can take anyones picture and write anything on it.

    Actually a sound engineer was behind this. He claimed that Trump said the exact words but it was off the record. I remember reading about the whole thing somewhere but I didn't keep the source. I did a research today. So far I wasn't able to find any reference whatsoever.

    But you are correct. Without evidence we can only speculate.

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