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Posts posted by nonthaburial

  1. Actually she is countering his thrust with a parry... and smart to do it ...if indeed there ever is an election the politicking has already begun. She also said she would meet with him,,, so she certainly cannot faulted for that..she is giving him more credence than Suthep for which she had no reason whatsoever to mediate with as he is only an insurrectionist not a possible counterpart in politics in the future...or is he...LOL.. who knows...if Abhisit's efforts result in something substantial.. and something do-able she'd be foolish to have closed the door in advance..it is to everyone's benefit... I have this feeling that deals are already in the works and will undoubtedly be surprised again over the next few months...a more moderate landing may yet come to pass.. though so far I have yet to see Abhisit's plan so will have to wait a few more days for that... but this press release is no more toxic that Abhisit's claim that he has the support of the SC who agrees with him that all sides need to work together... wonder what the headlines will be tomorrow.. Suthep's cat had kitten's...?

    I've no idea what she's up to but I hope that her statement was an honest one. As I've said elsewhere her problem is that since the last election she hasn't been the real PM and she wouldn't have been able to do the job anyway. If she'd taken a more normal, slower route to the top or at least to a level she was comfortable with I wouldn't be surprised if she did a good job. Unfortunately she didn't and there's no guarantee that she'll be able to do much now without asking someone else first rather than consulting with the party as should be the case.

    A great pity.

    How does anyone expect a single mother, with no political clout ( apart from being related to Mr corrupt) or experience to be able to run successfully a country that is so divided . I personally believe there is only one half politician in Thailand and that is Abhisit. So why go hell for leather times ago to dislodge him and his democrat party, to take his place and then fail big time. Unbelieavable.

    • Like 2
  2. I feel for this guy, take the ticket and the 20.000 baht overstay, arrive back in the UK there is help for people in his posistion, listen I have been stuck out here for 18months came out here with promises being made by a cousin of mine, promises were not kept, so have been stuck up here in Issan and I am a Women all alone, thank goodness for the amamzing Issan people who have fed me and taken care, I have had the most amamzing experience, more than any Farang Women could imagine, I am nearly 60, at last raised the money for my overstay and a ticket out of here, I have no one or nowhere to go but I am leaving on 6th May, tell him to take this and get back to the UK as for his credit cards etc after 7years it will be wiped off, he is still young enough to return and start again as long as he doesn't hit the bottle.................

    Suggestion, you both appear to be in the same boat, why don't you fly back together and perhaps work as a team. Two heads are better than one. And no this is not sarcasm.

    However there is a huge difference between you and him, you were conned, by family he wasn't. You are in this position not of your making. He is the opposite, it was his making.

    You are an over stayer, again because of being let down he is an overstayer simply because he appears to be of the ilk of not caring a toss about rules, regulations and requirements. In other words extremely self centered.

    Second thoughts best you ignore my suggestion of teaming up. He will drag you down to his level. I seriously wish you the very best of luck and hope as a lady at your tender age you can put this behind you. If you meet up with your cousiin can you smack him round the head with a full beer bottle from me !

  3. 7 years is the limit in the uk for credit card debt.

    But remember he doesn't owe the original bank anything.

    This would of been sold on to various debt collectors to attempt to collect payment. The bank would of sold the debt a long long time ago.

    Oh and I have more sympathy for the guy than i have in my little finger for banking system that make billions by overcharging and useing other peoples money to make the billion dollar profits.

    Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    So are you condoning such behavior of " getting back at the banks?" so if every one will think

    and act like you think, what will be left of our banking system? could we ever be trusted by

    the banks again for any credit what so ever?

    "What will be left of the banking system" well at this very moment, and for the last number of years, very little. Whilst I abhor what this individual has done, it's fraud, ite theft etc, but the banks do ask for this type of treatment. Where does the coin come from to pay their emperors so much? Answer Us ! Anyhow that's irrelevant and sorry to go off topic.

  4. Im starting to thing I want out big time now and im starting to learn on the side of scam again, im still confused ask #$%* but today she asking me to give him 500,000 baht or he wont divorce.    I think tonight im going to tell her that I love her but this is to much for me and if it was a scam bad luck if its not a scam you should crawl back to your husband and beg for forgiveness.           And that you shouldn't put your self out there on a dating website if your still attached to your ex in anyway.
     Im starting to feel a right fool :(  At least I will get out relatively unscathed although I will now join the ranks of the cynical...you got room for one more?  

    Am surprised she had the patience to wait as long as she did before asking for that 500k. Also a little surprised that she hasn't ht you with I think I may be pregnant scam..

    Tonight you will tell her you love her ? How can you find love for a scamming, lying, cheating liar. Don't tell her anything, just break all communications with her. The more you communicate the longer she thinks she has you on the hook.

    Say nothing, walk away and ignore her.

    By the way you are not joining the ranks of the cynical you have joined the world of reality.
  5. Sad situation, but he hasn't really helped himself has he ? It is also a little hard to believe that at his age he has no contacts left in the UK.

    If I can help a little with the credit card issues. When I lived in Manila, I had a HKSBC Visa card issued in HK where I held an account with them. I also had an Amex gold card issued by another institution.

    Basically when moving to Manila, I opened another account with a local bank but kept my HSBC account open, but with very little cash in it. If I used my Visa card, then I simply transferred cash from Manila to my HK account. I had a situation where even though not leaving the Phippines my Visa card was hit with over 100 USD in Jakarta. I immediately informed the HKSBC and sent them copies of my passport showing I had not left Manila and my card must have been scammed.

    The HK bank refused to believe me and insisted on payment. When I refused I had a very official letter saying that my HK account would be frozen and my card cancelled. And that is what happened.

    I then took my Amex card to Amex in Manila, told them my problem and asked them to take back and cancel my card. They told me no need you don't owe us anything and your card will not be cancelled.

    Five years later after totally forgetting the previous issue with the HKSBC I successfully opened another account with them and got an offer of a credit card.

    I later found that all these bank freezes etc expire after five years. With this in mind and as long as this guy keeps a low profile if he goes back to the UK, I don't think he will have any banking issues

    • Like 1
  6. Thai girls...still wear panties and bras?

    What a nonsense post.

    Not at all, lighten up, a seriously meant to be funny thread brings a smile to a lot of people who are bored to the back teeth with posts such as "in love with a married Thai" etc it's not a nonsense post, a load of pants maybe but not nonsense.

  7. Well, JT, I just read this thread and decided to ask my wife who, knowing a lot about (while not believing in) Thai black magic, stated that the woman did not speak because she was very angry. The finger-pointing and evil eye was a signal to you that if you ever performed that behavior in front of her again, she would hurt you. So, not a curse, but a warning. edited for misspell

    Thanks! I'm satisfied with that answer entirely!

    I'm exiting the madness of this thread now.

    It's not pleasant.

    Discuss among yourselves and thanks again to those who did reply ON TOPIC.

    Good evening all. clap2.gif

    Excellent you have the excuse and reasons to exit a stupid post. Hope you have learnt at least a little

  8. ...

    Rant over but my opinion of you with a few good historical posts has now gone downhill big time.

    This thread has NOTHING to do with gay rights issues. How weird that you push that here. If I posted on the visa forum, would you think I'm talking about gay rights because you know I'm gay?
    Yes it would but I will hold my full negative judgement on gays until you post the whole story. Right now you are coming through as Mary suffering from PMS. Man or girl up tell the story or ask for this thread to be deleted.
  9. ...

    Rant over but my opinion of you with a few good historical posts has now gone downhill big time.

    This thread has NOTHING to do with gay rights issues. How weird that you push that here. If I posted on the visa forum, would you think I'm talking about gay rights because you know I'm gay?

    JT your choice of pillow is yours not mine, but for the love of god, write on here and expect to get answers from what you write. Not tell the world how wronged you have been then revise to tell the story. If you don't want to tell then withdraw your story as it's totally pointless posting it. Or are you on a gay PR mission.

  10. OK, from now on, I will only entertain responses to the actual question. I am not going into the details of what led up to the pointing. The point here is about the pointing itself.

    the point here is you only get to ask your question, not determine how it is answered.

    dont want to discuss the incident? should not have brought it up.

    I want to discuss the specific aspects of the incident I highlighted. I am still looking for actual experts who know whether this lady was some kind of witch or not. Curse-wise.

    As I guess such experts don't really exist here, I will add it is certainly fine with me if this thread is closed ...

    Well I have to ask, how many gay experts are here and understand the Thai women way .. Really arrogance aside, I do believe you have just dug a huge smelly hole for yourself.

  11. That doesnt stop you screaming "homophobic" no matter what the situation, seems to be your natural response to almost anything you dont agree with or dislike., or is it just what you dont understand .

    Just waiting for you to go back and add/ edit a post for more dramatic effect as you usually do.

    This is in your imagination. Again, nothing in this incident, topic, or question is about sexuality of any kind. Perhaps the sexual politics of a woman threatening to hit me as a man would be relevant though. I'm not saying I'm a fighter, I'm not, but for those skilled in fighting, what is the proper response when a reasonably strong woman throws a punch at you ... a Thai woman to a westerner. Isn't that a no win? If you punch back and hurt her don't you risk being lynched?

    In this case, I made it clear I wasn't going to punch her back so she did back off. Maybe she wanted me to punch her back ... I was a little surprised she didn't follow through with actual physical aggression.

    Oh I am really putting my head on the line here, if she perceived you as gay (and no this is not another finger pointer) it's just possible as a woman she saw you as worthless to her a woman). If she considered you as a man, not a gay, let me elaborate as I cannot believe a gay can be a man, then perhaps she had an interest in you, that you denied her access to. You have opened this thread but are not man enough (????) to open up to what actually happened.

    Your sexual boat is what rocks you but don't expect real men or women to swim alongside you. Open up be honest and tell the truth.

    • Like 1
  12. the experts will be up soon, still early on a saturday morning in the uk after a friday night out,,,lol

    give it time mate,,,


    My god Jingthing, with over 50,000 posts with years of experience has unwittingly let his guard down and confirmed Him self as a troll. Now who would have expected that.?

    But on a serious note, you have probably been taken off her Xmas card list. So come on tell us the story

  13. Boy o Boy

    What in the world is going on in Puket? So much violence. Maybe they should just shut the island off completely until a solution can be formulated....Rediculouse.......

    Sorry, you are half right, the whole of the tourist area of Thailand is a cess pit. What is needed is an effective police force and judiciary, rules enforced with huge penalties for offenders. The sun, the heat, the sand,women and the alcohol goes directly to the part that is usually called a brain.

    However there is a query, said Aussie was walking down the ROAD, not on the pavement ?

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  14. Can I add my two sating hopefully more intelligent than Samrans. Yes jet stream is a huge factor, but also take Into account both outbound and inbound legs cannot be flown in the same jet lane, therefore one of the routes, and I would suggest east to west have to take a longer route, adding extra flying time, also airlines do not like to appear to be constantly late, so their flight times are always advertised as being longer that they really are.

    Example a very recent flight from Xian to Shenzhen was advertised as a 2.40 hour flight, we pushed back on time, had not holds on taxi way and actually took off smack on time, to arrive in Shenzhen after 2 hours. Now that is on a short leg, can you imagine what the airlines add on for a flight six times that long.

  15. Better to dump True Vision and go for internet TV or gray market Vietnam TV at 1/2 the price with better programming. 

    Not sure about your grey market vietnam. Here In China, I have both true and Vietnam, and Both are legal and they compliment each other very well, including all live EPL on Vietnam box. I guess at the end of the day it's how much you can afford?
  16. The thais are as adept as the chinese at 'adulterating their food' so I don't see the chinese wanting to buy into Thailand for that reason.

    Lets be fair chinese manufacturers were happy to produce baby milk powder that was laced with all manner of nasties.

    In Thailand the use of formalin is rampant, and only god ( Buddha ?) knows what the crops are sprayed with.

    The 2 countries do have mega corruption at most levels of society and government mind you, so maybe the chinese see some synergy there

    I can assure you, living close to the HK border, HK is full of mainlanders buying what they consider to be non tainted products which are not from China. Now any of you go to Macro and see the packing boxes of fresh vegetables. Where they from ? China what does this tell you ? When I lived in Yunnan province, we used the same vegetable supplier in the wet market, when she got to know us she used to refuse to sell us vegetables, she said she wouldn't eat them so why should we. She always had a separate supply available for us that were chemical free.

  17. Any supplier wishing keep his costs down to sell imported goods into any country to be able to do that and not rip off the general public/ purchasers, costs must be cut to the bone to allow the greasy hands in control to get their fair share ( money for nothing) but still leaving enough for a small profit after purchase costs, shipping costs insurance etc.

    My calculations on the actual import duty costs of cider now transpire that for me to make 10 baht a bottle,which doesn't cover my staff costs I have to retail at over 300 baht a bottle. In places like China or HK where majority have liquid assets this is not a problem, but in the likes of Pattaya, it's a no no.

    To add injury to insult, I did as promised send by courier to four selected recipients, a number of pies and pasties. They arrived in BKK only to be confiscated by Thai customs and destroyed, citing illegal meat import. The meat content was small but as for the legal require to for a Cornish pasty, they were vacuum packed, they were still frozen on arrival in polystyrene boxes. Yet the triads attempted to extort money from the courier company, who rightly refused.

    Bye bye Thailand no way will serious and non corrupt businesses will deal with you.

  18. [quote name="Rorri" post="7736436" timestamp="1398425178"]

    [quote name="nonthaburial" post="7734116" timestamp="1398397958"]attachicon.gifNumbering.pdfnonthaburial, on 25 Apr 2014 - 10:52, said:nonthaburial, on 25 Apr 2014 - 10:52, said:

     [quote name="Rorri" post="7730937" timestamp="1398329819"]Rorri, on 24 Apr 2014 - 15:56, said:Rorri, on 24 Apr 2014 - 15:56, said:
     [quote name="Totster" post="7725875" timestamp="1398239110"]Totster, on 23 Apr 2014 - 14:45, said:Totster, on 23 Apr 2014 - 14:45, said:
    Totster, on 23 Apr 2014 - 14:45, said:

     [quote name="Rorri" post="7725833" timestamp="1398238639"]Rorri, on 23 Apr 2014 - 14:37, said:Rorri, on 23 Apr 2014 - 14:37, said:
    Rorri, on 23 Apr 2014 - 14:37, said:
    Some are now classified as "A La Carte" eg old number 64 BBC Entertainment, is NOT on the new Platinum List, but is in fact ch 354 you need to download my excel sheets.[/quote]BBC Entertainment has always been a premium 'add on' channel, it was never part of the Platinum line up (since it was reintroduced a couple of years ago).

    I really don't understand how you think it has been renamed or deleted... as you say, it's on Ch 354 (and named correctly)

    totster smile.png
     [/quote]Well totster, that's strange, because I had a look at the old channel listing for the "Platinum" package, and it clearly shows ch 64 BBC Entertainment...no mention of "add on," so why is it now missing and classified as A La Carte.[/quote]
    I don't know what package I have but BBC Entertainment is alive and kicking on my channel 354
    Have a very close look at this pdf file, and then tell me that you can find 354... I think if you read ALL my commaents you will see that I made reference to it being left off. I know it is on 354, you really should check all my files I so graciously uploaded.

    Point take however, it's still there to be viewed. Now my angle of approach was taking into account another poster who said this channel would be dropped at the end of this month. Now let's be realistic a broadcaster has to pay for such a programme, and as stated many times BBC E is an add on channel and has to be paid extra for, an extra in my opinion which is totally worth it. So if the rumours are true ( no pun intended ) then it makes sense not listing it for a week.

    I am sure readers appreciate your assistance, but your comments of being gracious are smacking of you being pompous, especially so that True have had a running banner telling everyone in Thai and English where their new content can be found. However to placate and stroke you, thank you for your gracious efforts.

    • Like 1
  19. Totster, on 23 Apr 2014 - 14:45, said:


    Rorri, on 23 Apr 2014 - 14:37, said:
    Some are now classified as "A La Carte" eg old number 64 BBC Entertainment, is NOT on the new Platinum List, but is in fact ch 354 you need to download my excel sheets.

    BBC Entertainment has always been a premium 'add on' channel, it was never part of the Platinum line up (since it was reintroduced a couple of years ago).

    I really don't understand how you think it has been renamed or deleted... as you say, it's on Ch 354 (and named correctly)

    totster smile.png
    Well totster, that's strange, because I had a look at the old channel listing for the "Platinum" package, and it clearly shows ch 64 BBC Entertainment...no mention of "add on," so why is it now missing and classified as A La Carte.

    I don't know what package I have but BBC Entertainment is alive and kicking on my channel 354
  20. China has many strengths, which in the past have been capitalized on, firstly a huge population ensuring cheap and abundant labour. There are huge numbers of migrant laborers in all of the manufacturing areas of China. These come from the mostly uneducated peasant backgrounds.

    This era is rapidly coming to an end, the reason this is so, is the one child policy. The results of this policy are easily seen in the present generation of 18-30 year old. They are totally unprepared for living an independent life style, they still rely on family to clothe, feed and care for them. Millions of this age group pass through Chinese mainland universities with degrees, but it is reported that the vast majority major in subjects the easiest to pass. And of course Chinese universities have a reputation to cling to, hence there are very few graduate failures. And yes degrees are very often bought.

    Another scenario then starts to unfold, said graduate gets married, has a child, so the family are again pressed into service. Elderly Mum and Dad are given the task of bringing up this child and are imported into cities from the farms to carry out this duty. Result the next generation are going down the same road as the present one. You see five year old for example, walking around the upmarket moobans accompanied by their peasant grand parents who are literally hand feeding them from food containers. It is common to see young kids throwing tantrums if they don't get their own ways immediately.

    So my point is, in this and coming generations, China will not have the workforce they are used to, the next work force will be unable to cope if they are not in jobs that are soft and easy, as was the way they have been raised. Think about the millions who graduate every year with the expectation of being hired as management etc simply because they have a degree. There are just not enough jobs to go round. Even if there were, those would be filled first by graduates from overseas universities.

    I sincerely believe that China is heading for major issues. There are issues already starting, factories being forced to shut because of labour strikes, residents rioting as they object to dangerous refineries being planned in their areas, it goes on and on. Who knows, it's possible that China could be hit by civil unrest. If this was nationwide for even a small length of time, the Chinese economy would crumble. Watch this space !

    • Like 1



    READ THE BOOK "PRIVATE DANCER' and that will tell you about the Thai lady's .

    Typical barfly answer about thai girls. It tells you to avoid relationships with prostitutes and not act like a sap with them - nothing about how to act with normal women. 
    And Rascal would you like to give us all on this thread your perceptive of "normal women" here in Thailand. Remember if you go cleaning sewers you will be confronted by rats. Many many years ago, I met a Thai girl who was uni educated, her father was a bank manager, so believed hi so family, she used to stay with me weekends, sex was great, so was the record of my un replaceable DVDs and valuables disappearing. Do not judge a book by its cover.
    No you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover but telling people that reading Private Dancer gives an insight into anything other than a tiny subset of Thai women is pointless. Would it have stopped you getting involved with someone who stole from you - no, of course it wouldn't as it's a completely different situation. 
    It's simple logic that getting involved with a bargirl - a girl who's likely emotionally damaged and potentially has drug/alcohol issues and is most certainly in an environment where they are taught, encouraged and given "face" for cheating men - is not a smart idea. 
    As you asked my perception and experience of normal women is that the vast majority won't steal or cheat or think about scamming for money, most girls I've met are proud to earn their own money and the idea of going with men for money or having a vastly older boyfriend is repulsive to them. I'm not claiming they are "hiso" , just normal people; teachers, sales staff, office workers, etc. 

    Thank you. We agree but from my example, one cannot trust. The secret has to be to see, understand, realise, and aknowledge then react when things go tits up. This OP is unable to do any of the "protect his back " and continues to look like a total idiot.
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  22. Alright Ive copied and pasted our entire chat keep in mind that we video for quite some time so a lot of content is missing but this is my inner sanctum make of it what you will.   I'll be xposing myself here so not doubt many will tell me to grow a set, I know this.
     I just have to work out jow to change our names to "him and her"

    Sorry, I really now do feel very sorry and sympathetic towards you. When the time comes which it most certainly will, please don't jump off a high rise or slit your wrists as TV is full of losers doing this and you don't really need or deserve the sympathy as you are alienating yourself very big time. If you had any compassion ,balls, ethics, call it what you will please for the love of god ask the mods to pull this pathetic attempt of your Warhol 15 minutes of fame . It's over
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