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Posts posted by nonthaburial

  1. You should attend, however I get the feeling your stepdaughter is asking you to pay for him to travel? Personally I wouldn't do that but you would have to explain this to her sensitively

    I agree. that is one step to far.
    This has not been raised by daughter, in fact wife and I both agree he pays for all his expenses and he will not be allowed to stay with us. One thing I didn't mention for fear of muddying the waters, and that is he is quite a successful business man in his own right. The daughter does not know of the full and true reasons why her blood parents divorced. There is no need to explain, and if it was divulged, I think daughter would be terribly upset.
  2. My apologies for posting this thread under a new name. I was not attempting the pull the wool over anyone's eyes, I simply did not want to have any answers to this genuine question interfered with by attitudes towards me from previous posts under my original title.

    As stated this is a genuine question and issue, and I will delete the "honky" account when this thread has run it's course

    • Like 2
  3. If he wants to pay to get himself from china to thailand. Let him.

    I don't know why you have to feel worried. Why your wife gives a <deleted> about him is a different question. Just let it be, and be the man above it all.

    I think it fair to say that my wife absolutely detests him, if you knew the reason for their divorce, you would understand why ! As many have said, and I and my wife agree with, he is her biological father.

    However the foundations have been laid, her university days will be very expensive, does anybody think he will assist in paying the bills? I don't think so for one minute. Then there is the flip side of the coin, if I were him, I would be very embarrassed to witness his blood daughters huge step up in life knowing he had nothing at all to do with it.

    You seem full of anger that he is not paying and your daughter wants to see him. Why is paying for something so important to you. You took up that responsability yourself he did not force it upon you.

    Your stephdaughter still wants to see him its quite normal even though he has not done much. He stays her father and as it is her day let her decide.

    Perhaps my comments were able to be read more than one way for which I apologise. What I was trying to portray is simply. To get my stepdaughter where she is today, and knowing that Uni costs etc are very high, which I am more than happy to cover, how could her natural father be so thick skinned as to attend the graduation as a "proud" father knowing he had no influence on her at all.

    I have no anger or jealousy just more a little unsettled

    Unsettled enough to use another nickname?

    Deeply concerned to be honest

  4. If he wants to pay to get himself from china to thailand. Let him.

    I don't know why you have to feel worried. Why your wife gives a <deleted> about him is a different question. Just let it be, and be the man above it all.

    I think it fair to say that my wife absolutely detests him, if you knew the reason for their divorce, you would understand why ! As many have said, and I and my wife agree with, he is her biological father.

    However the foundations have been laid, her university days will be very expensive, does anybody think he will assist in paying the bills? I don't think so for one minute. Then there is the flip side of the coin, if I were him, I would be very embarrassed to witness his blood daughters huge step up in life knowing he had nothing at all to do with it.

    You seem full of anger that he is not paying and your daughter wants to see him. Why is paying for something so important to you. You took up that responsability yourself he did not force it upon you.

    Your stephdaughter still wants to see him its quite normal even though he has not done much. He stays her father and as it is her day let her decide.

    Guess it's her choice , difficult

  5. must say , if true what a previous poster said that the queen collects her pension, well then no more needs to be said i guess.

    I have heard this claimed but nobody has ever provided proof of the claim.
    Pension service have admitted Prince Charles will be claiming his state pension.


    Apologies double post removed

  6. must say , if true what a previous poster said that the queen collects her pension, well then no more needs to be said i guess.

    I have heard this claimed but nobody has ever provided proof of the claim.
    Pension service have admitted Prince Charles will be claiming his state pension.


    Last year his income was 19MGBP.

    It is often heard that " Some members of the Royal Family are parasites" ( try saying that about a Royal family nearer to home without getting your fingers caught as the door slams shut.

    But the British Royals and comments made are totally irrelevant to this thread, the sheer fact is that they live, work and represent the UK, and work damn hard I might add. And the OP ? Can he lay claims to such ?

    • Like 1
  7. A question for you. kindly explain what the British tax payer should fund a jolly for the three of you?, suggest if you can't afford it, don't buy it !

    And of course you would never take advantage of any legal rights!? whistling.gif

    Actually no, I would not take advantage unless it was seriously necessary, I was born in the era where honesty and honour came first. And is it the op's legal right to take money from the state to fund a jolly ? .?

    • Like 1
  8. You know the old saying, "Never lend money to friends or relatives"

    You should be oldernough to look after your self, you would have known your situation and plan accordingly, your friends said no because they know you could not give it back. You got yourself into it get out of it yourself.

    "You should be oldernough to look after your self," This comment opened a door for me. Although the OP has not given his age, he says he has been in Thailand for ten years, this can give us a rough idea how old he is, and I would be guessing but how about very late twenties or very early thirties?

    The age group of the generation who have never had to fend for themselves, it's always been breast feeding, click your fingers and expect to get what you want. No idea of how to plan, save, or live a life without the hand out for everything. The OP goes on about a "failed/failing business" and yet he supposedly ploughs in good money after bad, probably expecting the usual hand outs, to cover his inefficiencies.

    Spoilt and totally irresponsible springs to mind.

    • Like 1
  9. Not attempting to hijack this thread, but, when realising True were tying up with Bein sports, which is a satellite feed from Qatar I believe, and showing it on channel 159 I searched out and can tell you that this Bein are advertisising all of your questions, I didn't bother with Sochi as that's over with. They also advertise the Championship league also.

    The only issue is whether True are legally able to broadcast these events in Thailand.

  10. I have this system, it has a number of good sports channels but I have yet to see any that you enquire of, however that is not to say they are not showing as I have no interest in most of your questions, however I can confirm they are not showing the FA. Cup, but I think I read somewhere that they will show the World Cup.

    I live in China and my next door neighbor has installed a satellite system from Myanmar, he assures me their sports is even better.

  11. You can get the Vietnam visa online in less than 1 day. Fly out the next day with an empty bag, fill it up with coffee, and return to BKK. No need to even pay for a 1-night stay in Vietnam. The flight is only 1 hour each way. Coffee will be cheaper there too. If you buy a few dozen bags of it, that should pay for your flights. Good luck.

    As far as utterly useless replies goes this has to be one of the best!

    Be charitable, perhaps he is geographically challenged and thought Ploenchit is close to vietnam

  12. Mobi, what can I say, I feel your pain, but is it possible, and I firmly believe it could be, that cookie didn't want to carry on anymore and as such gave up the fight. If she did, she led by example as I am sure we humans are able to do the same and let life go. Don't feel sad, look back and treasure the years you had and loved together. She may have set an example to us and others, don't fight the inevitable.

  13. Can anyone pull a miracle out of the hat at very short notice.

    I am currently in the Novotel Ploenchit on business for three more days and I am urgently trying to locate an outlet that has Vietnam coffee beans available. If I had the time and the security situation was normal, I could spend a day to try to locate, but unfortunately both are against me.

    Any ideas please

  14. Sorry, I disagree, but driving is to the standard you set yourselves. For example it is apparent that most drivers only concentrate on the immediate vehicle ahead of you, which is wrong, you should be watching the vehicle who is six in front of you.

    I have driven on four of the above mentioned countries, I rate China , Philippines and Brazil in the higher categories. As for Thailand remove every motorcycle and motorcycle idiots off the road and I am sure things would I improve dramatically.

    What makes things even more dangerous is that those who think they are good drivers on RH. Drive vehicles oh drive , soon become liabilities when driving the opposite side.

    During my MIAM Driving test, it was made very clear that drivers who abide by, accept and comply to their licensing rules at home, where regulations are strict often come to grief when they go abroad and go "local".

    I consider the German in Jomtien who had two very young kids on his bike a classic example. Idiots are everywhere, if you want to be part of that club, man up and accept your responsibilities and errors. Don't blame other drivers

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