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Posts posted by Papayabokbok

  1. I used to have WeTV, but have moved on quite a while ago now,as

    there are much,much better offerings for the same money,or even free.

    better picture,more selection.

    regards Worgeordie

    DO TELL!!!!........Dont leave us hanging ....(WeTV'rs)wai2.gif

    Oh the Humanity......I just got Wetv yest..so im

    just glad to have Tv and be able to watch a movie..anyway..

    • Like 1
  2. Howdy Tv'ers..

    Well i stepped on my shorts with my Ipod nano in it and cracked the inside screen-outside if fine..

    And found a 2gb older nano at green market yest. and gambled on it for 200 baht..it works and

    illuminates and can be played off my laptop media player..but cannot see music list on its own.

    So..OTHER than maczone or any "authorized" steve jobs minions, where could i get these

    screens fixed at a decent price so i can see what the hecks going on and navigate my tunes?

    Ive heard Icon and Mbk?..and a few older posts but seeing how CM is ever evolving(too fast)

    i figured id go to the direct source of all things..the Grand Wizard of sorts..the all seeing Eye!

    Is like having a Tv without the remote..so close to my music but yet so far..help me..egads!!!


  3. And how do they prevent them from getting stolen as soon as the said chinese stop and get off

    to take yet another pic of themselves, or food, or atms, or the street, or yogurt, or iberry.....?

    And they are easy to spot/color for a new bike thief..so the tourists pays the money and **poof**!

    Timing is Thainess at its best----inconceivable!! "I dont think that word means what you think it does"...whistling.gif

  4. Got a buddy of mine too...the kicker he was trying to get his rental bike fixed at a shop

    so got double screwed!

    They tried to get me at the loi kroh-night bazaar trap but after going to the station

    i managed to talk my way out of it--paper copy of my home license--score 1 for me

    And yep the santitham trick is easy--prob cos i used to live there--go take a drive

  5. As Devils Advocate....Id say the dark lights-clothing-night

    is to avoid the po-po....5-0---cops...as im betting the

    darkened figure on his ghost bike has been drinking..

    Harder to spot---stop---chase and get a tag no....

    Just my 2 baht on why....laying low and outta sight...(burp)

  6. Ahhh Facebook

    The Glue that holds thailand together

    Wonder what would happen if they banned it like China does

    Speaking of, i wonder how the chinese would get around without thier phones...

    Thank you Internet--The cause and solution to all of lifes problems--just like Alcohol! wai2.gif

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