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Posts posted by Lekong

  1. I think the two Burmese patsies have no chance. If I remember correctly word on the streets in Koh Tao was that 112m THB were paid to make all this go away by the island mafia family of the real murderers. The investigation was a shameful travesty, but the most disgusting part of all was when the parents of David and Hannah openly stated that they were "happy with the investigation and its outcome". They must be either braindead, blind and deaf or were threatened to keep their mouths shut, I don't know, but to me that was the most horrifying part of the whole sharade. May the true culprits, their families and all RTP officers involved in the cover up and the lowlife scum pancake vendor mainly responsible for what happened in the "safe house" rot in hell!


  2. Any forensic scientist with basic training can tell whether it is Asian, Caucasian, or African by the skull and particularly by the teeth.

    Sex can be seen from the pelvis.

    This is stuff that should be taught to the police. Would take about half an hour.

    Police are police, not forensic scientists, what you described is nor their job and just imagine the outcry from the monitors of the police force on this forum if a police officer dared to give an opinion along the lines you mentioned!

    From the article, the remains are being examined now by the forensic Police. So please wait for their findings. They have not yet finished their work.

  3. I'm obviously the odd man out here but I absolutely detest people (of any nationality) who prey on the loneliness of others to scam money from them. If this Thai man was genuinely looking for love or simply a better life for himself...... who of us is any different. I would certainly not like this to have happened to either myself or someone near to me. It is the lowest of the lowest acts on this earth. When the scammers received the money I hope they both crawled back under their slimy rock for a long long time to come.

    I am sorry for the outburst.....my motto " Whatever you say....say it with love" failed me badly on this occasion but this type of thing probably vexes me more than anything else I can think of.

    I am one of the lucky ones...over the years I have become a little "street wise" and feel so sorry for people who have to go through the pain of being "had" like this. In some cases peoples life savings and even more have been lost.

    Dotpoom! I would like to ask a very simple question to you since you are sympathizing with the scammed man. If someone carries $300000 (money that is used internationally and accepted everywhere-Thailand inclusive), and they are asked just 75000 baht. Why would they not take just about $2300 from the $300000 that they are carrying to pay the custom? A judicious use of sense will let you know that one can't be carrying so much money but needs a small amount of money from you to pay for anything whatsoever. He is so so gullible. I was waiting for $300000 so he could even spare 100000 baht for a man he has never met. Som na nar at its best.

  4. FYI the guy in the video says that the 4 golf partners were supposedly white men.

    Exactly. But please don't confuse people with the facts. It suits others here much more to go along with the preferred narrative of the evil Thai wife, evil Thai relatives, and evil/corrupt/lazy police. Too the extent that they will actually overlook elements that are inconsistent with their speculation.

    The first question that occurred to me was exactly how many Thai men in the Surin area enjoy a good game of golf ? I'd venture that you'd have to look pretty hard to find them...

    Did you read the word "supposedly"? They only thought or believed that he was with white men. They don't know for certain if he was really with white men. That is why the guy in the video used the word "supposedly". He doesn't know and is not sure whether he was really with white men. He only thought or believed that he was with white men. There is a whole cloud of the unknown he and that calls for speculations based of the speculators' experiences here.

  5. I don't remember seeing any black African either during application and collection, to be truth I haven't really paid attention to people's passports (like I said I didn't wait that much at the embassy). But according to neighboring embassies websites the only trouble you can have coming from sub saharan african countries is regarding the visa on arrival.

    I'm not sure I can help you more about that...

    Thanks so much for your concern and reply. Generally they arrive here with tourist visas and want to change to a Non B. I did same but at the time we could so easily get the Non B from any neighbouring country issuing it. But now, it is very very difficult. I heard that Malaysia gives but it takes a month or so.

  6. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Thanks for this information. Did you meet any blacks or black Africans applying for the Non B visa there? This information will really help me help some Africans in need of the Non B visa please. Thanks a bazillion fold.

    Anyone who is eligible can apply for a visa, although, those from some countries can only obtain a visa from an Embassy/Consulate in their country of origin

    You are right. It is very difficult for black Africans to get a Non B visa in the neighbouring countries of Thailand now. That is the reason why I was finding out if the OP met some black Africans in Vientiane with Non B visas issued them there. Many are really frustrated here because they can't get a Non B visa around.

  7. why some people reply when the first line is : sorry cannot help you

    than maybe, don't post ???

    some people feel obliged to reply to every single post for their count? it is not that you get points from TVF that is worth anything

    the only thing they are good at handling out are moderated crazyness with godlike syndrome :: I KNOW BAN YOU FOR 24 hours / 3 days / 10 days, LIFETIME BAN

    yes, it is hard after a ban to just create a new one, right ?

    I think he at least offered some little help though he said he couldn't help. He tried to give the meaning of nickname in Thai. You have given just nothing and you have commented. So he is better than you according to me.

  8. Totalitarian company that monitors employees online speech and fires him for saying something that has nothing to do with the company or his job? Really? The assault on individuals in Thai society is proceeding apace.

    Always read well before commenting. The company is not checking or policing its workers. Some workers read his comments and reported to the company and the company took actions. Thank God he was still on probation. If he had a first class car insurance he will take them all down. Not just 3 as the drunk driver did but all. Thank God again he will never have a first class car insurance. He sounds like a kind of worker who will bring down all the workers if he has a problem with the company.So the company cannot keep him. Even if the cyclists were wrong, will someone in his right frame of mind say if he had a first class car insurance he will take them all down? He has the instincts of a killer. To hear that a drunk driver killed 3 people and speaks so badly of them and adding that if he had a first class car insurance he will bring them all down even when he is not drunk show the extend to which he is wicked.

  9. Hold it just a minute. How are they going to charge her with murder if the guy, on his own, took Viagra, then died while having sex?

    Did she force him to take Viagra?

    Was the sex so good, so passionate, that his heart couldn't handle it?

    From my point of view, she's definitely guilty of trying to hide his death, but that's about it. Sorry, but i don't see how you can charge her with murder, unless there is a lot more to this story we're not being told.

    You should be really so naive to believe that woman's story. Someone who tries to hide someone's death, steals the car and changes the plate number, deceiving the motel attendant that the man passed out and she was a nurse taking him to hospital. Not just threw the corpse but went as far as burning it and you just believe that the man died of overdosed Viagra. Very very strange how some of us can easily believe and be deceived by women. According to you, she should not be charged for murder. If she didn't kill the man, why did she hide the body? Why did she steal his car? Why did she try to burn his body? Why did she not report or call for help when the man passed out? She is a murderer and should be charged for his death.

  10. So what are the idiots saying,,,,Is it the AFP's fault that the stupid bastards were importing drugs into Indonesia?? Come on get real, get a grip on reality.Don't blame someone else for their stupidity..

    They were taking drugs out of Indonesia. The AFP would have waited and caught them in Australia. It is the AFP who informed the Indonesians Police that the so called Bali nine were taking drugs out of Indonesia.They knew this very well and why didn't they wait to catch them when they landed in Australia from Indonesia??? They knew about the dead penalty in Indonesia and decided to sell the Bali-nine to the Indonesian Police. So it is their fault and Australia did not need to compain so much.

  11. You have already done the course, so I would get a copy of the course from someone and photo shop your name on it. You have legally done the course so I don't think you are doing anything illegal here per say. Worth a try I think until you contact the relevant school and request a copy. Good luck. whistling.gif

    You are still forging a document. It would not be worth the trouble. Get in contact with the provider and try to get a replacement or take it over again.

    I do know someone who forged a university degree (he had earned it, but had lost it). It caused him a great deal of problems and he nearly lost his job.

    This is the best thing for him to do. Contact the center that you did the course in and there will surely be a solution to help you. They surely keep records of people who have taken the course before and your name will be there and they will provide you with a paper that will help you. Do not go for photo shopping that may lead you into deep shit.

  12. They've been caught in Consumerist Circus haven't they. Phones , Tabs , Notes, Ipods all shit that they have been brainwashed into thinking they need and are foolish enough to get in debt for. I do feel sorry for them because they do not get a fair living wage in many cases

    I agree! These people can afford to go out and buy a new car or Samsung phone or other gadget making sure it is top of the line and get themselves into huge debts thinking they will be able to make minimum payments until they find out they barely have enough to pay for food and rent. Responsibility for finances is the least in their thinking. I had an ex-gf who made 12000 a month and was doing OK with her finances. Then she got a bug up her butt that made her think a new car would be great. Payments were only 7000 a month. So even after she refused my advice she went and bought the car. She could not even afford gas to put in it. She sold all her gold and borrowed money just to make the down payment. Needless to say, I refused to fill her tank every 2 weeks and left her shortly afterwards. No thought for the future.. Just! I must have it now

    Exactly, how can someone with a wage of 12000 baht wants to ride in a car? They get themselves indebted to the extend that they find it very difficult to feed themselves.

  13. I don't think you need advice here. You have seen her enough to make your judgement. She left you and went to meet a another man, telling you she was going to Malaysia for work while you were here. Again you are here and she is off to South Korea for work. Do you really think she has your interest and loves you?????? Stop bothering people about what you have seen and know best. If she loves you and will change as you are thinking, then she will not abandon you in her apartment on two good occasions. Leave her alone as she does not need you. That is why she is leaving you alone.

  14. I always think that living in a foreign land and keeping all my money there is a great risk. I prefer to keep half here and half in my home country. Or keep little here and the greater part in my home country. Anything can happen in a foreign country and one may go home empty handed. I also read that in case of death (we don't wish for this anyway), the next of kin getting money from here is a complete nightmare. So please think twice. Except you want to live here permanently.

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  15. Mmmm not sure how this is physically possible. It is around -55deg C at 10 000 m and unless you were a himalayan sherpa who has lived atop Everest for a year there is just physically not enough oxygen. I wonder if the 10 000 m is an assumption or mis reporting? I wonder if the 'island hopper remained around 8000-10000 ft then survival is very likely. I guess however if they were at 10k meters they were only there for about 15 mins in a one hour flight, but still his survival is remarkable, he deserves a long weekend on the pop in jakarta if the details are correct.

    I guy in one African country, I am sure it was from Senegal when to France on two occasions by stowaway in the land gears of one airline that I don't remember. That is a journey of about 4 hours. He was very successful in the first trip and was repatriated back to Senegal. He tried it the second time and was killed in the second attempt when the landing gears were opened for landing and he fell out and died.

  16. MOVED to Motorbike forum

    I bought a second hand Honda motorbike and it turns out to be Chinese made. The back light, the side lights and the horn are not working and I can't find the spare parts. Everywhere I go they say the parts are not available. Does anyone have an idea where I can buy the parts in the South of Thailand? It has an electrical problem. Help needed.

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