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Posts posted by Lekong

  1. Why are people so intent on putting down over stayers?

    There was no reason given for his over stay ... could have been health concerns or one of many reasons

    Not everyone is perfect like willyunii but the constant bashing is a pointless useless waste of time and effort

    and produces nothing valid and gives no use full information to the OP

    Because a serious person who wants to start a business will not overstay 10 months. I think if it is for health reasons, documents from the hospital may help in not paying any overstay penalty or being blacklisted. I know someone may overstay for lack of information. But that is not an excuse and overstaying for 10 months may be carelessness. The laws on overstay here are even too relax and people usually take advantage of that and overstay their visas to the extend that they like.

  2. The days are counted and you pay per day if your over stay is not up to a month. And each day is 500 baht. After a month, the fixed amount is 20000 baht. One only pays 20000 baht if the over stay is equal to or more than one month.

    Incorrect. The overstay fine is Bt 500 a day, with a maximum of Bt 20,000, and no month concept. So the maximum amount is reached after 40 days, not a month.

    Thanks for the correction.

  3. The days are counted and you pay per day if your over stay is not up to a month. And each day is 500 baht. After a month, the fixed amount is 20000 baht. One only pays 20000 baht if the over stay is equal to or more than one month. Someone with a 29 day over stay will pay only 14500 baht.For people from central and west Africa, or people who come from African countries where only Kenyan or Ethiopian airlines go there, they may spend more time at the IDC even if they pay the penalty and buy their tickets. The reason being that these two airlines take only 2 or 3 deportees at a time. So some Africans are forced to spend up to 2 , 3 weeks or even a month when they are ready to go but have no chance on the planes going to their countries.

  4. For blacks, if you change from one province to another, if you are not very lucky, you must get a new Non B. Some provinces insist on blacks getting a new Non B when they change school from one province to another.But if you change school in the same province, then a new Non B is not required.

    "for blacks" ??

    Yes, that is what they are asked to do. Sometimes whites and blacks or lets say native speakers are not treated the same. I don't know if every person is subjected to getting a new Non B when they change from one school to another school in a different province is supposed to get a new Non B. But many blacks have been asked to go for a new Non B when they change from one school to another school in a different province.

  5. He will think twice before he steals again!

    Seriously ? you are a sick demented person did you see the pictures of this kid tied to a pole with horrific purple brusing all over his back sitting in a pool of his own piss, this was a horrendous case of child abuse and the fact that the police is not prosecuting this person is a crying shame this person is EVIL and the damage done to the kid could only be done by a disgusting horrific person that needs to experience a bit of her own medicine.

    No, let him go stealing like Michael Brown and when he is shot by the Police you go out protesting, damaging and looting people's property in the name of justice. Today it is a candy of 6 baht. Tomorrow it will be a chocolate of 15 baht and so on and then an armed robber. Teach him a lesson of his life and he will stay away from stealing. Did you hear that you shouldn't spare the rot and spoil the child? Do you know the financial situation of her aunt and where she got the 300 baht to pay? Child abuse, yes. What is at the genesis of the child being abused? Our children are and will be what we make them to be.

  6. You need a letter of authority and a load of other papers to submit so that you can get a non B

    otherwise you dont get non B

    As you have a non B then this paperwork must have been submitted then you have 3 months to get a WP

    So whats wrong with this picture?

    The Labor Department and Immigration have the paperwork and the school has not completed the application.

    I would make a formal letter to the school with questions that need answers.

    At least then you would know what they intend to do with you and you will know if you should move on.

    Who has paid so far for the non B and Labor Depart applications?

    Has you tax and social been paid?

    Tax, social or whatsoever are not needed for a work permit to be issued for the first time to a teacher please. Except the law has just changed. It is when your first work permit expire that you need to show anything related to tax. Talking of giving a three month probation period, with a Non B that will expire in three months, how can this be handled? Generally in a month, any school should be able to know if they will keep a teacher or not. As I said before, if the OP can get the list of documents and give them and insist on them acting fast. If within the first one week of getting the list of documents they have not done anything then OP should know the don't need him or her and move on.If they need you, they will always act fast to prepare your documents.

  7. It is very simple. Go to the labour office and take the list of the documents needed and bring them to your school and give them to prepare the documents for you. They may just be lazy and don't want to help you. The Director of the school may not even know that your documents are not in order. Talk to your head of department. All the documents that you need for the work permit are in school and only one form is from the work permit office which they can still find it online I am sure.. They are not going anywhere to sign any document so why is it taking them so much time? First thing first. Go to the labour office (work permit office) and get the list of documents needed plus the one form that will come from the work permit office and give them. The documents can be prepared in school in one day. It takes 3 working days for a new work permit to be issued. And once it is issued, the same documents that are used for the work permit are the same documents for the immigration plus the document from your landlord or landlady and you will get your visa from the immigration the same day. Make sure that when they are preparing your documents, they should do them is pairs as you will still need most of the documents for the immigration. It is always stated on the Non B visa that one should make sure that if they are coming for a second Non B, they should have a work permit. If this is written on the Non B that you have, show them and tell them that if you don't get a work permit, you may not be issued another Non B and ask them to act fast. Also be sure that they want you in their school. If they have not been satisfied with your work so far, they may be wasting your time and frustrate you. Be wise. Equally note that, at times they don't know what is needed and they shy away. That is why it is very important to give them the list of documents needed.

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  8. TAT staged event. Was the case not locked? Did the taxi driver force the lock open to look inside the case? These stories come up with such regularity, I just don't believe them.

    Nothing mentioned that the taxi driver looked into the case, he handed the case into the police, they probably opened it or the Jap guy had reported the case left in the taxi. The police probably had the report from the Jap guy and had his hotel address and sent someone around to get him jumping to conclusions Mate.

    Did you read this from Thai PBS? "Mr Prathuan admitted that he was shocked after finding so much money in the baggage but he didn’t want to keep them because they did not belong to him". So "... he was shocked after finding so much money in the baggage.." through an x-ray? He opened the baggage, saw the money and was shocked. Read well before jumping into conclusions too.

  9. TAT staged event. Was the case not locked? Did the taxi driver force the lock open to look inside the case? These stories come up with such regularity, I just don't believe them.

    Why will he even open someone's luggage if he is really honest about giving it back? Are taxi drivers require to open luggage forgotten in their cabs? If really genuine then he shouldn't have known the content of the luggage. On the other hand, for a man to forget that amount of money in a taxi will mean to me that he is insane. He could not be in his right frame of mind and will be so careless to forget such a sum.

  10. Welcome to the disgrace that masquerades as the Thai education system in which your appearance is far more important than any other factor. If I were you I would seek PYP experience in China, more international schools opening there, or elsewhere and then use that experience to apply to the so called first tier international schools in Thailand. A lot of the 'lesser' 'international' schools in Thailand are not actually 'international' - they are just cash cows trading on elitism and exclusivity. As the Italians would say 'coraggio". DOn't let it get you down.

    Talking of teaching in China, wear your shorts, slippers, etc to the classroom and teach the students perfectly and the Chinese will adore, cherish, love and admire you. If you want to leave the school, they add your salary. Not here where dressing is more important that teaching the students. Thai teachers spending all their time on Facebook on their phones in class. It's a sham. It is so so frustrating teaching here.

  11. OP, are you really man enough? In going to see someone who was sentenced only for a year and above or so you seem so frightened?


    Again going to prison to see even the toughest criminal will not require any fear.

    I fear not people (those I can deal with) - but the System, which may link me to his case.

    Sorry, I can't say you the full details of his case. It is a serious one. The case, not the guy himself.

    I am very surprised that he was not extradited to USA, as his so-called "colleagues" (whose he was never ever seen). There is something behind this "1 year" - that's why I don't want to be a smallest part of that. The case I meant, not the guy himself.

    If your background is clean then any check will reveal nothing and there will no records made on your person.

    Which background did you mean here? Will they anyhow "check" me on the time of the visit? What will that be?

    You are talking of fears of any check or documented evidence about you. That is what I meant by background check here. They will not check you. Leave all that fear at home. You can't take pictures in prison please.

  12. OP, are you really man enough? In going to see someone who was sentenced only for a year and above or so you seem so frightened? If his crime was that which if anyone visited him they will check his background then his prison term shouldn't be only one year or so. His should be a minor crime that the background of people visiting him will not be checked. Your attempt at bringing things to him sound as if you have something hidden that you want to give to him. All prisons have visiting hours. Remember that with the many people you may have to spend more hours there waiting. You could be given preferential treatment if you explain that you come from afar which you can prove. I visited an inmate in Amnathjaren and I was allowed to see him in the morning (we had face to face contact in the morning though under supervision) when I arrived the prison before seeing him again during the visiting hour which was through the phone system. I came from Nakhon Si Thammarat in the South of Thailand. Again going to prison to see even the toughest criminal will not require any fear. If your background is clean then any check will reveal nothing and there will no records made on your person. You will explain that you are there on behalf of his family who have delegated you to check on him and give them the feedback. So what is the fear all about? The money you leave will be recorded and you will tell him how much you are leaving there for him. So he will know the amount of money you have given. Anything less, of course he will protest.

  13. Just need to clear this up in my head.

    If he holds a fake letter from the UN then they will be all over him but if it is real then he is a legitimate refugee and Thailand allowed him in without a passport on those grounds.

    Secondly, he may be a Kurd because what type of person was claiming refugee status 15 years ago. If memory serves that was a long time before shock and awe and Saddam was still the boss.

    As the the BB gun that is just schoolboy stupidity as is not stopping when asked to.

    Saddam was ousted in the early 90's and from then till now is about 25 years and not 15. So Saddam may have played no role in his refugee status.

  14. The immigration laws are so lax here. In China over stay is equivalent to a five year ban and a penalty of 5000 yuan. I paid this in 2012 December. When I reported myself as an over stayer, the immigration said since I was there for 6 years as an illegal immigrant, they needed to investigate me for 1 to 2 months and they did for a month and a half before giving me a 10 day visa to leave China. Here, one can over stay, get a visa and go to a neighboring country, pay the penalty at the airport and get another visa to come back in as if nothing has happened. Very very easy and good here.

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  15. What about the BKK bank card that has a rather prominent chip in it. It takes marginally longer at BKK bank ATMs (the only ones you can use with it) but in shops it just get swiped like all the others. Has anyone used one abroad and had to put their PIN in or are they basically a waste of time>

    In 2013, in Malaysia, I flew there from Chiang Mai, I was unable to use any ATM cards any ATM's except for my Bangkok Bank card, and only at Bangkok Bank terminals. I am surprised at all the respondents to this post having no trouble using their ATM cards, but for me - at KL and Georgetown, and probably in Penang, my cards from WElls Fargo and Chase banks were not accepted - only the B.B. card.

    You are right, the responses are mostly saying cards without specifying that these cards should be Master, Visa or some of the international acceptable cards. I am sure if you have only a local bank card it may not work abroad. But the Visa, Master cards that I know and have used work abroad without any problems for me. I would like to ask one question. If an ATM swallows my card from Thailand say in my home country, can't I just go to the bank and ask them to retrieve the card for me?

  16. You need to be more prudent. I don't know very well but most Non B visas usually bear the name of the schools that gave documents for the Non Bs to be issued. I am afraid your school may have some influence over that visa since they gave documents for it to be issued. You need to act fast. How your school can cancel the 90 days given you by the border immigration is what beats my imagination. But this is Thailand.

    Your fears are groundless, the school (no matter how influential they may be) cannot cancel a non 'b' 90 day permission to stay.

    It is standard practice for an institution's name to be written in with a 'b' visa which is obtained using a school's papers.

    Thanks for this input. Remember I said I did not know well. My fears were just that as they say here the Thai is always right and when they threaten him about cancelling his visa made me so worried and I was thinking that maybe his school could do everything possible to cancel the visa since it bears their school name. I just hope that they don't have the possibility of doing anything like that.

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