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Posts posted by Trevor1809

  1. 8 minutes ago, chickenslegs said:


    It is not "free" but it is (IMHO) amazing value for money.





    But if you can't get treated then isn't worth anything. In Thailand they make money by treating you. With the NHS they save money by fobbing you off and getting you out of the door as quickly as possible. If you happen to die because it was serious then that frees up some housing and may be a  job as well.

  2. 55 minutes ago, partington said:


    It is "free at point of service".  This means there is no assessment of cost or reimbursement involved, no insurance company, no forms to fill. Anyone eligible gets all the treatment they need as long as they need it by simply turning up at the provider.


    And that is the problem. Because it is free at the point of service the NHS treats you as though they are doing us a favour rather than treating us as a right. If my GP can get me out of the door in less than 30 seconds by fobbing me off with "its just flu or just a cough" then he can get onto to doing something more important, more important in his mind at least.

  3. 1 hour ago, Bonobojt said:

    I guess some people have good experiences and some have bad, its just the long waiting list to see a specialist ! 1 or 2 months is bad enough but 3 or more is a joke. Of course I can see my local GP easily within days or less than a week, but my local clinic doesn't have the facilities to do the tests I need (scans etc..) just wish I didn't have to pay for treatment in a country with free healthcare just to speed things up.


    I'll look into going to a private hospital, I'm guessing its more expensive here in England or same prices as Thai Hospitals ?

    You can get to see your GP in less than a week! I am lucky if I can get an appointment 3 weeks ahead. It is the attitude of the GPs that I am then made to feel guilty because I am using up his time because I am ill that really annoys me. Isn't that his job and what I pay taxes for?

  4. I will be in Surat Thani in December and was looking on Google Earth for fishing locations. I do know of two fishing lakes and quite a good spot on the river up past the station. I found a few large lakes and a couple of large damned reservoirs to the South probably within and hour's drive.

    I take it that permission is required from the land owner to fish but generally what happens if it is a large body of water like a reservoir or river? If is it is accessible without going through somebody's back garden is it considered acceptable to fish or is it best to stick where you can see local people fishing?

  5. "Maybe speak to your employers and ask to be allowed to carry your phone until you have a visa decision"

    I have worked at places where for security reasons or safety reason you are not allowed to have mobile phones. I don't any employer wold bend those rules to suit an ECO.

    They did phone my step son whilst he was in school and still expected him to answer a series of questions. No allowances were made for the fact that he was in a class and in no position to be interrogated.

  6. My experience with Nationwide was worse than that. I have saved with them and had a mortgage since before they were Nationwide as they used to be the Co-op. I was about 3 or 4 years into paying off the mortgage and still they wouldn't even give my first wife a joint account. So much for loyalty. Nat West who I also had an account with were only too pleased to give her her own account.

    Makes you wonder how so many accounts could be opened in fictitious names.

  7. When I do my wife's ILR I am going to use a comb binder to stop them pulling everything out of the lever arch and putting everything back jumbled up leaving me with the job of sorting the mess out. Even now I am not sure if I got all my documents back.

    I thought that these people were oh so busy so why do they have the time to mess about with everything. Unless they just dropped it on the floor and thought what the hell.

  8. Why are the mods banning discussion on a legitimate question about the surinder singh route. I want t know if this route is still valid or has already been abolished. This site is supposed to be about discussing visa issues.

    So I will pose the question again, when DC came back from negotiating with the EU was the abolition of the surinder singh route immediate or only after a point in time to be negotiated.

    Will this route still be available up until such time as the UK leaves the EU?

    That is a valid question not a debate. I want to know, like many others I am sure, if this route is still available whether to take advantage of it while I still can.

  9. Donald Tusk President of the EU council said "Until the UK formally leaves the EU, EU law will continue to apply to and within the UK, and by this I mean rights, as well as obligations."

    I am unclear as to whether Surinder Singh had been removed already, that appeared to be the wording when DC came back with the pathetic changes that he negotiated or the removal would kick in once there was a remain vote

    Donald Tusk seems adamant that "our rights" remain. Is that correct?

  10. When you say self assessment are you talking HMRC self assessment of the visa application. I am extremely surprised that you are not completing one and I am not sure who is advising you. I have stayed well clear of umbrella companies. I fail to see what the advantage is over a limited company.

  11. Yes just goes to show that despite his promise to reduce net migration, Davit Cameron has increased it. Although he does of course contribute in a very small way improve the situation by making life so difficult by having the £18600 earnings limit. Imagine what that 617,000 figure would be if the £18600 was reduced. Imagine the flak if it went to 618,000 because a few extra UK nationals managed to bring a non EU spouse into the country.

  12. 18k a year ? Christ if thats all they are earning how did they afford a holiday in Thailand to find a foreign bride in the first place ? Making 300 quid a week and expecting the tax payer to subsidise their fags, booze and any future kids.. The self entitled gang all expect a millionaires lifestyle on a tuppeny ha'ppenny budget.. What next ? Ferraris for all ?

    The higher echelons (earning more than 18 lousy K) of British society do not travel to third world countries to find foreign' brides' coffee1.gif

    Jeremy Hunt Secretary of State for Health, he who is causing all the strikes by doctors in the U Kat the moment has a Chinese wife. And to those people complaining about immigrant children getting free education, Jeremy Hunt, a millionaire, used tax payers payer to learn Mandarin.

  13. The £200 per year per applicant is really going to make a difference to the health service, one can only hope that at some time we get a govenment with some balls and make all immigrants have proper health insurance so they do not become a burden on the NHS. The same with immigrants children if they decide to come to the UK then the parents should be prepared to provide private schooling for said child. One of the parents will of course be a step parent and will always be a step parent. If the childs biological parents can or will not provide money for said child then why should the state pay for the childs schooling. Just becuase one parent is a British Citizen and have paid taxes does nto mean that it should go towards an immigrant's child schooling or health care.

    And why should my taxes go towards tax avoiding celebs and those in the black economy. I pay more tax than the UK arm of Facebook with a turnover of £110M per annum and still people bang on about immigrants.

  14. Her name on Council tax, gas, electricity, water will give you 4. Joint bank account 5. I have to say that it does seem a bit contrived as the council added my wife's name without any checks. The gas and electricity took a letter from my wife to add her and the water company wanted to speak to my wife before adding her..

    We could have divorced a week later and she would still have been on the bills so how does it prove a relationship.

  15. I appreciate it is what they are eating and not the location but the article that I read, as I had never heard of it before, only referred to instances in the Atlantic. It looked rather nasty having no antidote and possible re-occurance many years later.

  16. In December my wife introduced me to a friend of a friend who was into game fishing. Although he lives in Surat Thani he prefers to go to Ranong as the fishing is better there.

    He organized a two day trip and we managed quite a few barracuda. On tv in the UK last night there was a programme about fishing in Cuba where it was mentioned that baracuda can harbour ciguatera food poisoning. Looking on Google this only seemed to occur in the Atlantic Ocean.

    Are barracuda free of this in Thailand?

  17. Well, don't countries have the rights to set some rules and policies on immigration, medical, communicable diseases, means of support, income, net worth etc? If UK laws don't quite line up with some EU documents, that will be interesting to see what the court rules. If the ruling is simply to determine that the UK rule is in conflict with the EU charter or whatever, well, so what? Exactly how binding are the EU things?

    Amazing how people don't wince at the 600,000 plus immigrants coming to the UK but then get uppity over the thought of a few thousand that would scrape in if the threshold was lowered.

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